Individual Freedom and Rights?

We had an overwhelming response to my article “Can You Sing Kimigayo?” The majority (probably about 95%) of people who shared this article received it positively with comments such as “Sound argument!” or “Well said!” Many people seem to have felt a sense of impending crisis about the state the country has fallen into over time.

See the blog article here.


It goes without saying that inevitably there would also be opposing opinions to my proposition. And it is natural to assume that people with opposing opinions would not go to the trouble of sharing the article. Furthermore, I think there were people who had opposing opinions that would only have added fuel to the fire and therefore held back expressing them. I understand there were a few comments which were deleted by the blog administrator because they were slanderous or defamatory, but unfortunately I never saw those comments.

Of course, there were some very thought provoking opposing opinions. While reading these opinions, however, I realized something quite interesting.

Regarding the national flag and national anthem, there were several people who asserted their rights to “individual liberty and human rights” under the Japanese Constitution with comments such as “There is no justification for being compelled by the country” or “This is about individual freedom” or “I have the right to choose,” so I read some of the other things they had argued on Facebook or Twitter. There were some who clearly supported communist or socialist ideology. Come to think of it, the Japanese Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party both formally reject “compulsion in educational settings” among other things.

At the present time, during all history, and you can even go back to the mythological ages if you like, in the past, present, and future I don’t know of any communist or socialist nation that has guaranteed “individual rights and freedom” and actually carried through on that guarantee. Even if it were written in the constitution of such a communist or socialist country that “The nation guarantees individual freedom and rights,” judging from the numerous unhappy events of the Twentieth Century, it would not be normal to believe such a guarantee.

文化大革命 (The Great Cultural Revolution)

六四天安門事件Tienanmen Square Protests of June 4, 1989)


スターリンによる大粛清The Great Purge of Stalin)

Those who dream of realizing a communist or socialist society use as an excuse for not respecting the national flag and national anthem the central tenet of democracy, “individual freedom and rights.” But in the event their dream were to actually come true, there would be no freedom or rights!

Should we praise their arguments as “flexible thinking,” denounce them as “opportunism,” or laugh at them as “absurd?” The first emotion welling up in my heart is the third. And very strongly.

It may be dangerous to delve any more deeply into their assertions, without first building up my jaw and stomach muscles.

Tabloid headline:

“Kent Gilbert Dislocates His Jaw at Home, Rolls Around on the Floor, Dies in Agony. Cause: Laughed Himself to Death?”

We want to avoid a sad ending prompting such headlines.


I will write in more detail in the near future about why communist and socialist states cannot recognize “individual freedom and rights.” It is a logical impossibility.