にほんブログ村 健康ブログ 植毛・自毛植毛へ        人気ブログランキングへ


にほんブログ村      人気ブログランキング





Avoid Unnecessary Stress

 It is said that we live in a stress society today. Following the "Lost 30 Years," Japan has been referred to as a "declining country" due to the aging population and declining birthrate. Many people in Japan are worried about the present and the future, leading to an increase in stress.

 There is a saying that "a cold is the root of all illnesses," but stress is truly the root of all illnesses. Stress is considered to be a factor behind various lifestyle diseases.


 How does stress relate to hair loss and thinning?

 First, let's clarify what stress is. Stress is originally a term from physics, referring to a state of distortion caused by external pressure. 

 This concept was applied to humans by Canadian physiologist Hans Selye. In this context, distortion (stress) and its cause (stressor) are distinguished, but we often use stress and stressor interchangeably.Humans have a mechanism to maintain a constant internal environment, known as homeostasis. Stress disrupts this homeostasis. In response, the autonomic nervous system comes into play.

 The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares the body for activity, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation. 

 When stressed, the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant. This is a defense mechanism to maintain homeostasis in the face of stress.

 The sympathetic nervous system causes the body to tense up and blood vessels to constrict. If this is temporary, it's not a big deal, but if stress persists and the sympathetic nervous system remains active, blood flow can decrease due to prolonged vasoconstriction.

 The scalp is one of the areas with the most active blood flow. When the sympathetic nervous system is excited by stress and blood vessels constrict, the blood flow to the scalp decreases. This makes it difficult for oxygen and nutrients to reach the hair papilla cells and hair matrix cells, which are crucial for hair growth and regrowth, creating an unfavorable situation for hair growth.

 Everyone, not just in Japan but worldwide, experiences some level of stress. If stress alone caused hair loss and thinning, many modern people would be bald. In reality, male pattern baldness is strongly influenced by testosterone and genetics, so stress alone usually does not cause hair loss and thinning. 

 However, the vasoconstriction of the scalp due to the sympathetic nervous system's excitement can accelerate the progression of existing hair loss and thinning.

 The problem is that the progression of hair loss and thinning itself can become an additional source of stress, creating a vicious cycle where stress leads to more hair loss and thinning, which in turn leads to more stress.

 Studies on mice have shown that stress can stop hair follicle growth, push hair into the resting phase, and cause hair loss.

 Humans are particularly prone to anxiety and stress when faced with unexplained changes or problems. If you start to worry about hair loss and thinning, see a specialist early to identify the cause and begin treatment. If this alleviates your anxiety and stress, it will be positive for hair growth and regrowth.

 Additionally, try various methods to manage stress, such as distancing yourself from stressors, taking long breaks, engaging in sports or hobbies that you can immerse yourself in, and spending time with friends you can confide in. If you are a company employee, consult with an occupational physician with specialized knowledge for advice.


 Personally, I relieve stress through yoga, ball stretching, and Buddhism.


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施術の説明:薄毛になりにくい後頭部・側頭部の毛根をに採取し、前頭部や頭頂部の薄くなった部分に移植する手術です。 移植した毛髪は薄毛になりにくい性質を保ったまま定着し、一生涯、生え変わり続けます。



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