Duty of Foreign Residents

I have written before that I have lived in Tokyo continuously since 1980. In addition, in the 1970’s, I spent a total of two and a half years in Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Yamaguchi, and Okinawa prefectures.

0930-00 在留カード

In 1992, I decided to build the home I now own in Meguro, but when I tried to apply for a loan at a major bank, I was told “You can’t get a home loan without permanent resident visa status.” So, I went right down to the Immigration Bureau Office, which was located at TCAT in Hakozaki at the time, and tried to apply, but I was told “You have only lived in Japan for 12 years, so you are not eligible.”

The conversation continued something like the following.

ケント 「えっ、じゃあ何年住んでたら永住権が取れるの?」
Kent: “How many years do I need to live here to get permanent residency?”

Immigration Official: “At least 20 years.”

ケント 「へ~、永住権を取るのに20年かかるんだったら、国籍を取る(帰化する)には30年かかりそうだね」
Kent: “Well, if it takes 20 years to get permanent residency, it must take something like 30 years to get Japanese citizenship, right?”

Immigration Official: “No, you can get citizenship in 5 years.”

ケント 「えっ!そんなのおかしいじゃないですか!」
Kent: “Isn’t that weird?”

Immigration Official: “Yes, it’s a weird law.”

Honest guys are great. I was left with a good impression of this official. I really do dislike people who prevaricate.

0930-02 永住許可申請書

In the end, I was able to get “long-term resident” status instead of permanent resident status, and was able to get the loan. But now, whenever I go to the immigration office for renewal, etc., I am told “You should get permanent residency now. Isn’t it a bother to come renew each time?” I intend to but just haven’t gotten around to it.

For your information, in the case of long-term residency, it is necessary to renew the working visa every five years (previously three years). As a part of the application, I submit certificates of payment of taxes. In addition, to help ensure that I pay taxes and don’t commit a crime, it is necessary to have a guarantor. So yes, it is bothersome.

0930-01 身元保証書

If I were to fail to pay my taxes or commit a crime, then it would mean trouble for my guarantor since he agrees to take responsibility, and I am sure the immigration bureau would not renew the visa. That’s why I make payment of taxes a high priority. And that is another very good reason why I want the national government, Tokyo government, and Meguro-ku government not to waste the taxes I have paid.

関連記事: 舛添都知事リコールデモ(二カ国語)