Chapter 41 new combat skills, flame Mans back among the huts, Chu can finally go to bed one evening feel it. Nightmare enchanted rules: Just being able to survive from this competition, and not within the body to devour magic nightmare, it is eligible to become a member of enchanted nightmare. Chu evening can say now is considered a nightmare enchanted member, three days later, would go to some towns of the island among the few that do not slave life in general. The only worry is the twilight of Chu Yi Cao Cao Yi's character is difficult to speculate, if it is not mentioned that before the summer adults, Cao Yi might just kill myself. "This Cao Yi, have the opportunity to get rid of!" Chu Mo able to see Cao Yi has played a kill on their own, so that a hazard exists, will bring him a lot of trouble. Back huts among Chu evening nor asleep, adjusting training consumes about four percent of Chu twilight soul force, riding the white magic nightmare has not eating, Chu evening as soon as possible so that their soul force to recover. Open from early morning meditation, probably in the evening hours, white magic nightmare finally regained consciousness, the first time after entering ninth order Chu evening to ask for food. Chu twilight soul force have all been consumed by the recovery of all the soul force fed to the nightmare of the white magic, white magic nightmare evening in the consciousness of the Chu sent satiate cry after sleeping down again. "80% of the remaining two percent, okay." Chu Mo finally musters a smile on his face. To enhance the strength of the soul who read after three and nine bands of white magic should be considered nightmare opened a certain distance, Chu Mo has a soul can have two power use. Soul of technology - pet charm probably need to consume a quarter of the soul force Chu evening, critical time, Chu evening was able to use to use, in addition to leave this magic island green nightmare after nightmare enchanted become a member, Chu Mo should be have the opportunity to come into contact with other soul of technology, those who consumed the soul of technology should not be too large. White magic nightmare evening for the rest of these 20% of the Chu soul force can be said can be considered as a yoke of Chu Mo untied, Chu evening after the battle is not necessary always in hiding. ...... Evening, Chu evening once again tune into Moye conducted training. Before the process is still in accordance with the spirit of the animal soul crystal two crystal crown for energy on the Moye baptism, and then a sub-soul crystal crown fire properties of energy for Moye for property increases. "Change of?" When Chu evening complete tune training today, when Chu evening immediately found Moye some changes in the body. The most obvious is that it was hidden in the pads of the paws, and this time is no longer simply becomes sharper, but the young claw out of Moye's body directly from the flesh grow new claws! "Two claws, Li claws!" Found Moye changes, Chu Mo immediately exposed ecstasy of color! From one of the young Li claws into two claws, but takes a long time to complete constant sharpening, and this time transformation, let Moye claw blade directly to the next level! Two sharp claws Li extent than at least one full period twice as strong, even in the night time continuous fighting, nor may appear as before wear! The young from a claw claw transformed into two of Li, Moye attack power Nike Air Max greatly improved, maybe it will change the skills! The third training ...... tune when changing the attributes of Chu Mo ratio, in order to allow Moye to have fire attribute, the last tune training, Chu Mo traction properties of the two-point energy of the fire, and then injected into a beast attributes of energy. Chu evening doing so is to make the transformation to moonlight Moye fox fire property owners after the second form, but let Chu evening very unexpectedly, Moye silver fluff surprisingly has changed, become more shine shiny silver charm, turned out to be enter into a full period of fluff. Chu evening has been carried out on the animal attributes Moye nuclear feeding the soul, Moye in the first nine bands growing form, are based mainly an attack, it is only in the late defense fur state. And this tune after training, Moye's defense has finally entered a fur full of fluff, and the growth of the state from the point of view, does not take long to be able to enter into two velvet hair bast state! Two velvet bast hair is the soul of a very special pet fur fight in Benzhu, the hair will become very soft, forming smooth lines, reduce air resistance. In defense, two velvet hair will appear as tough tough state, resisting a certain degree of damage. Moye If we can achieve two velvet sewing hair, even if a positive step by the nine wolves hunt wolf Kuangxi, perhaps only by a number of minor injuries Bale. "Although the defense did not reach the two fur, but that's okay, slowly!" Chu Mo on the results of this training can be considered a tune very satisfied. Now Moye state, even if it appears four weeks raw Mo hunt wolves, nor is Moye opponent, and more worthy of Chu evening expect is that this increase in fire properties, whether we can have a new ability to make Moye! Three tone training, Moye changes are more obvious after the fourth and fifth tune tune training training, Moye would not be a significant change, and in this regard because Moye is now in second form an order, subject to physical limitations, claws and fur impossible edge overgrowth. On the other hand, it can be said that the soul of the grade of grain has been unable to meet the current phase of Moye, the excess energy will almost invariably become food digest. ...... Tomorrow is time to leave the island at night, when Chu evening specifically with Moye to camp outside, to see new properties added after Moye ability. "Moye!" Chu Mo spoke the spell will Moye summoned to his presence, light blue brilliant cohesion and slowly slowly lax about patterns among the gentle soul yet noble wild Moye slowly appears. "Hum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Moye raised head, uttered a crow, fox, Naruto's voice echoed in the woods immediately, flush weak countless birds! "Zizi Zi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" jungle among the withered old trees, suddenly heard a shrill cry, followed by a black flat flight soul pet suddenly hovering in the sky, it seems that in It is the site random noisy Moye strong views. "About a fifth-order bat night? Exactly, practice your hand." Chu Mo looked at the noisy creatures, but it is musters a smile. Moye raised his head, staring eye silver bat, suddenly, this pair of silver eyes flashed out a branching off the fire! ! "Flame Mans!" Chu Mo first time to capture the Moye this change! Flame the fire department combat skills Mans, Mans is the most direct flame burns injuries, although not burning flame burning this direct damage effects, but in the release speed with absolute advantage. Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!