The Internet of Things helps smart agriculture, | industrial iot gateway

industrial iot gateway

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The "Ten Billion Agricultural Research Project" targets the major needs of agriculture and rural areas and is committed to promoting the progress of agricultural science and technology. It is understood that the "Ten Billion Agricultural Research Project" will be held by Chairman and CEO Chen Lei, which shows that Pinduoduo is helping agriculture. determination of the market.
Our country is a large agricultural country. With the rapid development of farming technology in recent decades, the number of greenhouses across the country has increased. The emergence of greenhouses has allowed many people to eat off-season vegetables, and production has also been greatly improved. In order to ensure the quantity and quality of output, the production environment of crops will have extremely strict requirements. Indicators such as temperature, humidity, illumination, and carbon dioxide concentration need to be maintained within a small and scientific range. The earliest greenhouses were passed on by more experienced people, such as what temperature was needed at a certain moment, etc. After a period of summary, certain rules were formed and a standard was formulated to record the temperature during the period through manual observation. , soil moisture, light intensity, etc. can meet the standards and then adjust the corresponding values. However, monitoring these parameters mainly relies on personnel staying behind, and the land drought relies on manual watering. As the number of greenhouses continues to increase and labor costs increase, manual management alone becomes increasingly difficult.

Don’t worry, the solution is here!

In recent years, with the continuous development of Internet of Things technology and agricultural automation application levels, based on the increasingly rich experience of "Internet +" projects, smart greenhouses that collect corresponding information through sensors and then use some configuration software products to realize automatic operation and automatic control are in sight. must. The intelligent greenhouse monitoring system uses artificially set curves to compare the on-site environment with the set curve. If the range is exceeded, the equipment will be automatically triggered to work, so that the surrounding environment is always maintained within the set range, achieving scientific planting and improving production capacity. Purpose: It has the characteristics of high control accuracy, stable and reliable operation, and is unattended, which greatly reduces labor costs. The Internet of Things and intelligence in greenhouses will become the development trend of agriculture in the future.

#System composition

Collection layer

●Temperature sensor, used to collect temperature information in soil and air
●Humidity sensor, used to collect humidity information in soil and air
●Light sensor, used to collect light information
Carbon dioxide concentration sensor, used to collect carbon dioxide concentration information in soil and air

Execution layer

●Motor, electrified to drive other equipment to work
●Fluorescent lamp, through power supply to supplement light for plants, so that they can obtain a certain amount of light
●Water pump sprinkler, to provide enough water for the soil when the humidity is insufficient
The fan drives the air circulation and brings more nutrients
●Water and fertilizer all-in-one machine, supplement nutrients to the soil when plants are short of fertilizer
Roller blind machine, When the sun is sufficient, open the sunshade cloth to block the light

transport transformation layer

serial module device, which converts the value collected by the sensor into a standard ModBus protocol through the IO device for processing by the back-end device
●Digital transmission module/digital transmission radio station, Wireless serial lora module   wirelessly transmit the information collected by IO equipment, get rid of the traditional manual wiring method
●Serial server/industrial router, to report local data for remote monitoring and remote control

management control layer

●On-site configuration software processes the collected information and forms the core of the system. The system completes the automatic control through programming, sends the signal after processing, and drives the execution device to complete the corresponding operation
●Cloud configuration, process cloud server data, and display it on the PC side, which is convenient for remote viewing


Change the original manual on-duty mode, reduce labor costs, improve system stability, and can run for a long time. Through remote monitoring, the original on-site inspection and on-site supervision methods can be changed to computers or mobile phones to view at any time. Different curves can be set through programming, and the system will execute it automatically, eliminating human errors. The maintenance is simple, and the wireless transmission is adopted to reduce the maintenance cost.