にほんブログ村 健康ブログ 植毛・自毛植毛へ        人気ブログランキングへ



1. 症例の概要と患者様の背景



2. 1000グラフトのノンシェーブン植毛とは?



3. なぜ1000グラフトでの植毛が可能だったのか?



4. ノンシェーブン植毛の施術プロセス

デザインとカウンセリング まずは、患者様と丁寧なカウンセリングを行い、理想のヘアラインとボリュームについてヒアリングしました。特に、生え際のラインや髪の流れは自然な仕上がりに大きく影響するため、しっかりとしたデザインを決定します。生え際は特に重要なポイントで、1本毛を用いて細かくデザインすることで、柔らかく自然なヘアラインを形成します。

後頭部・側頭部からの毛根採取 施術当日、まずはドナー部位となる後頭部と側頭部から毛根を採取します。ノンシェーブン植毛では髪を剃らないため、自然な状態で毛根を選び出していきます。毛髪の向きや流れに合わせて毛根を丁寧に取り出すため、高度な技術が必要です。このプロセスでは、ドナー部位の見た目を極力変えないように工夫しています。

毛根の移植 採取した毛根を、薄くなっている前頭部や頭頂部に移植します。ノンシェーブン植毛では、既存の髪の間に自然に植え込むため、毛根の角度や方向をしっかりと調整して移植します。この際、生え際や頭頂部の髪の密度を考慮しながら移植することで、まるで元から生えているかのような仕上がりを実現します。

5. ハイポサーマソルの使用で植毛効果を高める


6. 術後の経過と変化

術後の経過 施術後は、頭皮に軽い赤みや腫れが生じることがありますが、数日から1週間ほどで落ち着きます。痛みや違和感がある場合も通常は軽度であり、患者様はすぐに通常の生活に戻ることができます。ノンシェーブン植毛は、術後のダウンタイムが少ないのが大きなメリットです。

移植した髪の成長 移植された髪は、術後1か月ほどで一度抜け落ちますが、その後再び成長を始めます。通常、術後6か月から1年ほどで移植した髪が生え揃い、自然なボリューム感が出てきます。今回の患者様も、術後数か月でボリュームアップを実感され、以前よりも若々しい印象に変化されました。

7. 1000グラフトでも高密度な仕上がりに


8. ノンシェーブン植毛のメリットと注意点


  • 自然な仕上がり:髪を剃らずに手術を行うため、術後すぐに自然な見た目で生活が可能です。
  • 短いダウンタイム:術後の回復が早く、通常の生活に支障をきたすことなく復帰できます。
  • 高い生着率:ハイポサーマソルの使用により、移植した毛根がしっかりと生着し、長期的な発毛効果が期待できます。


  • 高度な技術が必要:ノンシェーブン植毛は、通常の植毛よりも高い技術が求められるため、経験豊富な医師でないと難しい手術です。
  • 定期的なフォローアップ:術後のケアと経過確認が重要で、定期的にクリニックでフォローアップを受けることが推奨されます。

9. まとめ




Case Study of a 36-Year-Old Man: Non-Shaven Hair Transplant with 1000 Grafts Achieving Natural Transformation

Hello, and welcome to Hair God Channel. Today, I'd like to share the story of a 36-year-old man who underwent non-shaven hair transplant surgery to address his thinning hair. This patient falls under the Hamilton-Norwood classification III for hair loss, a stage which typically requires 1500 grafts to achieve a high-density finish. However, in this case, we aimed for a transformation with just 1000 grafts—and the results were surprisingly natural and aesthetically pleasing. Let’s dive into the details of this case to help you understand the significance of the technique and approach.

1. Overview and Patient Background

The patient, a 36-year-old male, began noticing thinning hair around his frontal hairline and crown area a few years back. Being classified as Hamilton-Norwood III, he was at a stage where the thinning was quite visible, leading to a considerable impact on his appearance. The patient was quite active in both his professional and personal life, and he wished to improve his hair volume in a way that wouldn't drastically change his appearance or daily routine. As a result, we decided that a non-shaven hair transplant would be the most suitable solution for his needs.

2. What is a Non-Shaven Hair Transplant?

A non-shaven hair transplant is a technique that allows for the extraction and transplantation of hair follicles without the need to shave the donor area. In traditional hair transplant procedures, the donor area (typically the back and sides of the head) is shaved to facilitate easier extraction. However, in a non-shaven transplant, hair is left intact, allowing for a more natural and discreet recovery.


  • Minimal Impact on Appearance: Since the hair is not shaved, there is minimal change in appearance after surgery, allowing the patient to quickly return to their regular life.
  • Natural Finish: By harmonizing the newly transplanted hair with the existing hair, the results look incredibly natural, as if the hair has always been there.


  • High Level of Skill Required: A non-shaven hair transplant demands greater precision and skill compared to traditional transplants. Only experienced surgeons are capable of performing the procedure effectively.
  • Extended Procedure Time: Extracting and transplanting without shaving takes more time, leading to longer surgery durations compared to conventional methods.

3. Why Use Only 1000 Grafts?

Typically, patients with Hamilton-Norwood III hair loss are recommended around 1500 grafts to achieve optimal density. However, this particular case involved a careful evaluation of the patient's hair texture, scalp condition, and existing hair distribution. We developed a meticulous plan that maximized the effectiveness of 1000 grafts, resulting in a natural and fuller appearance.

Each area of the scalp has a unique hair distribution and density. By thoroughly analyzing the patient's hair flow and direction, we were able to strategically place grafts for maximum impact. This allowed us to achieve a full and natural look with fewer grafts than usual.

4. The Process of the Non-Shaven Hair Transplant

Design & Consultation The first step was a detailed consultation to discuss the patient’s goals and determine the best design for the hairline and volume restoration. Creating a natural hairline and understanding the patient’s facial structure were crucial for a realistic result. Special attention was paid to the frontal area, where one-hair follicle grafts were used to ensure a soft and natural look.

Donor Hair Extraction from the Back & Sides On the day of surgery, donor hair was carefully extracted from the back and sides of the scalp. Since this was a non-shaven transplant, the existing hair was left intact, and the healthy follicles were extracted with extreme precision, matching the natural hair flow. This required careful handling and considerable experience to ensure that the donor area remained as undisturbed as possible.

Transplantation to the Front & Crown The extracted grafts were then transplanted to the thinning areas in the frontal and crown regions. The angle and direction of the transplant were meticulously planned to match the existing hair, ensuring that the final look was cohesive and natural. The objective was to seamlessly blend the new hair with the patient’s existing hair to enhance volume without creating an artificial look.

5. Enhancing the Transplant with HypoThermosol

To improve the success of the transplant, we used HypoThermosol, a specialized preservation solution designed to keep the hair follicles healthy and viable during the extraction and transplantation process. The solution offers several benefits:

  • Protection & Activation of Follicles: HypoThermosol helps protect the hair follicles, maintaining their vitality and health until they are transplanted.
  • Improved Transplant Success: By keeping the follicles healthy, the solution boosts the success rate of the transplant, ensuring that the newly implanted hair roots effectively grow and flourish.

6. Post-Surgery Recovery & Results

Post-Surgery Experience After the procedure, it is common for patients to experience some redness and swelling on the scalp. However, these symptoms typically subside within a few days to a week. Any discomfort or soreness is generally mild, allowing the patient to quickly return to their daily routine. The non-shaven technique, in particular, offers a swift and inconspicuous recovery.

Hair Growth & Transformation The transplanted hair typically sheds within the first month after surgery, but it starts to regrow shortly thereafter. Within 6 months to a year, patients can expect the full effect of the transplant, with visibly increased hair density and volume. Our patient reported noticeable changes within months, regaining a fuller and more youthful look.

7. Achieving High Density with 1000 Grafts

While 1000 grafts may seem modest compared to the usual recommendation for Hamilton-Norwood III hair loss, a strategic approach and precise placement can create a substantial transformation. This case clearly demonstrates that even a smaller number of grafts can achieve significant improvements when handled by skilled professionals.

8. Advantages & Points of Caution for Non-Shaven Hair Transplant


  • Natural Aesthetics: Since the hair is not shaved, patients can maintain their natural look immediately after surgery.
  • Short Recovery Time: The procedure is minimally invasive, allowing for rapid recovery and a return to daily activities.
  • Enhanced Follicle Survival: Using HypoThermosol improves the survival and growth of transplanted hair, ensuring long-lasting results.


  • Advanced Skill Required: The non-shaven technique requires a high level of surgical expertise and experience.
  • Ongoing Follow-Up Care: Patients should attend regular follow-ups to monitor progress and receive personalized hair care advice.

9. Conclusion

In this case study, we successfully treated a 36-year-old man with Hamilton-Norwood III hair loss using a 1000-graft non-shaven hair transplant. The transformation was significant, demonstrating that even a smaller number of grafts can provide remarkable results when combined with expert planning and execution.

The non-shaven hair transplant is ideal for those seeking a discreet and effective solution to thinning hair. If you're considering a hair restoration procedure, we encourage you to book a consultation and explore the best options for your needs.









  • 住所:東京都渋谷区代々木2-2-13 新宿TRビル4階
  • 電話番号:0120-489-100
  • 診療時間:10:00~19:00(予約制)

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本を読みたい人 購入はこちらからです






施術の説明:薄毛になりにくい後頭部・側頭部の毛根をに採取し、前頭部や頭頂部の薄くなった部分に移植する手術です。 移植した毛髪は薄毛になりにくい性質を保ったまま定着し、一生涯、生え変わり続けます。



■■ 湘南AGAクリニック■■

■■新宿南口院 ■■


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AM9:00~PM6:00 / 土日祝も対応! 











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