Berlin Trip - Day 4 (09.06.2014) | 13's Reborn

13's Reborn


Berlin Trip - Day 4 (09.06.2014)

I woke up earlier than my mom and brother and planned our daily tour.
I marked points on map that we'll go and chose which trains we'll take.

We did our breakfast at hotel and went out.

We went to see Brendenburg Tor.
brendenburg tor

and Victory Column
victory column

These are one of the most importing landmarks of Berlin.

We walked from Brendenburg Tor trough Victory Column.
The weather was so hot! It was like the way won't end.

We saw Soviet army memorial on the way while walking.
soviet army memorial

We didn't went into Tiergarten.

We drank a glass of cold drink at the cafee near Victory Column.

Next stop is Jüdisches Museum, the museum I want to see as a architecture student.

Architectural design of the museum is very interesting and impressing.
You're going up for the exhibition and going down with ramps while exploring the exhibition.

Some parts of exhibition was interactive. You was able to experience them.

Every part of museum is a design masterpiece!
Holocaust Tower, The Garden of Exile and Memory Void were the best parts of the museum I think.

You feel like you are in a gas room in Holocaust Tower where has very high roof with a small light on the corner high roof.
holocaust tower

The Garden of Exile was interesting place.
It has square prism columns and slope ground.
It was hard to walk in balance. You feel weird in that garden.
garden of exile

Memory Void was impressing too.
You're walking on steel faces that represents Jewish who died during holocaust.
And while walking you're hearing cling clang sounds that represents sounds of deaths.

After our museum visit, we went to see the longest part of Berlin Wall that we can see today.
We couldn't go trough end because it was very hot day and my brother was very tired.
At least we saw half of it.
east side gallery

We ate our dinner at Turkish restaurant again (It's cheap ^^)
This time I and my mom ate schnitzel and brother ate döner.
And then returned our hotel for resting.