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にほんブログ村      人気ブログランキング



Improve Blood Circulation with Scalp Massage

 The human body is made up of approximately 37 trillion cells, and blood delivers the essential oxygen and nutrients to each cell. Hair follicle cells and hair matrix cells, which are highly active, require a significant amount of blood.

Therefore, maintaining good blood circulation in the scalp is crucial for hair growth and regeneration. The efficacy of oral hair growth treatments like finasteride and topical treatments like minoxidil also depends on good blood circulation to deliver their active ingredients to the target cells.

 In my experience with patients suffering from hair thinning, many have cold and stiff scalps, indicating poor blood circulation. When performing scalp incisions for hair transplantation, I've observed that patients with cold, stiff scalps tend to bleed less than those with warm, supple scalps, further indicating poor circulation.

 As hair thinning progresses, the scalp may become hard to protect the head, potentially worsening blood circulation. Whether poor circulation and scalp stiffness lead to hair thinning or are a result of it is a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Regardless, leaving the scalp hard and neglected is detrimental to hair growth.

 How is your scalp currently? When you press your scalp with your fingertips, does it have some elasticity? If it feels stiff, your scalp may indeed be hard.

 Next, try moving your scalp up, down, and sideways while pressing it with your fingertips. If it doesn’t move smoothly, your scalp might be stiff. If you notice this, start incorporating scalp massages into your routine. Kao Corporation has conducted a study confirming that performing a scalp massage for 1-3 minutes daily, three times a day for six months, improves blood flow and softens the scalp (details are available on their website).

For a scalp massage, use the pads of your fingers as you would while shampooing, without using your nails. Open your fingers to grip the scalp firmly and move in large circular motions. Gently massage the entire scalp, changing locations as you go.

 Like dieting or exercising, sporadic scalp massages won’t yield significant hair growth results. Consistency is key. Integrating scalp massages into an already established routine is the easiest and most effective way to avoid giving up. The best time is usually during shampooing, but you can also add it to your morning or nighttime routine, such as before or after brushing your teeth or before bed. You can also combine scalp massages with the application of hair growth treatments.

 After following a routine for about six months, check your scalp’s elasticity by pressing it with your fingertips and its flexibility by moving it up, down, and sideways. If you’ve been consistent with your scalp massages, you should notice improved elasticity and flexibility. Likely, your scalp's blood circulation has improved, creating a better condition for hair growth. Noticing these positive changes will motivate you to continue your scalp massage routine without difficulty.


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施術の説明:薄毛になりにくい後頭部・側頭部の毛根をに採取し、前頭部や頭頂部の薄くなった部分に移植する手術です。 移植した毛髪は薄毛になりにくい性質を保ったまま定着し、一生涯、生え変わり続けます。



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AM9:00~PM6:00 / 土日祝も対応! 






















★★★ おすすめ動画 ★★★


