Snow Man『Live House ジャニーズ銀座』2013年5月27日(火) 14:00 | winterpockyのブログ


後悔したくない。Snow Manの阿部亮平くんを全力で応援します。

With Snow Man's debut concerts in just two more days, I went back to re-read and reminisce about their first ever solo group concerts, back in 2013. I was incredibly fortunate to have gone to pretty much all the shows for Snow Man, noon boyz + Baka4 and HokuJe, but I had the most fun at the Snow Man lives. 


These are the notes that I wrote of my first impressions from ever seeing them perform as the main act, so some of it will probably not make a lot of sense. I plan to post a different show, which gives more details about the songs themselves and how they performed them.


Snow Man 『Live House Johnny's Ginza』 May 27, 2013 @ 14:00 at THEATER CREATION


There is uh, quite a fair amount of flailing. Just as a warning. ^___^ And another warning, of course, about my Japanese comprehension. ^^;


Prior to the start of the show, there was a Miyadate fan who started talking to me. I don't think any Japanese fan has ever tried talking to me before! But anyway, we chatted about who we were there for, where we were from and what we thought they might be performing. ^__^ Kind of nice until I ran out of vocabulary. ^^;;


There was a fan probably two seats to my right who started chanting "Snow Man" and clapping her hands about 2 minutes before the live started. I feel like very few people joined in, at least further in the back. ^^;;


Genkai Meter and Jumpin' up:

I spent most of these two songs getting my bearings on the fact that holy GEEZ, Snow Man really ARE doing their own show!! I was especially surprised by Jumpin' up because I didn't expect to see them quite so close within the first 5 minutes! Not that I'm complaining, but brain overload!


Member introduction rap:

SO EXCITED TO HEAR THEM START DOING AN ORIGINAL RAP!! <333333 Also REALLY HARD to try to pay attention to them all doing different things. >_<



Sakuma's intro: Date and Iwamoto were on one knee, waving their hands at Sakuma
NabeSho's intro: Abe got down on one knee and started doing amusing arm waving movements at NabeSho. XD NabeSho was doing a pose that reminded me of a cowboy but I don't remember why. ^^;
Fukka's intro: Sakuma and Iwamoto poking/pulling at Fukka's skirt/ruffles.
Date's intro: Fukka's timing was off on the rap and he forgot a couple of words. XD;; Call and response was 'Date-san'.

Call and response at the end was "Snow Man" repeated 8 times.


THIS INTRO IS SO CUTE!! Had never heard this song before. I'm fairly certain only Iwamoto rapped during this song but I feel like he ran out of breath so missed a few words. ^^; BUT SO CUTE!! Why has the only time anyone did this on Shokura was with Hip Hop JUMP last year?! And the lyrics. >____< Waaaaauuuuuggghhhhh. Snow Man feelings!


Abe-kun yelling, "YAY!!!" OMG WHY SO CUTE?!?! Please to see the MC for comments from the other members about this. XD


Fighting Man:

I am almost certain that I flailed for the whole song. Their original choreography is SO BLOODY CUTE and with this song and just AAAHHHHHH. Fighting Man!!!


Mini MC:

NabeSho started by asking us all if we were excited, and deemed we weren't loud enough so asked again. ^__^ Then started by saying it was really hot, and the fans had lots of enthusiasm. Date went, "ホットだよ!" (It's HOT!)


NabeSho then went on to say that it's completely different than when they're rehearsing. ^__^ And that they only had 3 days. O__o 3 days to plan out and make their CREA. But that rather than being really anxious about opening day, they were looking forward to it. ^__^ (THREE DAYS?! O___O)


Then NabeSho asked Abe how's he's feeling.


Abe: Umm, for me, I waited for this day more than anyone!!

NabeSho: In what way, how?

Fukka: Scary!

Abe: I, well... sorry, apologies but, more than anyone! I've waited for this day.


As he said that line, he actually stepped forward on the stage to look out to the audience, and raised his right palm out to us in an apologetic manner and bowed his head a bit. And then talked about how hot he was from all the dancing. XD




NabeSho then said that he totally didn't understand what type of character Abe was going for there. XD


Sakuma: You waited even more than the fans?

Abe: I've waited, I've waited.


Ugh. The flail. /(//∇//)/


Moving on to Date then!


Date: Hello~~~ *and then waved at us* For me! More than anyone! I've waited for this day. XDDD


Ah, Date-sama. Fukka and NabeSho then both said 天丼, which I did not know could refer to repeating a silly line, in comedy. ^^; Date continued saying that though today was the first day and that there were a total of 5 days, that everyone would take their power and essentially rise to the challenge? (*sigh* I essentially know what he means but I can't put it into English) もうグーンと。皆の力でグーンと行きましょうよ!


Sakuma talked about how we could scream louder. XD Because he felt they had been doing stage shows for so long that we weren't used to kyaaing anymore. XD As Sakuma kept on that vein, NabeSho all of a sudden shouted, "I REMEMBER!" which kind of surprised Sakuma. XD


NabeSho: いつ騒ぐの?!

Audience: 今でしょ!

Abe: うわずるい!


Followed by Iwamoto's line about if we wanted to see the Snowmen. XD Then NabeSho continued on saying that with these members... of course to be interrupted by Fukka. XD


Fukka: バカヤロウ!

Abe: Are you the manager-san?

Fukka: No, I'm a performer, baka.

Date: Good morning~

Fukka: Ah, morning, morning. No, that's not what I mean, see, to start with my spirits were so high and I put all my strength into the rap, but I made a mistake.

Sakuma: Really?!

Fukka: Yeah, my spirits were so high, that I couldn't hear the music. It's a serious condition of mine.

Abe: You shouldn't tell people that!

Fukka: I have to! I can't tell people that?

NabeSho: You're spinning your own wheels?

Fukka: I am.




And with that NabeSho got them back on track and apologised for talking so much, saying that the fans probably couldn't wait anymore for the next part of the live. Then asked Abe to say it in English. ^__^ I remember being very excited the moment NabeSho said, "もう待てない" because OMG brain translation done so fast and AHHHH!!!!!! ^___^


No more wait:

Usual choreography for much of the song.



Ugh, cue more flailing. I love this KAT-TUN song. Love love love. LOVE. And Abe-kun was centre. ;_______;


HIKARI Hitotsu (Iwamoto solo):

Iwamoto sang all the verses by himself. The other members joined in at the bridge. The choreography was awesome once I got over being blinded by Fukka's handling of the mirror. ^^;;;;


Aishiteiru Kara (Miyadate solo):

The Miyadate fan squealed quite loudly upon Sakuma pointing the spotlight at Date. ^^;; I'm really really proud of Date with this song. ^__^


Enbujo Sword Throwing Parody Corner:

I presume the entire audience was rolling with laughter by the end of this corner because, oh my gosh, I know I was dying from laughing so hard. XDDD To the point that I could barely catch my breath. XDDD First, because Iwamoto's come out looking so very serious with his sword but wearing that DRESS and I just XDDDDDD. Then the leek. Followed by the chicken (defeathered XD). Date says, "Flying in the sky version" while he's galloping across the stage with the chicken. XD


Kuroi Asa Shiroi Yoru (NabeSho solo)::

Umm. So I may have squeed upon the spotlights showing on Abe-kun and Sakuma with their instruments. .____. And flailed. A lot. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Like, a LOT a lot. .____. I was hoping for Snow Man on instruments, as previously discussed with everyone else going to see them, but I didn't expect them to show up so suddenly!! And in such AWESOME outfits!! <333 Then NabeSho came out on stage again with the spotlight and ドン sound... and THEN Abe-kun started playing while NabeSho starting singing and just... ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Way way way better than SanaP's. Not that I'm.. biased.. at all... .____.



During this show the boys came out to the aisles to greet the fans. Abe-kun nearly ran into someone halfway through the song but I forget whom. >_<


The song was also longer compared to the rest of the shows.



As NabeSho asked us to sit down to give our knees a rest, Sakuma responded with, "kneeがbreakしちゃう" XDD


NabeSho asked the other members how they felt about the first half. Abe-kun said he was SUPER SUPER nervous. Sakuma said especially at the beginning before the curtain went up, he felt the same. NabeSho said that the adrenaline (or at least he thought it was the adrenaline) that helped get him over the nervousness.


Date piped in saying that we probably all thought they'd be on the first floor of the stage to start, and were likely surprised that no one was there. XD


Switch topics to the introduction rap. NabeSho asked how everyone felt about it and Fukka immediately chimed in with the fact that he made a mistake. XD NabeSho then indicated that Abe-chan wrote it all, which drew a huge ‘ehhhhhhhhhhh' from the audience. Abe was all, "No, there's no way!" and NabeSho said, "I'm lying, I'm lying." But then Abe cut in with, "Wait wait wait, hang on a minute," and told us that yes, he really did write it. ^___________^ And was so humble and polite about it!! Fukka and NabeSho talked about how during the intermissions in Enbujo, Abe-chan would ask everyone for their opinions and be typing away on his computer. NabeSho said he wondered where the professor came from, for which Iwamoto said that it's not like that at all. But Date continued and called out, "Sensei, sensei!" so then Iwamoto berated Date again, and got half angry. XD Then Date finished with, "Ah, ah, House, House!" *keels over laughing* I think Iwamoto hit Date or something after that comment. ^__^


Trying to get back on track, they talked a bit about jumping down from the upper level of the stage in Genkai Meter, and that it's something they haven't done a lot of. Followed by performing No More Wait. We applauded them as they talked about it. Sakuma said they wondered if we were waiting to hear it and since we kept applauding, Date was thinking about trying to get us to stop clapping. But the applause died down and NabeSho asked if the two of them (Date and Iwamoto) were awake over on that side of the stage. XD Continuing on! NabeSho and Fukka indicated that they didn't originally plan to perform it. Also met with an ‘ehhhhhhhhhhhhh' from the audience. So NabeSho was like, "See?! See?! It's a good thing we did it!" So we started applauding again, and as Date looked like he was trying to get ready to try to stop our clapping, Iwamoto stepped in and did poses as we clapped the Iitomo rhythm. XDDD


Moving on again, NabeSho started talking about how they have pretty much never done anything like, "Everyone, let's get excited!!" and that it's hard!! XDD Phrases like what Koki would say such as, "If you don't yell, you're not alive!" and such. NabeSho questioned... are there actually lives like that? (Oh NabeSho. You've never heard Ruki's 盛り上がり. XDDD) Fukka said that he's actually thought about saying something like that though. XD But then NabeSho's like, "So you've thought about saying that?" And then took a pose like he's got a gun and then pretended to shoot people. lololol, not quite like that dear. XD


Iwamoto jumped in saying that if it was Fukka, he'd say something like, "If you don't scream, it'll make your head bigger." XDDD This lead to Fukka talking about how he's lost weight in his face and was slimmer there. Leading to Fukka wondering about his... individualism? He couldn't find the word so Iwamoto helped him with his large head being his merit point. XD To which Fukka replied, "If I didn't have a big head as a redeeming point, then I'd be finished." XD


I am still slightly confused about the big head thing. I should see if I can find an article somewhere, but I don't understand if they mean he's big-headed, in the sense of he's arrogant and full of himself, or if he literally has a big head, and they're making fun of him just because of the size... or maybe both. ^^; [Note: At some point later I learned that Fukka's head is really quite large and he gets made fun of for it, both his head and his face]


Sakuma piped in with a genuine concern that he had been wondering about. Lately, Fukka seemed like he'd become big-headed. And that the fans would notice. So then for Fukka's fans, originally if they thought he was big-headed but that they couldn't say anything like that to him, but then all of a sudden noticed now that yes, he had become big-headed. XDD Fukka's like, "No no, that would be part of why they like me then." And spoken so calmly! *ROFL* Sakuma's like, "Whoa, suddenly like an idol!" and Iwamoto said, "You're awfully positive in your thinking." To which we clapped. XDD So Date's like, "Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind!" as he's beaming, and then Iwamoto comes in and steals away the applause again. XD Date looked all disappointed since it was supposed to be his turn, and Iwamoto's just all, "気持ちいい〜〜〜" with a huge smile on his face. XD


Fukka continued on saying, "I can't help it if my head's big." XDD And went on to say that from the start of filming BBJ to end of Enbujo, he lost 7 kg. Date said he probably ate 7 kg in that timeframe. XD So then Fukka started by saying that Date didn't need to worry, it's not like he's fat or anything. XDD Which had Sakuma and NabeSho protest at him for saying something so straightforward. Fukka's trying to backpedal saying that he'd never say that anyone was fat, and Iwamoto's like, "So who would?!" Fukka's like, "You, definitely." and Date totally agreed. So then Iwamoto laughed and he's like, "Yeah, me." with a grin on his face.


NabeSho tried to get them back on topic, after talking about how they've switched train lines so many times. XD Date's like, "Let's get on the Hibiya line." XD


Okay so yet again, trying to get back on topic. XD Fukka starts talking about how planning the live itself was difficult to do so themselves. But then NabeSho interrupts him and says that they understood just how important backing Juniors for the sempai are. Thus, Snow Man are very important! ^___^ Huge laugh and clapping from the audience. NabeSho continued saying, not that he's praising themselves or anything but really, backing Juniors are important! As we continued to clap, but didn't take Date's cue, he shouted at us to do the Iitomo clap. XDD


More topic switches! Iwamoto started talking about his 'Hii-kun Information', and that today's same day ticket lottery was 380 tickets. ^___^ Especially because it was during the daytime of a weekday. Then Date started saying, to put it simply, there's Iitomo. XDD And starting singing Uki Uki Watching. XDD Then mumbled the middle section to go faster, said Tamori-san comes out around here and then, "Johnny's Juniors, Nyuun B-.. Nyuun Bo-"


*keels over laughing* I love that Date got it wrong. XDDDD Fukka's comment was, "You messed up there?!" and NabeSho said, "To mess it up right at the end, that's the worst!" Date just kept going. XD "Johnny's Juniors, noon boyz! よろしくお願いします〜" and he made a gesture where he pretended to pick up the remote control to turn off the TV, "And then you left to come here, right?" XDDD OMG Date. <333333 Between him and the amount that Non-chan talked about spending time with him. ;_____; Anyway, with that, Fukka finally understood what he was getting at. XD


NabeSho jumped in and asked if there was one thing he could say? He smacked Abe and told him to talk. XDDD


Poor Abe. >_< He said he had gotten too excited during the first half and now his head hurt. >_< Then NabeSho told us that during the times that he looked over at Abe-chan, he was only laughing half-heartedly looking like he was thirsty.


Date cut in about how at the end of Believe, Abe-kun's "YAY!!!" was so loud that it really surprised him! Iwamoto completely agreed and NabeSho said that it was of the same volume that if you were holding a wine glass it would have shattered. *dies laughing*


Okay more topic switches! Sword throwing parody. Originally they weren't going to be doing it, but in the end they decided they needed to put it in. Abe jumps in with, "Well, it's amazing! That skill!" and Sakuma makes fun of him saying he finally started to talk. XD Iwamoto does the same and asks, "Who are you?" to which Abe actually replied, "Ah, Abe Ryohei desu." and NabeSho's like, "Each time you join in, you've been so loud." XDDDDD Ah Abe-kun. XD He said meekly after that, that he would drop his volume, even as NabeSho told him he needed to control it. XD


Another topic change! Date started bringing up about the gap in time between the end of Aishiteiru Kara, to which we started clapping. So Date got all ready and did the Iitomo clap, and the lighting even changed for him! XDD Sakuma thanked the pro lighting man. XD NabeSho tried to get them back on topic again but then stopped mid-sentence. Everyone asked if he was okay, but NabeSho just said his throat felt like it was a desert it was so dry. Date said he'd make rain. XD As he did a pose where reached toward the sky and started doing an arm wave to bring down water (I think?).


Okay, more topic changing. Or maybe kind of getting back to the original topic. The boys talked about how everything was changed from how they rehearsed it originally, with the stairs being in different places. Then NabeSho randomly says, "Fukazawa. Do something amusing." XDDD


This section was probably one of the only bits that I actually understood for almost the entire section. XD Yay for having watched Iryu. XD;; Fukka firsts asks if it has to relate to what's going on here. NabeSho doesn't really care. XD Fukka says it's about when he was little, and that he's sorry that the gist of what he's saying is completely different from what they're currently talking about. So he goes on to say how when he was little, he thought doctors used magic. He got sick a lot because his body was weak (which NabeSho thought was funny, and then Fukka even clarified with NabeSho asking him if what he found amusing was that Fukka's body was weak. XD). So then went on to talk about how he was scared of anesthesia. Sakuma piped in saying, "It's because it's an injection, right?" Fukka agreed, and continued. The doctor would always talk to him, about things like, "What type of toys do you like?" and such. At which point, Fukka wouldn't even realise that the doctor had already got the needle into him because the doctor was talking to him. So the doctor would continue to talk and told Fukka to count to 10. Fukka'd get to about 3 and then fall asleep. And it always happened like that! At this point Fukka asked if everyone understood that feeling. XD NabeSho immediately answered with the fact that he TOTALLY didn't get it. XD As Fukka looked to the audience, from the response, he realised apparently no one understood what he was talking about. XDDD Oh Fukka, I totally did. Except I've only had a general anesthetic once in my life, and I'm not needle-phobic. ^^;


Iwamoto piped up from way over on the left side of the stage, saying that that was REALLY boring, as he laughed. XD Abeasked why Fukka had thought of that particular story. XDD Fukka said it was because he had a memo in his iPhone about it. XD Date was like, you have a memo saying that, "As I thought, it was worthwhile to have been taught magic by the doctor?" Fukka said, "Who the heck are you trying to be? No, I meant that the fact that there's something like this is scary. Life isn't that easy-going." XDDD


NabeSho started into Fukka asking exactly how big-headed he was. XD So Fukka kind of started apologising but then bit his tongue, and NabeSho started on that, Sakuma jumped in and said to stop it and don't fight. To which Date literally jumped forward and pretended to keep them apart by 'pushing them' away from each other. XD Except that he wasn't actually between them. XDDD



So as they rearranged themselves and Date prevented Fukka and NabeSho from fighting, NabeSho realised that while he already told Abe-chan to talk, Abe-chan STILL hadn't talked! Abe insisted he had been talking, but NabeSho didn't believe him. Fukka told Abe-chan to tell us something amusing. XDD Abe was completely unprepared for that. XD And panicked some before coming up with the fact that he now has a hobby that's close to Fukka's. XDDD He explained that Fukka's hobby is to go to a pharmacy (like, Matsumoto Kiyoshi), take a good look around, and then go home without buying anything. NabeSho's all, "Oh, that boring hobby." XDDD So Abe said that once or twice, he'd go to a stationary store or a 100 yen shop... (Fukka interrupted with a, "You're being awfully honest/serious about this!") and go look but buy nothing and then go home.


Iwamoto berated him saying that he'd be really bothering the employees of the store if he did that! NabeSho went on to ask if anyone else had ever done that, to go to a 100 yen shop and buy nothing. Iwamoto was still laughing about Abe-chan, I believe, so Date turns to him and tells him to calm down. Which NabeSho notices and yells over at them, "What are you doing over there?!" XDDD So they settled down a bit and NabeSho praised them for stopping and then apologised for yelling. Date said things were fine and to leave it to him. XD NabeSho then realised that probably because it was the first day, everyone's heads were in the clouds? Fukka said that no, he wanted to be a pirate. XD OMG RANDOM!


So Fukka, Sakuma and NabeSho continue on this for little bit, where Sakuma tells him that has nothing to do with right now and NabeSho tells Fukka he's been reading too much manga. XD Then NabeSho realises, "When did Abe-chan's talk come to an end?!" And tells Abe-chan to continue with his 100 yen whatever talk.


^_______________^ I seriously love the interactions between the Snowmen!!


NabeSho repeats his question earlier about if anyone's ever gone to a 100 yen shop and never bought anything. Fukka says he hasn't. Sakuma said, "Usually you go there in order to buy something in particular, right?" So Abe explains that there's a lot of really interesting things. Then he pretends to pick something up and exclaimed, "Eh?! This is 100 yen?!" indicating that he was really surprised by some of the things you can get for 100 yen.


*falls over laughing* I actually have said that a lot mostly because the dollar stores here are overpriced and do not carry nearly as many items as the 100 yen shops over in Japan. And while I have gone into a shop and come out with nothing, it was more because I only wanted a couple of binder clips and they only had them in packs of 20 or something. ^^;


So, Sakuma asked for an example. Abe-chan continued to pretend to pick up items. "Eh?! This plate is 100 yen?!" But of course didn't buy it. NabeSho pressed him for more examples. He came up with a self-inking date stamp, hanko and ink pads. XDDD Iwamoto stopped him with a, "Honestly who cares?!" (どうでもいい話) and I think Date said, "Talk about that in the dressing room!" and Sakuma's all, "I couldn't see an exit (from that talk)."


NabeSho then said, "Really, what would be good to talk about?" and that he didn't know. And as they were trying to figure out what to talk about, NabeSho came up with something. ^___^ "How was everyone's mental state last night?" Date got really excited because he was thinking the same thing. XD 幼馴染~


Date couldn't sleep the previous night because today was the first day of shows and he had wondered what everyone else was doing. NabeSho COMPLETELY understood how he felt. ^_____^ NabeSho couldn't sleep either, and was pacing around his house (complete with demonstration) thinking to himself, OMG OMG tomorrow is the real thing, and he got so pumped up that he broke a mirror in his house. Sakuma was all, "REALLY?!" as he started laughing really hard, but NabeSho indicated that up until the part about breaking the mirror, wasn't true. *falls over laughing* Iwamoto was like 盛りボーイ!! (that he was caught up in the moment and exaggerated a lot) And then Date started rapping Mori Boy, Mori Boy. XDDDD


However, Iwamoto did understand what NabeSho meant. A dokidoki-type feeling. NabeSho said it's like getting in and out of a futon. XDD Date compared it to being in elementary school the night before an outing. NabeSho asked if anyone else had a different feeling, to which Abe indicated he had a stomach ache because he was so nervous (literally he said he broke his stomach). And he made a super uncomfortable face but OMG WHY SO CUTE?! NabeSho and Sakuma laughed so much at Abe! But then NabeSho asked if he was okay, and if he took Biofermin (which is apparently lactobacilli. Ah, probiotics). Abe-chan said he took Seirogan to which NabeSho answered with, "No wonder why you stink!"


*keels over laughing* NabeSho, seriously. <33333 Poor Abe, OMG. He was defending himself saying that he didn't, and that there was a sugar coating around the tablets and that the tablets themselves didn't smell and waaaaaaugh. *flails*


*composes self* Alright so moving on.


Sakuma: I watched anime.

Fukka: And it comes out.

Sakuma: I sent a lot of mail to Hikaru. But he was sleeping.

Iwamoto: I wasn't, I wasn't sleeping.

Sakuma: You weren't sleeping? But didn't I sent you lots of mail? Eh? But you weren't sleeping? But then...

Iwamoto: Yeah.



Sakuma was so vehement as he yelled at Iwamoto (and had actually pulled away from his mic so he was yelling at Iwamoto without his mic. XDDD) it was like he was a 5 year old. XDDD Then Iwamoto's laughing at him and says he didn't send any because it was bothersome.


Sakuma: Eh?! Well... it was pretty late by then. But Fukka and Shouta too...

NabeSho: And Abe-chan.

Sakuma: Abe-chan too.

Abe: No, I was sleeping well enough.

Fukka: No, but I woke you, Abe.

Abe: Yes, I was awakened by you.

Date: Then, you were awake.

Abe: I was awoken.

Fukka: I called you and woke you.

Abe: Yes, that woke me.

Fukka: Why were you sleeping?!

Sakuma: He's not allowed to sleep?!

Fukka: Exactly. Wait a second, we're getting really off topic.


*dies laughing*


So getting back on topic. Date said he watched Going! of course (actually, my friend and I also were semi-watching Going! as we tried to complete our uchiwa). So NabeSho asked if Ore Ore was already playing in theatres or not. Date said since yesterday, but Iwamoto made fun of him as he corrected Date indicating it was playing since the day before! XDD Abe-chan couldn't believe that he made such a mistake! XD NabeSho and Fukka both continued to make fun of him seeing as Date looks up to Kame so much.


Date: Thank you very much bye-bye!


And then he waved to us and motioned to walk away. XD NabeSho and Fukka told him he couldn't leave since there was still more to come for the live!


So Iwamoto asked Date if he hadn't seen it yet. Upon learning Date hadn't, Iwamoto started in a sing song voice saying that, "That's no good! I went to go see it the first day it came out, at the first showing!" Date was like, "But you promised to go with me! And yet, I was betrayed..."


*falls over laughing* OMG THOSE TWO!


They then continued to talk about the movie as it looked really interesting. Kame plays 33 different roles, but then Date told us that no, he actually plays 34 different roles, only to have Fukka ask if Date probably shouldn't have mentioned that... XD So the Date figured it was fine since we already saw it, right? NabeSho asked who had, and like 4 people raised their hands. XD Iwamoto tried to steer the conversation away from it and just said the movie was really fun and interesting. ^__^


Fukka moved the topic along to BAD BOYS next. To which Date erupted in song with a "BAD BOOOOOOOOOOOOY~~~~" complete with a NakaKen pose? I can't remember but he did a really amusing dramatic pose looking like he pretended to have a mic stand that he was tilting to the side. I think?


Followed by a bit of BBJ PR. Sakuma mentioned that they fight in this one too, but Fukka said that there was no Fukaringo. Sakuma didn't get that at ALL. Honestly I didn't really either, but a friend explained that the girl who plays Mika in BBJ's real name is Matsumura Sayuri, and her nickname is Sayuringo. I'm going to leave it at that. XD;; So then Fukka and NabeSho randomly went off on this Fukaringo with Fukka saying there wasn't any recently. So then NabeSho moves toward the side of the stage that Fukka's on and punches toward Fukka while saying, "Fukaringo PUNCH!"




Fukka was super surprised by that, and then realised that NabeSho meant it at a joke. NabeSho apologised for his complete fail at that joke. XD


Mmm, alright so moving on a bit more. Next up, Takki DVD! As soon as the topic was brought up, Iwamoto immediately went, "Abe! Abe! Abe!" XDDDD So Abe's essentially getting ready for it and Sakuma starts narrating, saying that he's recalling Enbujo, and that Abe has run to the end of the hanamichi...


Abe (with his hands on his hips): *in his stage voice* Our troupe lead Takizawa, is in Mayo-- *switch to non-stage voice* Ah, that's wrong, not Mayonaka no Panya-san...


*falls over laughing* OMG ABE-KUN! <333333 He really had that ingrained into him! XD So everyone started berating him about it, saying that none of them were in that drama, and then he tried again. XD


Abe: *again in stage voice* Performed last year, Takki's solo live DVD is... *switch to non-stage voice* Ah, what's the date?

Iwamoto: June 26th.

Abe: Ah, yes that day. It has been de-decided that the release date is June 26th! (he totally stumbled on 決定しました <333)


And at the same time as Abe-kun did that announcement, Date was pretending to hold up his own sign, like during Enbujo. XDDDD


Sakuma mentioned that they show up a lot in that DVD. Abe throws in that there's also a lot of special bonuses and upon Fukka asking what they are, Abe recites what's included in each version. XDDD But then NabeSho tells him he's too stiff about it! XDDD


Fukka said his bed hair was awful in it. XD


So then NabeSho remembered something he wanted to talk about so they went back to Bad Boys. He started off by saying how Iwamoto got this sense of calmness, somehow cool type of a feeling about him. Abe points out that Iwamoto's like that right at that moment (since Iwamoto stood off to the left side of the stage for most of the MC, hip cocked out, arms slightly crossed as he's holding his mic fairly non-chalantly). Nabesho continues by saying that he's very kakkoii, with good style, kind of like a model, and SUPER kakkoii-like. XDDD Iwamoto's slightly baffled by this and NabeSho indicates that's how he sees Iwamoto. XD But moving on. For Bad Boys J filming, they didn't have a lot of time to practice Hiroshima-ben. And Iwamoto has a line that should be なんかお前って調子くるうよのう. So during the actual shoot of the scene, after "Okay the real thing! And!" and then Fukka jumps in with a low yell "EI~~~~~~" super loudly. XDDD


And NabeSho paused. Sakuma was like, "What was that?!" so NabeSho said, "One more time, one more time. Sorry, I was completely perplexed by this guy's yell." XDDD So Fukka explained he was playing the role of the assistant director XD So they tried it again. This time, after Fukka yelled, "EI~~~~~~", there was a slight bit of silence and then NabeSho said in a super girly manner, "なーんかお前って調子くるうのよ~", followed by "Cut! Cut! Youji that's not Hiroshima-ben, but rather you've become an onee!"


OMG NABESHO!! <3333333 You do the whole onee bit awfully well. XD


Iwamoto later mentioned that at first no one actually noticed. Then Iwamoto accidentally spoke the line, incorrectly. XD But yeah, no one noticed until NabeSho started laughing. Only then did they yell cut. XDD


Iwamoto indicated that in the end, he has onee phases. XD Sakuma mentions that Senga has said this a lot about NabeSho. XD But then NabeSho stops himself as he talks a bit about that part since it's 気持ち悪い. XDDD


They then realise they've talked really randomly for a while and so next, to interact with the fans more, it's time for Snow Man Game Corner!


Snow Man Game Corner:

After NabeSho brought out the flip chart, Abe asked what the rules of the borrowing game were. NabeSho explained that the members had to go find the item listed on the flip chart from someone in the audience. Fukka asked for examples, so NabeSho indicated something like, an uchiwa with 渡辺 on it. So they would have to borrow the item, return to the stage and the last one back would need to do a punishment game. Then NabeSho continued saying that the fans shouldn't be like, "I don't really like this person (who's come to get something from me)", either (and did so in a higher pitched voice. XDDDDDD).


Fukka later asked to make sure there wasn't something like scallops. *ROFL* NabeSho's like, "Why would there be raw food written here?!"


1. 「投げchuして」うちわ:

This first one went really fast. Fukka didn't even leave the stage, he just bent down and picked one out of the first row. XD And the one he had, had a picture of Date on it, doing the nagechu. XDDDDD



When trying to figure out who was last, Fukka even said he hadn't moved at all and therefore was 1st. XD NabeSho indicated that Date was last. XDDDDD Fukka made fun of that. Date then said, in an onee-like manner, that it was really narrow (in the aisle?).


So as they went to return items, Iwamoto blocked Date from getting off the stage, but said, "Don't block the way, you're taking up too much of the space here." *ROFL*


NabeSho asked them to stay where they were since there wasn't enough time to allow them back to the stage. And told everyone to read the atmosphere around them, since there are lots of fans in the back too! Then Fukka said, without his mic though, that they must read the atmosphere! So NabeSho told him, "Use your mic, idiot!" Abe-chan just kept saying, "よろしくお願いします" to the fans.


2. 双眼鏡:

Alright well not exactly an item in short supply. Poor Date. XDDD He had come up just past rows 11/12 and there were so many people holding out their binoculars to him that he looked so OVERWHELMED and didn't know which to pick. XDD Fukka didn't seem to leave the stage again and NabeSho berated him for it. XD


Most members got back up to the stage and started USING the binoculars. XD Date pointed out that one set of binoculars had a box for them, so Abe said they looked really expensive.



Upon returning the binoculars, Fukka asked if there wasn't something like the magazine cameras listed, right? NabeSho said there was no way there's a single-lens reflex camera listed.


3. 髪飾り:

I completely forgot to write down the types of hair accessories they picked up. >_< I still hadn't figured out that kanji. ^^;;;


Iwamoto put his pink bow in his hair.


So last was Sakuma, but they were going to give him 200,000,000 points for it and he didn't get that receiving the points was a bad thing. XD;;


NabeSho then asked us what we thought of the borrowing game. Probably about 90% of the audience clapped saying it was fine. And then NabeSho asked who thought it was... not quite totally the right thing, to which the other 10% clapped.


As they got back to the stage, NabeSho commented that before he even said go, the members looked like they were flying away. XD Fukka did a "Flying Get" pose. XDDDD


4. Punishment game:

Sakuma had to do an embarrassing love confession. Fukka was incredibly relieved since he figured if it was him, no one would want to hear it anyway. XDDD


Sakuma then stood in the middle of the stage, and all lights except a pink spotlight on him went out.


Sakuma: I love you too much, I want to put you in my eye to carry you around.


*falls over laughing* Iwamoto felt it was pretty earnest though. XD Sakuma explained that he meant he loved the person too much and so wanted to treasure them. XDDD


And that was game corner. Abe-chan thanked everyone for their participation with a, "ご協力をありがとうございました!!" (*flails*) and Fukka said that he too wanted to become an idol. XD NabeSho totally didn't get what Fukka was saying by that. XD But then commented that because it was the first day, of course they were still feeling out how to do things and it couldn't be helped. Date then made fun of Sakuma's confession by saying, "There's too much fun so I want to put it into my eye and take it home." XDD Iwamoto responded to him by saying, "Binoculars? You mean binoculars? XD"


Parody Musical:


Here are some of the differences.


During the listing off of the stage shows, it was NabeSho who said they had been in Les Mis rather than Date. XD


Abe-kun was trying to run away as NabeSho started indicating the mistake made in Kakumei. And got quieter and quieter as he said the line.


After NabeSho's line about taking the helm of the ship etc, he yelled, "AARGH!!!!!" (okay not quite but he yelled from his belly and it was kind of random for me since I hadn't seen Kakumei yet. ^^;;)



At the end of The Longest Night after they sent Fukka off to change, they expressed relief at how much we all enjoyed the parody musical. ^________^ Then Abe indicated that it was written by NabeSho. <333 NabeSho said it wasn't just him though. He wrote it and showed it to everyone, and things just started coming together, so it wasn't just himself. To which many of the other members immediately said, "So you say!" (言うよねー) XDDDDDDD


As they talked about their roles, NabeSho said that Date disappeared and he became the role of Kazuya. ^__^ He was really happy about that since he spent a lot of time practicing and watching DREAM BOYS at home. XD


They also talked about how everyone was likely surprised by the fight scene since usually Abe and Sakuma get along quite well. Abe noted that everyone was laughing already when they started the fight. XDDDD



Iwamoto came in looking at the floor for Fukka-sempai but the others said he's not that small. XD As Fukka's voice came over, and Sakuma asked where he was, he said he made it in time to the bathroom. XDDD I think NabeSho asked if he was now able to go by himself and Fukka-sempai's voice indicated yes!


CHIRARIZUMU (Fukka solo):

The entire audience started screaming as they all did the dance for the chorus. XDDD It's so adorable!! *flail* At the end, when Fukka-sempai realises everyone's gone, he shouts, "Everyone, by myself it's horrible/shoddy/unpleasant! EVERYONE!!" (不味い).



I flailed so very hard upon hearing the opening notes to Messenger. ;_____; I remember watching KAT-TUN perform it on Shokura for the first time in 2004 and it was the song that really made me like them. Messenger is my most favourite KAT-TUN song (okay, that I know of since I haven't properly listened to them since debut). It's the one KAT-TUN song that I kept hoping the Juniors would perform since it's so much fun but no one had ever done it on Shokura. .______.




And I just... \(//∇//)\ /(\\∇\\)/ \(//∇//)\ /(\\∇\\)/ \(//∇//)\ /(\\∇\\)/


NabeSho shouted "うりゃほい!" at the end of the opening intro before the trumpets start. Abe did double peace signs before they started singing.


ConfUsion (Sakuma solo):

Sakuma sang the verses during this show. But the music wasn't loud enough or his mic was on too loud and of course he's dancing a lot so it just... didn't work well. Not that he can't sing. Because he can, but I feel the lyrics were too fast for him to be able to do a good job with it live.


Suna no GLASS:


I love this song and the clock-like choreography during the opening.



The Snow Man call at the beginning and the end surprised me but worked very well! ^___^ Also, I'm fairly certain NabeSho was doing Tsubasa's harmony (集めてきたのさ).


Mirai Koukai:

T________T The opening notes started and I just... ALL THE FEELINGS. I couldn't even remember the name of the song, only that I loved it a lot before and hadn't heard it in years and that OMG the lyrics. >____< Started tearing a bit. ;______; I didn't even manage to figure out the name of the song until I checked Twitter between shows. ;______;


Final comments were the same as the 5/28 14:00 report for Iwamoto, Date and NabeSho.


Sakuma: Thank you for being so excited today. We've only just started, but from now on please always support us. よろしくお願いします!

Abe: Thank you very much! Umm, As you can see, though my shoelace is undone and my hair is a complete mess, this was the best! Thank you very much!

Fukka: Thank you very much for today! I'm going to say a pun! うしのうしろへ! (Wow, if anyone can explain that to me that'd be awesome. NabeSho even asked him if he was okay leaving it at that. XD) Thank you very much!


Hito Natsu No:

Sakuma and Abe were standing against each other back to back near the end of the song.


Love Spiral:

Abe-kun was shouting at us to get ready to do the arm waving at the beginning. ^___^ NabeSho threw in another "いちにの、うりゃほい!" before the bridge pre-chorus. XD 


Abe was jumping up and down SO MUCH on the stage!


I had totally missed that NabeSho already started calling the 5 days of shows Snow Man Week during this show. ^^;;; And... the curtain didn't come down at all after the music ended. XD So all the Snowmen are standing on stage... waiting for it to come down. XDDDD