Snow Man『Live House ジャニーズ銀座』2013年5月27日(火) 18:00 | winterpockyのブログ


後悔したくない。Snow Manの阿部亮平くんを全力で応援します。

Snow Man 『Live House Johnny's Ginza』 May 27, 2013 @ 18:00 at THEATER CREATION


Guests (box seats, right side):

JUMP's Arioka and Hikaru. Hikaru was wearing a black fedora?, and a white t-shirt. Arioka was wearing something black and a baseball cap that I think said NYC.


Member introduction rap:

Date, Fukka and Iwamoto were each on one knee doing amusing jazz hands around Sakuma. When they did the aniwota call, Arioka laughed REALLY HARD there. XD Please see MC for more details.


NabeSho was doing amusing things like a '手越です〜' and then a Superman-like pose (I think this is also a Japanese comedian's signature pose too but too lazy to look it up) as he was introduced. XD


Sakuma and Iwamoto were pulling at Fukka's jacket, pulling it outwards.


Sakuma and Fukka pulling at Iwamoto's skirt, so much so they were billowing it like wings around Iwamoto. XD



The other members helped Iwamoto with the bridge/rap bit to start with, taking turns instead of having Iwamoto do the whole thing. I couldn't hear exactly who, except for NabeSho.


Mini MC:

The atmosphere was awesome and while they were worried about how it would go, they said it's really fun!


Abe: ふっかよりも翔太よりも照よりも佐久間よりも舘様よりも、誰もがこの日を待ってた。(as we erupted in laughter, Abe realised he made a mistake) 誰よりもこの日を待ってた。

Abe-kun was SO CUTE!!! <3333 He was so excited, that he ended up saying it wrong. XD NabeSho asked him what type of character he was going for there. XD Abe answered with, "Well this type of character." (while pointing at himself?) and NabeSho didn't get it. XD


Date: Just earlier was the first show for the first day of shows, and though it's over, we're doing it, everyone! And it felt good! このまま、クインと行きましょうよ!

Sakuma: The atmosphere is great! But until the end, you can give us more (of your energy), right?

Insert NabeSho's "いつ騒ぐの?" XD Iwamoto's comment was the same as earlier in the day.


NabeSho: So, these five people are performing...

Fukka: バカヤロー!You forgot, didn't you?

NabeSho: I'm sorry but members of the general public aren't...

Fukka: I'm not one of them, idiot!

Date: Good morning!


Other members joined in with good morning greetings. XD


Fukka: Yes yes, good morning. No, that's not it.

NabeSho: What then? What?

Fukka: No, I'm trying to talk here. It's really fun! At the opening, there wasn't just people here! (I think he tried to wave his arms around the area he was talking about).

Abe: Here?

Fukka: Thank goodness for a full house.

But no one got this so, Iwamoto gave a nice explanation. ^___^


Iwamoto: What Fukka means to say is, what would we do if there were only about this many people in the audience when we started? (Fukka, you started with two shows and went to SEVEN before the deadline.)


Date: Well see, if he's speaking in a foreign language, then I kind of don't understand it.

Fukka: But I was speaking normally in Japanese.




HIKARI Hitotsu (Iwamoto solo):

Everyone sang the whole song with Iwamoto. Still trying to iron it out for him. ^^;


Enbujou Sword Throwing Parody Corner:

With the chicken, Iwamoto held out the neck with his left hand, and onto the feet with his right arm. XD And threw it so it does a spin such that Date caught it by the feet. Date's comment about the chicken before the throw, "リアル?" And then after catching it, "リアル..." XDDD



They stayed on the stage this time. Boo. >_< And I missed this since I basically spent the whole time watching Abe-kun jump around super energetically, but apparently Iwamoto and Date made heart hands together, at the lyric that's 'ハートビート'.



Right off the bat, Fukka interrupted NabeSho to indicate that everyone probably wanted to drink some water, right? So then he brought out water bottles on a little table covered in a red/yellow cloth. Red on the bottom yellow on top. Fukka then commented that during the previous show, he realised how dry his throat got.


NabeSho: ここでWATERをちょっとDRINKINGしないと... 分かんない?


*falls over laughing* Oh gosh, NabeSho, you are AWESOME! <3333 Very very few people laughed at this, but holy, dying (and it's a good thing I had aisle because I had less people to worry about around me. ^^;;;) Not only did he say that in half Engrish, but then Abe repeated it, saying, "WATER wo DRINKING?" NabeSho gave up on trying to continue that way since no one got it. I totally wanted him to continue on that vein. XD


NabeSho continued but switched to Japanese, saying that if they didn't drink water, then they would spend the second half feeling like their throats were like sand in the desert. Like during the last show, where when NabeSho looked over at Fukka's face, he looked like a mummy.


Fukka: The first show? I was amazing wasn't I?

Abe: Didn't you not drink water even once during the second half?

Fukka: I didn't.

NabeSho: But it's really important!

Fukka: But amino acids are really good.


Silence. XDDD


NabeSho: No clue.


AND trying to bring things back on topic. XD But, as Fukka was talking about amino acids, NabeSho noticed Abe-chan with the table and told him, "What are you doing? うざい、うざい!"


Abe had put his bottle back on the mini table but then rotated it and was trying very hard to align it properly, as he bent down to table surface level to check it out. XDDD But Date helped him out indicating that it would be better if the table was facing properly toward the audience.


OKAY! Back to the first half. Genkai Meter had a new aspect to it. NabeSho asked if anyone noticed. Sakuma felt it seemed like we gave off the feeling of not noticing. Then we started clapping so NabeSho exclaimed, "YOU DID NOTICE!" And at the end of our applause, Date did the Iitomo clap and exclaimed afterward, "I couldn't do it earlier, so thank you!"


NabeSho said that he had more adrenaline coming out than he thought he had, but it was difficult to stop it by himself. Fukka's like, "Don't suppress it because there's the second half still." Date said it would be really bad if during the second half, everyone looked like mummies. XD


First time for them to do an introduction rap. NabeSho tells us that Abe-chan wrote the shoukai rap, but he was being so humble and modest about it saying that while he planned it out, everyone helped, especially Iwamoto... Then NabeSho elbowed him and berated him for not being able to take the compliment. XD As we clapped, louder, Date did the Iitomo clap again. XD And NabeSho got mad at him and told him he should have let Abe-chan do it! To which Abe realised that yeah, it would have been better for him to do it! Then NabeSho turned to Abe-chan and berated him in that he needed to take the initiative to actually participate in that. XDDD


Date then brought up the fact that Abe's too much of a good kid, and that suspenders suited him too much. XDD Iwamoto piped in and said in the back, especially, so Abe had first pulled aside his scarves to show the suspenders on the front, then when Iwamoto piped in saying in the back too, Abe turned around and took an imposing stance with his legs shoulder width apart and his arms... I suppose kind of in the Kazu-like pose (In the event I forget what I'm referencing, Myuto in BBJ)? XD


Abe brought them back on topic indicating that they themselves had to think of the song list, and that was quite hard. Sakuma said that the dances too, they had to do themselves. NabeSho followed with, what should they do and how they should do it, but then stopped himself since he started talking in an onee-like manner. XD


Date responded by saying, "あら、やだ〜" complete with the hand movement for 'Oh stop it you~~' XDDDDD I think Sakuma indicated that lately quite a few of them had onee-like influences. Iwamoto suggested that they could become Onee Man. XDD


Then Date started talking about how they were putting the show together during Enbuju shows and then totally forgot what he was going to say. Paused, silence. NabeSho tried to help him by saying they were planning it on days during the break between 2 shows at Enbuju, which pulled Date back to remember what they were talking about, but he apologised because he had just been receiving communication from space. XDDDDD


No More Wait was not part of the song list to start with. Same reaction as the first show. And then NabeSho had to stop because his throat was dry and once he found his voice again, after all it would be better to perform it.


Sakuma: It would be better to perform it to see everyone's smiles.


Followed by applause from the audience but NabeSho was like, "Wait wait, what? That's scary!" But ended in the Iitomo clap that Iwamoto stole from Date. But Date was standing further to the front of the stage so had no clue who did it. XD


NabeSho and Fukka started into Sakuma about that comment asking him what character he was aiming for. XD


Continuing on, NabeSho said that after their first rehearsal, they pretty much re-thought it all. And though that yeah, they should put in No More Wait.


Date: What did everyone do last night?

Iwamoto: Slept, like normal.

Sakuma: About what time?

Iwamoto: Around 11:00.

Sakama: Ha? Isn't that early?

NabeSho: Like a countryside middle schooler.

Date: Wearing a helmet and riding a bike.

Iwamoto: What did everyone else do?

NabeSho: I couldn't settle down, "Ah geez, waaa, crap crap, wait a second..." and I got into my futon, "Ah, that doesn't feel right, it's all wrong..." (complete with demonstration of getting up and out of the futon) then acted too violently and broke the mirror.

Half the other members: Wait wait wait.

Sakuma?: Did you really do that?

NabeSho: I didn't.

Iwamoto: Mori Boy, Mori Boy. MoriSho, MoriSho.


Followed by tonnes of applause from the audience. XDD Iwamoto then suggested that someone make MoriSho uchiwa. XD To which NabeSho told him to not say such weird things!


NabeSho: Don't you know? The internet scene and on Twitter, everyone's writing reports right? I know this! They're scary, the internet society! Give me a break here!


*ROFL* We all started laughing and clapping here. Iwamoto apologised. XD And then getting back on topic. NabeSho asked Abe-chan what he did yesterday.


Abe: My stomach hurt. I was too nervous.

NabeSho: Cute~

Abe: Then somehow my stomach started to hurt.

NabeSho: Wait, did you, take the typical thing?

Sakuma: To fix it?

Abe: Medicine? Yes, I took some.

NabeSho: With water?

Abe: Yes, with water.

NabeSho: I can't take them with water, so I use jelly.

Audience: EHHHH?!?!

Iwamoto: GakiSho, GakiSho.




NabeSho: Stop that, like I said, the internet society!


XDDD Makes me wonder how much NabeSho reads on the internet.


Iwamoto: Sakuma, what did you do?

Sakuma: During the day I walked my dog, played in the park, came home and watched anime then slept.

Date: Not that!

NabeSho: That's normal!

Sakuma: Then, as I watched anime, I got really excited so I mailed Hikaru but he didn't reply.

Iwamoto: I was sleeping.

Sakuma: What?! When I mailed you, you were still awake!


NabeSho tried calming him down a bit. XD


Sakuma: I'll mail you later-- Ah, I can't. My phone broke today.




NabeSho: Well, we don't need to ask Fukka really.

Fukka: I couldn't sleep either and counted sheep to 513. But I still wasn't sleepy at all. To count up to that far...

NabeSho: To count up to that far, there comes a time when they're not sheep anymore, right?

Fukka: Well, see the sheep...

NabeSho: There is (a time), right?


As everyone's laughing at Fukka and he's trying to defend himself and his 513 sheep, Sakuma and Abe laughed REALLY hard.


NabeSho: Not sheep but rather, maybe goats?

Fukka: No, rather, as I was counting them, 2 would run away. So, I'd go from 11 to 9...

Date: Why did they run away?


*dies laughing* NabeSho started pounding the floor from laughing so hard. XDDDDD Fukka counted to around 500 some and then couldn't remember where he left off so then went back to 400 or so.


Date: Up to 400, aren't you sleepy by then?

Abe: You totally should have been, right?

Fukka: I really wasn't though!

NabeSho: So after you got to 513, then what?

Fukka: It was impossible right? I got up.

NabeSho: You counted all the way up to there, only to get up?!

Fukka: Because it was impossible.

NabeSho: So in the end, what did you do?

Fukka: I called Abe-chan.

NabeSho: Why?

Abe: He woke me up.

NabeSho: You picked up?

Abe: Hmm? Eh? Didn't I?

Fukka: You didn't! Probably because you were scared.

NabeSho: To not remember yesterday's phone call is pretty bad for you, isn't it?

Abe: I recall my keitai going off in the middle of the night.


Then NabeSho said something along the lines of, why did Abe-chan just say something that was really kakkoii. XD Abe was REALLY surprised and even asked, "Eh? I just said (something cool)?!"


WHY SO CUTE?!?!?!?!


Fukka then turned to Iwamoto and asked if there wasn't any Hii-kun Information. Iwamoto had NO CLUE what he was talking about. XDDD And then after a bit more chatter, realised it was same day ticket lottery info. XD But then said that actually, NabeSho knew it.


NabeSho: 620 some people?

Sakuma: REALLY?!

NabeSho: For a weekday night, isn't that amazing?


Lots of applause. NabeSho and Date's little sisters came to line up for same day tickets but didn't hit.


Then Date jumped in and said, that while it didn't really matter to him, no one needed to ask him what he did last night. XDDD So then Iwamoto, Date and NabeSho talked amongst each other indicating that there was weird eye contact and Date indicated it wasn't a big deal, and they were just all apologetic to each other XDDD


Date: Well, after all I'll say thi-- I watched Going.

NabeSho: Kame-tan! And of course, you've seen Ore Ore.

Date: Well, that is...

NabeSho: You haven't seen it.

Iwamoto: *in a singsong voice* You haven't seen it?

Date: *sulky voice* I haven't. *silence* What about Hikaru?

Iwamoto: I saw it.

All members: Ohhhhh...

Iwamoto: You all haven't seen it?


None of the others had yet.


Date: But didn't you say we'd go see it together?

Sakuma: On a date?

Date: This is what Hikaru said. *mimicking Iwamoto's voice in a pleading manner* "Hey~ Miya-chan, want to go see Ore Ore? With me?" So I said yeah, *switch to accusatory voice* but what's up with you going to see it by yourself.

Iwamoto: Sorry. *sheepishly*

Fukka: You're young, you're young.

NabeSho: Though you turned 21, you're not like an older brother.


*ROFLROFLROFL* I love it. XDD Then birthday talk!


Iwamoto: With regards to birthday mail...

Date: Ah, I didn't ask this yet!

Sakuma: I was definitely pretty fast with mine, right?

Iwamoto: Wait, quiet down. I want to talk.




Iwamoto: At exactly midnight, the first mail that came was Fukka's.


Fukka exclaimed with lots of happiness there. XDD


Iwamoto: Next was Sakuma.


Sakuma was pretty happy about that too. ^__^


Iwamoto: Then I slept.

Other members: What about Shouta?

Iwamoto: Shouta's was all, "Pffshhh, I'm the first" (in his mail) but it came at 11:59.

NabeSho: It became 11:59 and then I started counting by myself, through my biological clock. So at 50 seconds, I sent it.


*dies laughing* NabeSho, don't you have... a watch... or a clock... or TURN ON THE SECONDS ON YOUR PHONE!


Sakuma: So you sent it before the birthday day.

NabeSho: I kept looking at it too. 悔しいね... But hey, we're cute aren't we?



Iwamoto: So, I slept. "I guess Miya-chan and Abe aren't sending me mail..." Slept and then when I woke up, Miya-chan sent me mail with a lot of hearts in it. "Hikaru, lately..."

Date: DON'T TELL PEOPLE (what it said)!

Iwamoto: "Lately, we haven't been able to go shopping together, so I'm kind of lonesome" And it came at 5:17.


Huge 'Ohhhhhhhhhh' from the audience. ^_____^


Date: I got up on time! Slept and set my alarm for 5:00, woke at 5:00, thought about the mail for 17 minutes, then, okay! 17! And sent it.

NabeSho: Somehow, that's romantic isn't it?

Fukka: What about Abe-chan?

Iwamoto: See Abe...

Abe: 申し訳ない... >_<

Iwamoto: Sometimes you see it, writing a document with moji. He wrote 20歳 (spoken as にじゅうさい) おめでとう.

(Like... ASCII art? I have no idea. 文字文書)

NabeSho: あ、うざい!

Date: Could only do that if you were smart.


Of course Abe looked very embarrassed by all this. WHY SO CUTE?!


Iwamoto: Then, for the time, what was it, Abe?

Abe: Umm, 8:37.

NabeSho: That's of no significance.

Iwamoto: So you would think, right?

Fukka: *without a mic* But it's Abe-san, right? *with a mic* It's Abe-san, right? Normally, he wouldn't send it at that time.


Is Fukka the only one who calls him Abe-san?


NabeSho: What type of secret design/ploy was it then?

Sakuma: What time?

Abe: 8:37 is the 517th minute.


Huge 'Ehhhhh' mixed with 'Ohhhhh' from the audience. Personally, I was rather impressed. ^___^v As expected of Abe-kun!


NabeSho: めんどくせー、こいつ!

Date: Everyone, why are you clapping for him? Isn't it scary?

NabeSho: THAT'S SCARY!! What's with that?!

Abe: Well, I actually wanted to send it at midnight, but there's a reason... I fell asleep by accident.

Fukka: Studying, right?

Abe: *panicking voice* Waaa!! Crap, I missed it, what should I do, what should I do? Uwa, 500... no, 5:17's gone by already, what to do what to do... *calm voice* 517th minute.

NabeSho: That's not normal birthday talk, that's horror.


*dies laughing* OMG NABESHO! <333333


Snow Man Game Corner:


1. Snow Man 結成時の写真

So not even just a group picture of them, but from when they were formed as Snow Man. O_o There were two pictures that most of the members found. I have neither but found small versions on a Japanese blog. 3 of the members had the blue one and Date had the red one (Kabuki offshot). Abe had a magazine print out. And so, because of that, NabeSho decided he lost this round.


The fan he received the print out from was across the walkway aisle to my right, so when he came back up to return the item, he thanked the fan REALLY FORMALLY and BOWED and put his hands together like he was praying and, thanked her AGAIN more formally and then offered a handshake... and *flails* Waaaaaaaaaaaugh... \(//∇//)\ /(\\∇\\)/ \(//∇//)\ /(\\∇\\)/ \(//∇//)\ /(\\∇\\)/


2. タッキーソロコンのペンライト

All the members found the same penlight from last year's Takki solo con. The LOVE penlight. Which allowed for a nice leeway into a small bit of PR for the DVD release. ^__^ Date was last.


3. バナナ

For this last question, NabeSho asked everyone to stand amongst aisles that lead to the stage, and space themselves out evenly, in a 1 (closer to the stage), 2 (halfway up) and 3 (closer to the back) formation. But he said this twice. And Abe was very confused as he repeated, "1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3?" So then NabeSho counted them all, with a 1, 2, 3, 1, 2... and then because Sakuma was telling Fukka to move further up or something, NabeSho started shouting at them to do this faster. XD Then NabeSho was all, "Eh? Five people? Oh right!" and was so cute when he realised that oh hey, he's MCing. XDDD NabeSho checked with Abe-chan and Date to make sure they could see the flip chart before starting (Date was WAY at the back). <3


So... Abe-kun stood on the stairs at the row in front of me. .________. Why so damn cute... I love his outfit. <333333 Especially the suspenders. XD His hair looked like it had SO MUCH product in it though, which thinking back it's really quite amusing that I noted that seeing as what happened in the Parody Musical. XD


Alright, so the banana. No one had a banana. Abe asked all around us if any of us had one. >_< Fukka tried saying, "What about a banana-like item?" but NabeSho hadn't decided on what to do since he was still scanning to see if anyone had a banana. XD Then he noted a single person had raised their hand. She was right in the middle of the centre section, probably row 20 or so. So Abe RAN up and Sakuma RAN after him. XD And they janken'd to try to reach it. XD Abe won (paper to rock) and tried to climb through the row to reach her. XD;; Meanwhile, NabeSho couldn't believe no one had a banana on them so didn't know what to do. He called Abe-chan to come back down, but by then, Abe had gotten the item! Banana baum cake! XDDD NabeSho shouted at him that was no good and Fukka started yelling at him too. XD Abe said that it looked so good though! So then NabeSho, actually 'yelled' at him and said, "STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!" XDDDDDDD I LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS!!!


ALRIGHT, so a banana-sized, yellow item. ??? Really, NabeSho? XD Fukka kept talking loudly but not into his mic. He did that a LOT this show so NabeSho finally berated him for that. XD


Date: a yellow pencil case with eyes sticking out of it

Iwamoto: Tokyo Banana cakes


Iwamoto looked so very proud of himself. XD And then started doing an evil laugh after we all clapped for him. XD


Fukka: a Miffy towel that he bunched up and tried to make it look like a banana-size. XD

Sakuma: an artificial daisy


Sakuma totally didn't understand why the fan had it because it wasn't a clip or another type of accessory that could be worn. XD


Abe: a yellow pencil box


NabeSho couldn't decide which was the worst, so Fukka said to maybe ask the audience to please clap for the one we thought should be out. XD To which Fukka told us to read the atmosphere, but called us お前ら. (Also, after finally finishing BBJ yesterday, realised the Fukka said that line in BBJ's last episode. Can't recall if he says it a few more times in the rest of the drama now though. ^^;). NabeSho told him to not call us that and asked if he was Tanaka Koki. XD So then Fukka yelled, "BECAUSE I HAVE NO LIFE!!" (命はねーからなぁ) [Please to see the MC from the first show XD] OMG FUKKA XDDD He TOTALLY didn't want to lose! XDDD


NabeSho kept calling Date, 'Date-o' again. XD


Fukka got the most claps, and Sakuma had some too. everyone else was safe. XD After losing, Fukka put the towel on his chest. XD


As they went to return the items, Fukka kept going on about how he wondered if that towel would be okay, and kept thinking it over. Then he realised, wait, "We did the game 3 times and Abe-chan lost the first round, right?"


So then, NabeSho asked the three people who were last in each run (Abe, Date, Fukka) to janken. Fukka lost. XD


4. Punishment Game:

Fukka had to do a serious/earnest love confession. XDDD


Fukka: 俺は...(エコーがすごいな…)俺は!お前のことを... 愛してる。 (For me... (wow the echo is amazing...) For me! I love you)


No one kyaa'd at all. A few people cheered with a 'woo~~~'.


Fukka: Eh? What's up with that?!


*dies laughing* So then he did it again. XD Someone called him Saburou, and Fukka's like, "This has nothing to do with Saburou."


Fukka: For me, you are... D. Diamond. V. Venus. D. *longer pause* Doctor.


*keels over laughing* This garnered a huge 'Ehhhhhh' from the audience. XD Why DVD?!


And then he did it again a third time without a mic because he thought it would be more kakkoii. Except he didn't change the first D or the V, so NabeSho interrupted him before he finished the second D. XDDDD


So then they started getting ready for the second half. Sakuma said he was interested in knowing what Fukka's last D would be. XD NabeSho wondered if it would be daikon or something. So then Date's says, "For me, you're a daikon?" rather skeptically. XDD NabeSho didn't get that. Iwamoto piped up saying he didn't get the doctor bit either.


Guest Introduction:

Then NabeSho realised that hey, we have guests that we didn't introduce yet. XDDD


Arioka: Watanabe, before introducing us, didn't you say, "Oh right... right!"


NabeSho: *even louder than Fukka* WAIT WAIT, I'm really sorry! Really sorry!

Fukka: You definitely forgot about them.


*silence from everyone, fan and members*


Hikaru: I'M JOHNNY DEPP!!!


*ROFL* The whole audience erupted into laughter and then he shouted, "Is that wrong?! XD"


NabeSho: Hikaru-kun, I don't get your meaning.

Hikaru: I'd have a lot of fun if you continued the MC and all talked.




Sakuma: Personally, huh?

NabeSho: No, well, we can't do that...

Sakuma: Thank you very much for coming!

NabeSho: Please enjoy the second half!

Hikaru: It's really fresh, seeing Snow Man do this type of performance and dance.

Arioka: Abe-chan's rap is REALLY good.

Abe: Thank you very much!

Arioka: So about the introduction rap, during Sakuma's section, you say, 'aniwota aniwota', right? I heard 'Arioka, Arioka'.


XDDDD There were a couple of girls behind me who had wondered about that too.


Followed by more slightly awkward chattering. ^^; Closed off by Hikaru.


Hikaru: THIS WAS JOHNNY DEPP! That's not right?!


LOL!! He said it again!


Parody Musical:

Date said Les Mis instead of NabeSho this show. To which they all immediately retorted they weren't in it. Date's like, "But... we'd like to be, right?" XD


As NabeSho asks Iwamoto to please say the incorrect line, Abe protests saying that it's fine if he doesn't say it... Iwamoto shushes Abe before doing his exaggerated imitation of Abe's line. XD


During the parody of Kakumei, instead of NabeSho yelling really loudly, he just says, "Ahhh..." half-heartedly before Iwamoto shows up as the Daishogun. As they're boxing, NabeSho added a line, "Why don't I have a sword right now?!"


This time, after Date hits Abe on the head with the blue slipper and has him rolling around, Abe gets up but during this show, he's taken his hand and moved all his hair from the back to the front so it's sticking straight up (Super Saiyan? XDDDD) and none of us are listening to Date as he does his monologue holding the slipper, since we're all giggling at Abe. XDDD LOTS of product!! XD


Then they go on about how they're no good, and Sakuma apologises again only to be yelled at by NabeSho (気持ち悪い!), and then he yells at Abe to fix his hair. *dies laughing* XDD


The first thing that NabeSho said when they finished The Longest Night was, "Abe-chan, really?!" (but used 頼むよ). Sakuma asked what the heck that was. XD NabeSho continued asking if there's actually such a hairstyle. XDD Date then asked what's wrong and if something happened. XDD Abe's all, "What's wrong? Did something happen?" as he's trying to catch his breath and can't respond though to start with but later answers with, "I have no idea (why I did that)." XDDD


CHIRARIZUMU (Fukka solo):

Fukka accidentally fell off Abe while sitting on his back. XD



I think it was this show was the first one where as Abe-kun was switching spots, Fukka wouldn't let him back on the block. XDDD


Ai ni Mukatte:

Handshake from Iwamoto (not nearly as tall as I expected him to be?), and high fives from Date and NabeSho. NabeSho's hand was really cold. O_o


ConfUsion (Sakuma solo):

Onishi Ryusei from Naniwa Oji backdanced for Sakuma. ^__^. Ryusei is SO CUTE!! And the music was a lot louder this time. Sakuma cut... the verses completely. ^^; Chorus only. I recall looking back later on, and Ryusei was sitting on a little stool so he could see down the aisle leading to the stage. ^__^ I couldn't see Non-chan though and didn't even realise he had come to watch until NabeSho talked about it the next day.


Final Comments:

Sakuma: Everyone, thank you! It was a really fun time, Thank you so much. Thanks to everyone we will keep doing our best. Everyone, I love you! Thank you very much.


Abe: Thank you! This type of our own live, we've been always wanting to do this but this is not the goal. From here, to the next live, would be a great start. Thank you very much!


T___________T Reference to TakiChan.. I forget which episode. When they're in Takki's room and they all say their goal is debut except Abe, who says their own live.


Date: (slight change) Everyone, thank you for today. For me, there are these 5 people. For Snow Man, there are this many gathered fans. With you fans, forever and always, I want this bond to continue. Thank you for today.


Fukka: Thank you for today! I'm not good with these speeches, so I'll just say this one thing. Thank you very much for the best time!


NabeSho messed up partially during his comment and started over for one section after asking us to wait a second.


Hito Natsu no:

They moved the stairs out toward the front of the stags so that 2 of them could climb up them to stand at the top and face the audience. They still had so much energy!! Abe-kun was jumping SO HIGH! XD 


Love Spiral:

Abe-kun yelled, "WAVE YOUR HANDS~~~~~~". ^____^ High fives from Sakuma and Abe-kun. Sakuma's hand was also really cold. ^^;;;