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About Shampoo

Wash Your Scalp and Hair Gently with Amino Acid-Based Shampoo

Using an expensive shampoo doesn't necessarily prevent hair loss or thinning, but if you're starting to worry about these issues, it's essential to choose your shampoo carefully. Washing your hair is a daily routine for most people, and even small differences in your shampoo can add up over time and make a significant impact.

Many inexpensive shampoos contain sodium lauryl sulfate as a cleansing agent, which is also found in toothpaste and dishwashing detergent. Some people worry that shampoo ingredients might penetrate deep into the hair follicles and damage the cells, but there's no medical evidence supporting this concern.

The real issue with sodium lauryl sulfate is that it can denature proteins, damaging the cuticle layer of the hair. This ingredient is actually used in cuticle removers for nails, which, like hair, are made up of cuticles. Damaged cuticles can make hair thinner, making hair loss more noticeable. Therefore, I recommend using amino acid-based shampoos, which are gentler on the hair.

No matter which shampoo you use, always rinse thoroughly. Even with amino acid-based shampoos, insufficient rinsing can leave residues on the scalp, potentially causing contact dermatitis and symptoms similar to seborrheic dermatitis.

Post-Wash Care

After washing, if your scalp feels dry and stripped of its natural oils, moisturize it with natural plant oils like argan oil or camellia oil. Argan oil, extracted from the seeds of the Moroccan argan tree, is high-quality and is something I personally use.

Proper Washing Technique

When washing your hair, it's not just about cleaning the hair but also the scalp, which is the foundation for healthy hair growth. Avoid scratching the scalp with your nails; instead, use the soft pads of your fingers to gently massage and cleanse the scalp. This promotes blood circulation, creating a favorable environment for hair growth. For those with advanced hair thinning, consider using a foaming shampoo that doesn't require lathering in the hair.

Specialized Tools

Ideally, you should have separate shampoos for hair and scalp cleansing, but this can be both costly and time-consuming. A useful alternative is a showerhead that produces microbubbles, such as the "Mirable" by Science, which is known from TV commercials. This product was developed because the chairman's daughter had severe atopic dermatitis and needed a gentle cleaning method. Inspired by this touching story, I bought a Mirable for my family, and we love it. On days when my hair isn't particularly dirty, I've found that washing with just water ("yushampoo") using this showerhead keeps my hair and scalp clean.

This method also saves water, so I recommend trying it if you're interested.


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