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Red narrowband LED promotes hair growth.


 Finally, beyond oral medications like finasteride and topical treatments like minoxidil, let's introduce a treatment method that is likely to become hot in the field of hair growth and hair restoration in the future: the "red narrowband LED." In the field of dermatology, treatments using light, such as ultraviolet and laser light, have been actively practiced for a long time. Recently, it has been discovered that red narrowband LED, a type of LED, is highly effective for hair growth and restoration. This finding comes from the research of Dr. Masahiro Ogasawara, director of the Minonberg Clinic, and Professor Shigeki Inui, a special professor of dermatology at Osaka University's Medical School.

 Although it is said that light has a beneficial effect on cells, hair follicle cells related to hair, located about 6mm under the skin, are relatively deep. Light with a longer wavelength has the property of penetrating deeper into the skin.  Therefore, red narrowband LED, which has an even longer wavelength, has attracted attention. As a result, it has been clarified that various growth factors increase, such as HGF, which prolongs the growth phase of hair, leptin, which maintains the growth phase, and VEGF-A, which enlarges the hair follicle.

 The red narrowband LED has the advantage of being less burdensome on the body. When irradiated on the scalp, it causes the skin to become comfortably warm without pain, and there is no risk of sunburn or burns. The guidelines of the Japanese Dermatological Association also recommend the irradiation of LED and low-power lasers that are expected to have similar effects.

Recommendation level: B

Recommendation statement: It is recommended to undergo LED and low-power laser irradiation.




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施術の説明:薄毛になりにくい後頭部・側頭部の毛根をに採取し、前頭部や頭頂部の薄くなった部分に移植する手術です。 移植した毛髪は薄毛になりにくい性質を保ったまま定着し、一生涯、生え変わり続けます。



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★★★ おすすめ動画 ★★★


