Hey Chicago! What do you say?

The Cubs are gonna win today!

Nice to meet you.  I'm Shota Imanaga.

I played for Yokohama DeNA Baystars for 8 years.

I'm very happy to be here and be a Cub.

I want to say thank you to enter Cubs organization for 

having me.

I'm very excited to pitch at Wringley Field.

I'm looking forward to meeting fans and teammates.

Go Cubs Go!




スティーブ・グッドマン (1945~1984)はアメリカン・


”City of New Orleans"はグラミー賞を獲得



Go Cubs Go のLyrics(歌詞)は長いですが






We're singing now

Go Cubs Go

Go Cubs Co

hey, Chicago, what do you say

The Cubs are gonna win today.


さぁ~ 皆で歌おう!

ゴー カブス ゴー 

ゴー カブス ゴー 

ヘイ! シカゴ! 誰がなんと言おうと

カブスは今日は  勝つのさ!