Chapter 41 new combat skills, flame Mans back among the huts, Chu can finally go to bed one evening feel it. Nightmare enchanted rules: Just being able to survive from this competition, and not within the body to devour magic nightmare, it is eligible to become a member of enchanted nightmare. Chu evening can say now is considered a nightmare enchanted member, three days later, would go to some towns of the island among the few that do not slave life in general. The only worry is the twilight of Chu Yi Cao Cao Yi's character is difficult to speculate, if it is not mentioned that before the summer adults, Cao Yi might just kill myself. "This Cao Yi, have the opportunity to get rid of!" Chu Mo able to see Cao Yi has played a kill on their own, so that a hazard exists, will bring him a lot of trouble. Back huts among Chu evening nor asleep, adjusting training consumes about four percent of Chu twilight soul force, riding the white magic nightmare has not eating, Chu evening as soon as possible so that their soul force to recover. Open from early morning meditation, probably in the evening hours, white magic nightmare finally regained consciousness, the first time after entering ninth order Chu evening to ask for food. Chu twilight soul force have all been consumed by the recovery of all the soul force fed to the nightmare of the white magic, white magic nightmare evening in the consciousness of the Chu sent satiate cry after sleeping down again. "80% of the remaining two percent, okay." Chu Mo finally musters a smile on his face. To enhance the strength of the soul who read after three and nine bands of white magic should be considered nightmare opened a certain distance, Chu Mo has a soul can have two power use. Soul of technology - pet charm probably need to consume a quarter of the soul force Chu evening, critical time, Chu evening was able to use to use, in addition to leave this magic island green nightmare after nightmare enchanted become a member, Chu Mo should be have the opportunity to come into contact with other soul of technology, those who consumed the soul of technology should not be too large. White magic nightmare evening for the rest of these 20% of the Chu soul force can be said can be considered as a yoke of Chu Mo untied, Chu evening after the battle is not necessary always in hiding. ...... Evening, Chu evening once again tune into Moye conducted training. Before the process is still in accordance with the spirit of the animal soul crystal two crystal crown for energy on the Moye baptism, and then a sub-soul crystal crown fire properties of energy for Moye for property increases. "Change of?" When Chu evening complete tune training today, when Chu evening immediately found Moye some changes in the body. The most obvious is that it was hidden in the pads of the paws, and this time is no longer simply becomes sharper, but the young claw out of Moye's body directly from the flesh grow new claws! "Two claws, Li claws!" Found Moye changes, Chu Mo immediately exposed ecstasy of color! From one of the young Li claws into two claws, but takes a long time to complete constant sharpening, and this time transformation, let Moye claw blade directly to the next level! Two sharp claws Li extent than at least one full period twice as strong, even in the night time continuous fighting, nor may appear as before wear! The young from a claw claw transformed into two of Li, Moye attack power Nike Air Max greatly improved, maybe it will change the skills! The third training ...... tune when changing the attributes of Chu Mo ratio, in order to allow Moye to have fire attribute, the last tune training, Chu Mo traction properties of the two-point energy of the fire, and then injected into a beast attributes of energy. Chu evening doing so is to make the transformation to moonlight Moye fox fire property owners after the second form, but let Chu evening very unexpectedly, Moye silver fluff surprisingly has changed, become more shine shiny silver charm, turned out to be enter into a full period of fluff. Chu evening has been carried out on the animal attributes Moye nuclear feeding the soul, Moye in the first nine bands growing form, are based mainly an attack, it is only in the late defense fur state. And this tune after training, Moye's defense has finally entered a fur full of fluff, and the growth of the state from the point of view, does not take long to be able to enter into two velvet hair bast state! Two velvet bast hair is the soul of a very special pet fur fight in Benzhu, the hair will become very soft, forming smooth lines, reduce air resistance. In defense, two velvet hair will appear as tough tough state, resisting a certain degree of damage. Moye If we can achieve two velvet sewing hair, even if a positive step by the nine wolves hunt wolf Kuangxi, perhaps only by a number of minor injuries Bale. "Although the defense did not reach the two fur, but that's okay, slowly!" Chu Mo on the results of this training can be considered a tune very satisfied. Now Moye state, even if it appears four weeks raw Mo hunt wolves, nor is Moye opponent, and more worthy of Chu evening expect is that this increase in fire properties, whether we can have a new ability to make Moye! Three tone training, Moye changes are more obvious after the fourth and fifth tune tune training training, Moye would not be a significant change, and in this regard because Moye is now in second form an order, subject to physical limitations, claws and fur impossible edge overgrowth. On the other hand, it can be said that the soul of the grade of grain has been unable to meet the current phase of Moye, the excess energy will almost invariably become food digest. ...... Tomorrow is time to leave the island at night, when Chu evening specifically with Moye to camp outside, to see new properties added after Moye ability. "Moye!" Chu Mo spoke the spell will Moye summoned to his presence, light blue brilliant cohesion and slowly slowly lax about patterns among the gentle soul yet noble wild Moye slowly appears. "Hum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Moye raised head, uttered a crow, fox, Naruto's voice echoed in the woods immediately, flush weak countless birds! "Zizi Zi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" jungle among the withered old trees, suddenly heard a shrill cry, followed by a black flat flight soul pet suddenly hovering in the sky, it seems that in It is the site random noisy Moye strong views. "About a fifth-order bat night? Exactly, practice your hand." Chu Mo looked at the noisy creatures, but it is musters a smile. Moye raised his head, staring eye silver bat, suddenly, this pair of silver eyes flashed out a branching off the fire! ! "Flame Mans!" Chu Mo first time to capture the Moye this change! Flame the fire department combat skills Mans, Mans is the most direct flame burns injuries, although not burning flame burning this direct damage effects, but in the release speed with absolute advantage. Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!

Chapter 27 pairs attribute soul crystal silver moonlight, silver hair, slowly flying, silver eye, Lengran radiance! Stared round shot under moonlight coldest India, Chow Sang Mo suddenly aware of what was covered even could not help trembling, cried aloud: "Oh!!" Month desublimed! Moonlight fox racial skills month desublimed! This skill only in the moonlight when it can take effect, illusion and occasions for most fights, it is difficult to really play a role. But once bathed the moonlight, with the moonlight, pet fighting spirit not only able to quickly recover to a certain extent, but also to all aspects of the ability to enhance the magnitude! Nike Air Max Shoes Stores "Moye, charm!" Chu Mo strapped to hunt wolf bite, big shouted out toward Moye! Moye who has been shrouded in the moonlight, her beautiful eyes bloom out impressively brilliant charm, as Liangbing Ice sword, penetrating to hunt wolf wolf eyes, wolf hunt regardless of whether watching the Moye, it can not resist this spirit attack! Hunt wolf's eyes immediately became dazed, attack posture also instantly stopped, like suddenly captured the soul in general, motionless. Descent! Crushed hunt wolves mind, Moye under the moonlight ran at top speed! Moye run speed this quickly, Descent effect makes it more quickly, while the role of condensate month, once again it's speed to an extreme, silvery white body exactly like a silver lightning, Mercedes-Benz and over , can not resist! ! Tearing claws! ! Silver claws ripped the blade in the dark night, pulled out a long Lengmang hunt wolf's head position from across! ! "Puchi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" shocking suddenly sprayed blood out, tearing claws and over, hunt the wolf's head even life and life split neck with it! ! Thick blood continuously ejected from the neck position, hunt the wolf's body stiff for a few seconds, as the head of the fly, slowly fell to the ground. Bloody Langtou been rolling, and finally rolled to the feet of Chow Sang Mok, Chow Sang Mo extremely terrified watching this scene, one time even forgot to escape! "Kill him, do not let him get away!" Chu Mo kick open the hunt wolf's body, issued a command for Moye. Chow Sang Mok time suddenly aware of their death is approaching, his face very pale, where also care about breaking got soul, driven to distraction and fled toward the depths of the forest! No soul pet, do not cast the soul of technology, Chow Sang Mok, how could it ever escaped Moye sharp potential to kill! Chu evening ...... tough support from the body, and his arm was torn bloody hunt wolves, and even face has a deep claw marks. "Ah!!!!!!!!" Deserted Maolin depths suddenly came a cry very sad cry of startled birds perched on a group night, beat their wings, birds panic mixed together. Chu evening watching the black forest, forest gradually showing a pair of silver-white different eyes, is slowly approaching yourself. This child showed somewhat lengli eyes, indifferent, but when it's time to close the Chu twilight, eyes soft but slowly, and finally become very docile. "Hum hum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Moye eyes shining, stretched out his tongue gently licking Chu twilight pair of arm full of blood. "I'm fine, are you okay?" Chu Mo feeling small Moye domesticated hen hair, greatly relieved. "Hum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" "Come, I'll bandage ...... does not matter, it does not matter, you are in the fight, I hurt this point out of the way." Chu evening will be the last point more slowly smear on grass Moye wounds ...... "hum ~ woo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" lying Moye Moye arms, the more comfortable with the kind of grass it gradually warm feeling a little tired. Moye Such continuous battle, indeed is already exhausted, month condensate, though they have some therapeutic effect, but the body is still full of scars Moye, no good time for a few days would be difficult to completely heal. Chu twilight slowly to Moye handle all wounds, bandaged after they spoke the spell will Moye to retract the soul pet into space. Soul pet space has some recovery and treatment, Moye on the inside can get better rest and recuperation. After handling Moye, Chu evening with a cloth to the wound on his arm casual dressing. For Chu evening, this hurt and nothing, just die, he is still able to go on fighting. Chu evening regain a dagger, went to hunt wolves beside the body, the body will hunt the wolf to break open, remove the core spirit of the wolf hunt. Eight bands beast soul nuclear properties, such as Moye eat it after you wake up, you should also be able to reach full of fur Moye degree, so Moye can also add some resistance. Clean up after the bodies of the wolf hunt, Chu twilight eyes fell upon the nine bands flame tail body. In Chu Yan Mei Chow Sang Mo Mo and recent fighting has died because of excessive bleeding, Chu Mo will not waste this natural resource. "Poor thing, in fact, dead, than followed the beast is better than the guy." Chu Yan tail twilight crouched next to the body, stroking the head of the tail flame, this slowly drew the dagger, the flame begins to decompose Tail of the body. Chu evening hunt wolves were wounded arm does not touch the artery, which is not seriously injured, decomposed corpses leash, the process is very quick and neat. Soul nucleus are generally in the heart of the soul of the pet, Chu Yan tail twilight dug chest, soon discovered the soul pet internal organs which contains energy. "Oddly enough, it seems a bit different from the nuclear soul?" Chu Mo Yan tail torn sternum, suddenly found the tail flame wolf hunt soul soul than nuclear core to be significantly bright lot, but not quite the same shape. Wicked nuclear industry is in fact the soul soul soul pet pet's heart, because energy is gathered here, that happens some energy attached to the special changes. However, the heart of the flame, but with the end of the evening had seen clearly that the soul has a different place nuclear, nuclear soul of this flame tail exactly like a regular crystal, unlike the internal organs, but like a beautiful work of art. Chu evening carefully remove it, with their own clothes wipe the above adhesion of blood, which the general soul crystal nucleus immediately flashing in the moonlight played a little bit of beauty glow. Brown and red halo halo halo shrouded two vague nuclear crystals in this soul around, beautiful and moving ...... "soul Nuclear ...... No, this ...... this is the soul crystal!!" "Is this is that it allows the soul to enter the next pet in shape, let the soul pet directional changes and enhanced properties occur soul crystal!! brown and red, this is a beast and fire double attribute soul crystal ah!! "Chu holding this evening sparkling stuff, even could not help but exclaim up! Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!

Chapter 86 evil flame six fox Yangzhi De shoulder still bleeding, and because of the kind of pain, facial features have been screwed together, tears and snot makes him look more ugly the whole person. "No ...... do not kill me, you want to know what ...... I am, all I can tell you that as long as you do not kill me ......" Yang Zhide with a trembling voice. Chu went Yangzhi De evening before, watching this is always a repugnant face like an old dog the same time begging for life, can not help but float a smile on his face, but this smile let Yang Zhide feel more erect. ............ "Well!!!!!" Jungle, Chu evening with one hand lifted the dagger, fiercely toward Yangzhi De forehead striking! ! Withdraw dagger, Yang Zhide immediately appear on the forehead of a grim bloody holes, Yang Zhide to keep the TV drama frightened face, protruding eyeball general, opened his mouth, head slowly fell backwards, nor perhaps Yangzhi De how would have thought he would perish under the dagger in Chu evening! "Ooo, ooo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" after the fighting ends, Moye eyes gradually become soft, body evil flame gradually dispersed, a silver-white hair floated fine, with jungle light flying around. Chu evening watching the mutation of six of Moye, his face showing somewhat gratified meaning, stroking Moye little head, and said: "become strong." "Hum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Moye amused beautiful eyes, leaning against Chu evening who enjoy this feeling. From the moon to six fox fox mutation, Moye itself a qualitative leap. Moonlight Fox for many women who love small pets, has a beautiful appearance, fighting was unsatisfactory. The six fox despite also has elegance, beauty, and cold, and arrogant appearance, but the combat is definitely recognized as the strongest in the same class can be said that the Department and the beast demon spirits Department of the perfect combination! Yang Zhide who plundered all the items after Chu evening decisively left the place, find a secluded place, and some can not wait to open the "pet Kam," want to know the mutation of six fox owns what exactly Moye ability. Find the fox family, when Chu evening found even six fox among this subfamily but there are still some segments: Normal six fox, fox flame six, evil flame six fox. These three six fox belong to the same species can multiply differentiated because six fox pedigree and talent. Even if the same is six fox, innate differences are often reflected in the origin when, some six fox at birth, when they do not have fire demon evil flame, Sec or three paragraphs to achieve when it is able to control the fire demon evil flame. But some six fox is born not long after already have this capability, and this six fox is often different from the same qualifications. "Hum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Chu Mo are wondering, what is Moye belongs to which six fox when Moye puts one tail over, and then pointing to the evil flame six fox. Evil flame six fox: Wicked sector - demon spirits Department (Department beast) - fox family - six fox subfamily - evil flame six fox - Higher warrior class evil flame six fox, six of the royal fox, talent exception, despite being positioned as a high-level war, but at the same stage of combat is not inferior to some of the lower-level commanding soul pet, warrior class is the perfect combination of the attributes in the field of the soul one pet. Evil flame six fox has exaggerated ornate six, the legendary six fox tail represents each of its one kind of character. Six kinds of qualities are: gentle, elegant, arrogant, cold, wild, bloodthirsty. Six silver-white hair, in control of evil flame fire demon, the demon evil fire flame effect is that it gives the power of any fire spells doubling burn time but will not last, reduced to a minimum. Racial Skills: demon evil fire flame basic skills: Shadow Claw attack death demon evil eye gaze instantaneous flash deterrence Main Skills: evil flame burning flame tread six claw lock Advanced Skills: Phantom Fury Yan Yan Yu Chu evening staring across the evil flame six fox skills, his eyes immediately lit up a bit. After all, a high level of high-grade pet soul soul pet, skill many do not say that any one skills are very useful. Most importantly, Moye also has a demon evil fire flame, the fire department can make magic power doubling, so Moye flame strength is not inferior to Nike Free Run many elements of community spirit pet, it is no wonder "pet Kam" on said the evil flame six fox is the perfect combination of attributes! "Three first-order segment, paw up three late, Li claw with evil flame." "Three initial defense fur, velvet and tough - fire resistant fur." ​​"Tail ...... this, do not see ......" Chu Mo was going to identify what Moye's physique, the results found themselves embarrassed knowledge rich enough, I do not know how to identify the level of Moye tail. Six fox is relatively rare soul pet, Chu evening are buying this "pet Kam" is a general books, which swept thousands of soul pet, pet naturally impossible for a soul had detailed introduction, while Chu evening in order to better understanding of the evil flame six fox, fox family so naturally introduce books to buy, or even direct purchase "evil flame six fox," which presumably evil flame six fox on the introduction of some very details. Of course, Chu twilight now a prisoner on the island, to find these books is impossible. Moye's current racial mutation, it can be said to have more confidence in Chu evening full! Think Yangzhi De uttered before dying that information, Chu twilight face became somewhat interesting! "Yang, this time let them to not return!" ...... From the mouth of Chu Yang Zhide twilight finally understand why these guys appear in this island of the prisoners. Chu Han Guang Xia Mo was thrown into this prison island directly, although there is the reel Chu evening his name, but he did not get a message. Nightmare vessels were used on prisoners enchanted island once every three years swirl stop when the prisoner they were throwing at different locations of the island. Islands are on death row, no control, brutal nightmare enchanted does not make them an easy life on the island, giving them an opportunity to become stronger step by step, and then you can leave the island. In order to achieve the survival rate of 1/3000, they will lucrative rewards on the island somewhere, with a complex maps to label, and then map torn many copies, distributed to some of the prisoner's hands . Map is the reel, reel front is the soul of life and death towed prisoner list, the back is the map, in order to get the treasure, you must put all the prisoner in the hands of a map to cobble together, so, the killing will be inevitable! And Yang will intervene, which involves the Chu evening. Let Xia Guang Han Yang had killed Chu evening, summer Guang Han identity is extremely high, do such a thing to be the price is quite high. Yang Guang Xia initially did not put the same thing as cold, just to meet a wide cold summer compensation. But soon was in retaliation wide cold summer, a relationship to the whole family, the family treasure was Xia Guang Han claimed. The summer Han Guang Yang family treasure for not very enthusiastic, dedicated to the nightmare of its enchanted, directly as a prisoner of the last surviving this time three thousand rich rewards. That is hidden in the map the marked position, Yang order to regain this family treasure, sent a group of people sneak into this prison island, killing prisoners recaptured family treasure. Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!

1531 1531 Chapter Chapter split personality of a woman who evil temple is located in the Devil's Peak deeper place, where being completely filled with evil, within a radius of hundreds of kilometers have no living creatures inhabit. Chu Mo Temple and white language toward evil put an entry, the kind of evil rushing feel somewhat let Chu evening unbearable. Chu Mo now has a black magic nightmare descent, black magic on behalf of the whole nightmare nightmare inferno supreme, with the world's most evil forces and atmosphere. And lunged evil wind can play Chu evening while the soul tremble, we can see how this evil evil temple. Evil temple of black rock formations, this is a true temple of God Di, from the point of view of the construction has not inferior to the level of a human construction. People in these arts and humanities on itself superior to other races, such as the city's buildings, houses, palaces, castles, city walls ...... this is part of human civilization, it is difficult to see in other races. However, this great evil temple construction is clearly not from the hand of man, they are not a conventional cylindrical column, but spring up like a bunch of tall flames. Far from looking like a black flame still burning. All evil temple walls seemed attach a special enchantment, want to destroy it almost nothing is possible. In the evil within the temple is a large enclosed maze, went so easily lost. Bai language told Chu evening, he first entered the temple when the evil trapped inside a full four months. Bai language inside now some understanding of the situation slightly, otherwise he would not dare to enter the twilight zone Chu evil temple. After all, they are not so time consuming here. "We look around enough." Chu Mo said. He did not intend to go in, this evil evil temple is really too strong flavor is too strong, it is difficult to imagine evil in this huge maze temple hidden exactly what that allows a building exudes such a terrible evil atmosphere. If the evil queen here, then surely she would really like this stock flavor, and began to attract greedy. Chu evening ...... evil outside the temple in a circle, he believed in evil sure what hidden inside the temple, and his body black magic nightmare descent is precisely from this evil temple, Chu twilight into here, certainly gain a lot . Unfortunately. Now he is not too much practice time, moon land war imminent. Chu evening back to Devil's Peak and the white words when rulers have nightmare nightmare magic magic world toward elite to pick out. Piedmont is a thick devil scorched earth, scorched earth on in this piece. Densely arranged neatly magic nightmare where the flames formed a very spectacular ocean! ! "Nightmare Magic dominate at least 3,000 bar!" White language see the full momentum of the lineup, the face also revealed the horror of color. Nightmare magic world work toward fielding a 3000 level which is totally dominated the land of the greatest gospel moon, you know the average strength of these nightmare demons and evil temperament tends to make sense of their ability to fight better than the same level of organisms, which 3000 is by no means dominate the nightmare demons and humans dominate the 3000 level Legion directly equated. In addition, the nightmare magic ruler also convened a full 50,000 of the Emperor-class nightmare magic force, this force is sufficient to constitute the human army of Emperor horrible threat. To see such a nightmare magic Corps, Bai language myself have settled a lot, even this would be a vigorous and crowned one thousand guards of the war history! "White phrase Uncle, I have an idea." Chu Mo floated mouth. Looked at the bottom that neatly, chill awe-inspiring magic nightmare Legion Road. Bai language glanced Chu evening. Thinking to myself, this kid is almost own father, how has called his uncle. Jin Chu evening soft white matter between the white language course clear that only young thing, Bai language is not so much blending. If they want to really fall in love, not a lot to say Bai language. "What's the idea." Bai language asked. "You should know that the three dry and the spatial structure of the next three-kun, right?" Chu Mo said. Bai language nodded. He was also in control of different system capabilities, these certainly know. "We now Zhezhi nightmare if magic Legion directly to the city, the crusade alliance that will certainly be seen. Thus we have exposed the power of this unit Jones." Chu Mo said. White Chu evening language generally understand the meaning of the opening: "But the magic out of the sanctuary space nightmare has only one channel, and in Vientiane City, do not you can move the door to this room?" "Transfer will be very troublesome, but to you my strength, to second re-kun and the normal space between spaces create a short passage should not be a problem, right? "Chu Mo said. "Words to say that there are so many nightmare magic, space for our two tear not a long time to maintain the channel ......" white language says. "They will join forces, also can cheap nike free run 2 tear space, I need to do is to open up the space, to come up a notch." Chu pointed to this large group of twilight magic nightmare Legion said. "Well, feasible that we first find the East mad nightmare magic forest and the approximate location corresponding to the sanctuary, where sat a space marked." Bai language says. "This space is marked trouble running the Bai language uncle." Chu evening somewhat embarrassed, said. "You boy and where to run?" White Language smile. Looking between the two planes intersection is certainly not an easy thing, Chu evening this guy put this dirty work to the white word phrase to dry. "I feel like a trip further south forbidden domain, which is the order of the land. See if you can get another point from where reinforcements come." Chu Mo said. Chu evening with South forbidden domain owner relationship is very good, and now the expansion of the South forbidden domain level is not inferior to the nightmare magic sanctuary, plus they are themselves a huge nightmare world toward magic that can come from thence the point of reinforcement, Well, this thing is even more secure it. "I found you and other family better deal ......" white language says. Order of the land is mankind's most taboo piece of land, and Chu evening was and they always had friendly exchanges. Think of Chu twilight, white words say it right, he is very easy to get interracial friendships ah. "However, you have to really be able to order the land of the south from the region was settled by a legion ban, it really could have played a major coalition forces by surprise!" White said language. "That's where handed over to you." Chu Mo nodded. "Go." Chu evening watching the leaves, white language also floated a slight smile. Chu evening this guy, usually simply the land regardless of Crescent anything, seeking only to practice. However, when the events really happened, this guy is simply too sturdy. First family moved out of the appalling sea, let the new moon to the entire sea area had a huge guarantee. Then in this nightmare magic out a sanctuary in the formation of such a huge nightmare magic world towards 3000 to dominate, 50000 Emperor, it seems the world is not magic nightmare towards full force. Subsequently moved Flower Kingdom Come, let East mad forest in front of the fortress on the formation of a natural flower maze. And now, he also went to the land of the south ban order domain where Banjiu Bing, do not know this guy but also to bring much magic nightmare army back. So you figure, alien in this war to occupy a greater proportion than humans, and Bai language thought to myself, do not know who saw this terrible scene Union crusade would be like when the mood ......... Chu evening ... back to Vientiane city, he did not do anything to stay, directly south direction flew forbidden domain. Just flying out of Vientiane City, Chu Mo suddenly sensed something, then deliberately falls on the prairie waiting for a moment. Before long, Chu evening at the foot of green grass suddenly broadened into a wide variety of colorful wildflowers, these wildflowers eloquent spread, the whole green meadows into a stunning tapestry. A gust of wind blew, countless petals fluttering in front of Chu evening, gathering more and more filled, and finally woven into wearing a noble dress. Masters legs are slender dress, thighs, buttocks, waist petals cover the looming amazing curves suddenly people feel a kind of blood sprayed. Then with a dream to be able to see almost the perfect face, a time people feel they will not be seeing hallucinations. Such a peerless youth woman in colorful petals appear normal people should see absences. However, Chu evening is Pieliaopiezui now also made a body so coquettish, is certainly good and evil queen, with rain Suo that character, anxious to put themselves wrapped up, determined not to give Chu evening saw a little bit of skin. Chu evening not rare. "Master." Evil queen went to Chu evening around, like a little bird in general, breathing, such as the call of an orchid. Chu evening ignore this woman for the state. "Had such a big thing, you would really tolerant." Chu said some dissatisfaction twilight. "It happened too suddenly, I have no better way." Evil queen said. "I did not worry you so much, who is looking for me any trouble, I'll go back trouble came." Chu Mo said. "I know I've given you a good arrangement." Evil queen musters a smile, slender fingers gently stroked the bird dark fox arms. "Well, I am now banned domains trip south, you come with me." Chu Mo said. "Well." Evil queen do not want to follow Chu evening. On the way to South forbidden domain, good and evil queen recent events and some of the things that can be used broadly elaborated gave Chu evening again, she told Chu evening, as long as the war to victory, she was absolutely sure the next time control two Kunshan meetings. Chu evening on these powers did not have much interest, but he remembered the Temple thing. "I saw a constant sea temple, I think you should be more understanding on this Temple Bar" Chu Mo said. With a trace of good and evil queen eyes obviously changed her hair from bright red roses gradually becomes a violet blue, bright Shenshangnajian want to get people's blood boiling red dress also faded into the holy Blue. Enchanting, fascinating and charming disappeared, became aloof and dignified, holy to behold, my body is only a distance of a trace of a fairy temperament. Chu evening watching the evil queen change a time silent, some women fell fast is excusable, but this woman is simply split personality. Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!

Chapter 1274 to find their own child, nobody is to blame Liu Yuan veteran space ring recursion gave Liu Binglan, Liu Binglan read immediately with soul probe into it. Chu evening to her, she did not see, because most mysterious objects allocated by the Liu veterans to deal with. Read probe into the soul, when Liu Binglan felt huge mysterious gas lunged, when it was found inside the space dolphin mysterious flashes of light glow when filled with mysterious objects, Liu Binglan also shocked, trying to get did not react. This is inside the mysterious substance, almost the equivalent of the new moon to the sanctuary of the sum accumulated in warehouses, Chu this evening's Lair constant sea is looted or how, how would such a move back to a large number of mysterious objects? Such a large number of mysterious objects, Liu Binglan think it is necessary to properly handle. Moment, Liu Binglan part of the mysterious objects inside out, as Shen Long Teng et al ink and enhance the strength of the mysterious object. The rest of the natural first placed into the warehouse, the more resources hoarding, and other places throughout the situation is open, you can attract a large number of palaces strong in. Now the three palaces resource issues really is not very short, the imperative is to solve limited land issues Crescent. Crescent special topography of the land, will actually come here, not many people must rely on assignments to other land territory of the temple to spread, so that it can make the palace's fame gradually become larger, so that the new moon This is a special place to become a force to be reckoned with! ...... In the palace after a few days rest, Chu twilight touches inadvertently found the room stood a lot of letters. Give yourself a letter only pose a leaf dump. Now pour posture leaf in Ancestor painstaking practice, she will own some of the situations encountered and progress of cultivation told Chu evening. Although it would have some trouble. But this is not a big problem, after reading those letters, Chu evening I found myself wondering what is going to Ancestor, meet leaves pour posture, the way to see if there is a message Metropolis Mans it, or according to the original plan to visit Ukrainian dish earth. Go Ningman children. "Well, let it pour practicing good posture." Hesitation, Chu twilight feel or not to disturb the leaf pour posture. Her last letter also said that she cured the old sovereign, the old sovereign intends to air max 2012 men shoes teach some of the oldest leaf Xianshu dumping posture. Ye Zi dumping is still some distance away from the Xianshu. She must be some penance is possible to cast out Xianshu. Ancestor available to the leaf dump posture good cultivation environment, there is a steady stream of resources, improve posture leaves pour very fast, and Chu evening do not want to accidentally pulling away, it is imperative, to put its own soul other pet enhance the strength of it. "Chu Mo! I retreat ended, out Bihuabihua!!!" Suddenly, the yard outside came a sound arrogant. Maid, San Wei were all exploration of the probe head, which secretly strange guy so bold, actually came to find the king gestures? Listen to this voice Chu Wan leaves twilight knew it was born. Chu last evening when I heard back Vientiane City Cloud Gate closing Ye Wan students to do the elderly disciples. Cloud Gate by the old man's advice that, this guy should also greatly enhance the strength, otherwise how will this year did not hear his voice. Sure enough, after a while, Ye Wan gifted excitedly ran over. Have to learn something pulling Chu evening. "I heard you find your dream beast back, ha ha, just exactly, I find it gestures!" Ye Wan raw shameless laugh. Chu evening learn to find, of course, impossible to find raw leaf Wan what warfare, Moye, small Zhelong something, that fight will be very stuck. Ye Wan born naturally are looking to squeeze the punches. "Or, it Qiecuoqiecuo it." Chu evening quietly nodded his head. ...... They went to the city, Ye Wan raw chatter, said: "This is more than a year can be hard on me, that poor old guy almost did not drive me mad, you know I did not eat meat this man one week to feeling uncomfortable, the results I never seen a woman more than a year, which is not to my pro-life. "Ye Wan born while complaining about the experience this time, while they begin a spell to summon demons out of his gorgeous tiger. Colorful magic tiger apparently entered into a higher dominate, this reminds Chu evening somewhat surprised, it seems these times Ye Wan survivors really do not get lazy and just let the gorgeous magic tiger even qualify for two. "Hey, more than that, taking into account your dream beast just come back, I'm not so arrogant up." Ye Wan born triumphant laugh. "Do you have other pets to the Higher Soul dominate?" Chu twilight even asked, surprised. "Of course, the Queen's day Ting snake recently broke." Ye Wan raw spirits said. "It seems that the old man really a little skill Cloud Gate." Chu Mo said. Ye Wan born into the cloud environment, it will also show for gorgeous tiger magic, but now they already have higher dominate. Ye Wan raw strength improved significantly, white language, Mu Qing Yi, Ye Zi dumping their current strength is certainly not weak, coupled with the new moon to attract those dominated class strong, I am afraid that the cloud of the land border in front of the new moon has been some of the less read. "Call it, let me see your dream outcome of stray animals all these years." Ye Wan Health said. Ye Wan born yesterday met with DPRK Prince, Prince told Ye Wan toward students, Chu evening there are a soul pet back, and very strong. Ye Wan raw mind wondering, the return of the soul pet bird is definitely a dream the night thunder beast, since very strong toward the cold Chuan said, it certainly is higher dominate, Ye Wan did not dare go to war too raw, Moye, small Zhelong trouble, Ray Dream Night bully bully beast is always possible! Chu Mo nodded, spoke the spell. Incantations while Chu evening secretly told the night, the better to hide their breath, do not be born a white silk leaves on the look out. Ye Wan night naturally recognize this guy born, Chu evening after it summoned the night will be completely restrained their breath, black eye staring born gorgeous white silk leaves magic tiger. "Hey, how much some of the blood lines ah, what are those?" Ye Wan born soon noticed that the night is different. "Nothing, let's get started." Chu Mo said. Ye Wan did not think too much raw, soul read immediately locked the night, and ordered gorgeous tiger magic on the night attack. Ye Wan Chu evening of students on the night of the Ray Dream beast understand, specially with the spirit of the sound to remind ourselves of the gorgeous magic tiger said: "This guy is strong ability to dodge. And will manufacture [True〗 real dreams, do not be confused concentrate . "" left roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "gorgeous magic tiger morale, physical strength is quite amazing bursts. Cool night watching the colorful magic tiger onrush pair of deep black eyes, no trace of wheeled watching the colorful magic tiger, the tiger's action is completely gorgeous magic income to the pupil. Colorful magic tiger has been very close, play skills, then this distance, even if the Dodge of ability can not avoid them open! Ye Wan born evoke a smile. Thinking to myself: Chu evening a bit too misjudge their gorgeous magic tiger! Penance in the process, leaves Wan was born elderly Cloud Gate's instructions, wake up gorgeous body〗 〖magic tiger body within the ancient soul of the beast power. Once the power of the ancient animal soul inspire. Can make gorgeous tiger attack magic moment doubled to demon spirit of the defense force, was hit once and never expect to stand up again! "Animal soul!" Ye Wan Health evocative sound. Command gorgeous tiger released ancient animal soul magic power. Ancient animal soul is attached to a gorgeous magic power of the two terror tiger paws, gorgeous magic tiger immediately jumped offensive momentum, skill fully locked the night. Chu evening see the ancient soul of the beast also appears when stunned. Aya chief had elaborated bucket days old beast beast cow horns soul force but let Chu twilight remember, when fighting days only quasi-horn cattle beast dominated attack effects can be close to the lower dominated, showing the power of this ancient animal soul powerful. Ye Wan raw colorful magic tiger actually also has this ability, had to admit, Chu underestimate his gorgeous evening some magic tiger. "Hey!" Ye Wan born grinned and laughed, and Chu twilight learn so many times, all ended in defeat. This can finally take advantage of! Ancient soul of the beast power down, the soul of that horrible beast claws along the space and the land looks smashing, destructive quite amazing! Smash into the night turning to a cold shadow, turned out to be broken into space walk through! White tail feathers elegant and over. All grinding energy is flung back the night, the night silently appeared in the gorgeous magic tiger body side! "Snapped!!!!!!!!!!!!" White tail feathers of order a fierce lightning, thrown in the fiercely gorgeous magic tiger body side! Because it is an old friend of the exigencies of the night specifically to reduce the number of force. But this power is still playing colorful magic tiger tail Pikairouzhan, direct side body fly out. "Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" gorgeous magic tiger slide very far close to the ground, and after a long time came to a halt. Gully end. Colorful magic tiger rickety want to get up several times and failed! Ye Wan Health widened his eyes, his face was a staggering blow to watch their defeat of colorful magic tiger. Ye Wan Chu evening students specially looked sleeping on the shoulders of the small Moye, did not intervene earlier to determine small Moye, his jaw almost fell to the ground. Very long time, have not recovered raw white silk leaves. ...... Half an hour later, too uterus. Yard, Xiazhi Xian Wan leaves being born as gorgeous tiger healing magic, magic colorful tiger hung his head, dejected look. Toward the cold side of the river to see the colorful leaves Wan magic tiger born very familiar with this road after the injury, can not help but giggle again. "Cold River North Korea, you are trapped me an injustice!! I gorgeous tiger was a magic trick seconds!!" Ye Wan born wringing said. "I know where you really talk to Chu twilight learn, and it is still looking for his dream of the night thunder beast learn that I am not told you, you would only dream of a strong beast?" Towards cold Chuan said. "You just tell me that the guy was dominated by the peak level can be dead?" Ye Wan born cursed. Hear Ye Wan born cursed, Xiazhi Xian but chuckle up students on the leaf Wan said: "Chu twilight night should be a mercy." "Yes ah, when we break their lives, I was kind of defense 10 000 towards the beast are a blow on the earth, that when we 9 dominate and a higher peak dominates besieged it, the result fell to the ground one by one all up again. "Cold River North Korea said. "9 to dominate and a higher peak dominate!!" Ye Wan raw hear more scared, this team actually been defeated! "Ye Wan born, you are your own child, nobody is to blame ah." Toward the cold Chuan Haha laughed. Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!