北朝鮮による核実験への抗議文(平成29年9月4日) 英文 | 碓井法明オフィシャルブログ「本物をやろう!!」Powered by Ameba

北朝鮮による核実験への抗議文(平成29年9月4日) 英文

To: Kim Jong-un,

Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea


Letter of Protest

Upon hearing that, following September of last year, your country has performed a sixth nuclear test, I felt strong indignation. Your repeated launches of ballistic missiles since last year ignore the voices calling for world peace, and simply cannot be allowed. I once again strongly call for your country to abolish nuclear weapons, which are the enemy of humanity, and strongly urge you to stop any and all tests involved in the development of nuclear weapons.

In July of this year, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was passed by a majority of 122 United Nations member states. International society has begun moving for nuclear disarmament to achieve a "world without nuclear weapons." I am a city council member of Hiroshima, the first city in the world to suffer an atomic bombing, and I am also a survivor of that bombing. I am currently thinking and working together with young persons and students who will carry the next generation to hope for and achieve world peace.


However, I am forced to determine that your country's nuclear tests are foolish and violent acts, and there is no way to explain them to the innocent children. As the supreme leader of a country, you should not set this disgraceful example for the children of the world.


Nowadays, with global warming and irregular weather phenomenon, some experts have even predicted that "humanity will be extinct in 100 years." In this era, nuclear tests and war are anachronisms that are absolutely unforgivable.


I encourage your country to reflect seriously and reproach your actions, and hereby strongly urge you to choose the path towards nuclear abolition and show the right example to children and young people throughout the world.


September 4, 2017

General Incorporated Association Forum for the Future Generations of Hiroshima, President

Hiroshima City Council Member

Noriaki Usui