Chapter 102 Yan rain barrel a year's time | tuv871のブログ



Chapter 102 Yan rain barrel a year's time, three thousand eight hundred prisoners has become a prisoner of the past few months, almost every day a few dim prisoner's name, while the rest of the island to the Prisoners who survive one year, by no means pushovers. There are a total of twenty reels, Chu twilight that prisoners from the hands of just got a last month, when Yang Chu evening killed two people, from their hands got two reels. Chu evening a man who had four reel, should be regarded as being more of a prisoner. ...... Maozhao Yu, Chu evening continues a person walking into this vast mountain, and he is now marked on the map to go to a beach, the prisoner told Chu evening before dying a very important message that Cao Yi is that the beach trying to capture a potential reef habitat in the area of ​​water beast. Huge island, Cao Yi met again the next chance is very small, so Chu evening to kill this guy do not want to miss the opportunity. Green nightmare Comodo humiliation, arena Cao Yi tricks of their own to make these Chu Mo can not forget. Cao Yi Chu Mo knows the soul of four pet, first Cao Yi definitely has a green nightmare strength is not weak magic, and can already Summon. Prisoners Island, Chu met a lot of twilight blue nightmare can summon demons fighting Prisoner of blue magic nightmare has not a stranger. Cao Yi Chu has not seen twilight blue nightmare summon demons, and a year later, Cao Yi green nightmare magic strength should also be improved a lot. Cao Yi soul disabilities level master pet should be had in the green nightmare Comodo have time to call out the Dire Wolf, Chu Mo Lest remember that the wolf is three paragraphs, but when the time of year, this fear if Cao Yi wolf no death, then strength is also improved a lot. Green Nightmare on vessels bound for the main island of magic, when twilight remember Cao Yi Chu also summon over a water element, water element for the middle-class soul pet slaves should be Cao Yi at the level of the soul soul Acts pet, strength Chu evening being clear, but said good talent. There one is Cao Yi had been summoned Bluebird, Bluebird is a servant of higher grade, should be that Cao Yi soul believers in the levels of the main pet, but was killed wide cold summer. Chu evening ...... soon arrived at the beach on the location of the island's beaches are not all prisoners of the cliff, but full of reefs and strange swirl, even water soul pet, it is difficult to pass this particular dangerous waters. "Shine bright, there seems Cao Yi hand scroll." Chu Mo musters a smile began to reel in accordance with the intensity of the light to find Cao Yi position. ...... "Reel and bright." Cao Yi soon discovered scroll glow, his face immediately exposed Yinhen smile, eyes glanced coldly side who looked a bit ragged clothes girl. Cao Yi girl standing beside is Yan snow, snow is the original and Chu Yan evening together as conscripts that girl. In fact, the magic island green nightmare when snow often at night, Yan Cao Yi huts out of it. Yan Xue own ability is not very strong, able to survive, but also mainly because she's such devotion from Cao easy to get the soul of a good pet. Cao Yi offend Xia Guang Han, was ordered to throw the prisoners on the island, Cao Yi know what they are doomed, so through their own relationship, it is shameless will Hin snow to dragged this list among the bribed escort their helm who, let Welcomes the snow became his slaves with the death row was sent to the island. Cao Yi know the harsh conditions of prison island, bring Yan snow there is a purpose, we can say that he's a way to survive. "You should know how to do it?" Cao Yan Yi glanced snow, said with a tone of command. Welcomes the quiet snow eyes, apparently here in Cao Yi suffered all kinds of abuse, Cao Yi has fear. She gingerly took from the hands of Cao Yi of that glowing reel, laid down in the CAO Yi's eyes light becomes stronger position towards the door. Welcomes the snow looked bleak, and each time was ordered to do it, I felt fear and Yan snow humiliated ...... go ahead, Yan went to the jungle, snow, feel the light gradually close to the time, but it is standing place the reel on the ground, began to unravel some callous that some of their ragged clothes. Doing so is not the first time, the people welcomed the snow is very numb, but in order to survive, she can only sale their dignity and body. The CAO Yi took advantage of her, and killed many prisoners on the island, get a lot of benefits, the strength greatly Nike Free Run 2 enhance ...... half Xie Luo Shan, Yan snow really know how to evoke a man's desire, especially in such a closed on a desert island, in addition to the killing of every prisoner struggling, the mind have a very strong desire to share, so in the past, almost no one can resist the temptation Yan snow. Welcomes the snow gets a little stain skin though, but still can not cover up that attractive white, good development makes her seventeen years of age can make a lot of men beast of blood boiling. Unlock clothes, her upper body was completely naked, and drizzle fell on her body, her wet hair sticking to the carcass, the rain along the curve of the chest trembling fall, giving a more visual stimulation ...... a little bit of rain penetration in her thin clothes, despite the lower body shredded pants did not answer, but because of glistening tightly against her body, the small buttocks curve to outline out quite Alice and mellow. Standing in the rain, so eclectic scene exposure in his own eyes, but also differences in the Chu endless twilight and felt his heart a desire to come to this girl in front of the trend, then you can eat ...... Chu Mo has sixteen years of age, to see such a Vice scenario naturally have a man's reactions, especially long-term killing, so he and most of the prisoner, as the heart has a very strong desire to survive death weekdays, spiritual urgency, did not see how a woman but will not be once they see it kind of desire to get out of hand. Chu is now in a kind of twilight burning desire to be a state, but he will not be like those who, like so irrational prisoner directly rushed to the wanton devastation covered temptation just this girl, not to mention, Chu has moved from appearance in twilight recognize that welcomes snow. Welcomes the snow can feel this close to being a prisoner has the same desire infected, she has used these prisoner extremely greedy gaze, even accustomed to coming soon wanton abuse, her eyes looked numb prisoner came , you want to pretend that the expression of joy and desire. However, when Yan snow walking in the rain to see this man, her face numbness gradually disappeared, slowly being horrified occupied! Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!