Berlin Trip - Day 2 (07.06.2014) | 13's Reborn

13's Reborn


Berlin - Day 2 (07.06.2014)

warning!: this post include so much girugamesh with fangirl emotions.

Ok, this post will be hard do write I can see it and it would be veeeerrrryyyy long I don't know for now. にひひ

Our second day was the most importing day for me.
You know how much I love girugamesh if you know me and can understand my feeling if you're a fangirl like me にひひ

We woke up at 8am and went downstairs to do breakfast. Hotel's breakfast was very nice. There were some short of cheese, jams, butter, tomatoes, cucumber, yogurt, fruit, salami, sausage, chocolate cream, breads, corn flakes, orange juice, coffee and some tee kinds. ナイフとフォーク Of course compare to our common Turkish breakfast there was many difference in taste.

We went up to our room again to get ready. I chose this outfit for the day specially for the concert. ニコニコ

Firstly we went to Alexander Platz by U-Bahn. We walked to see importing buildings.

Berlin TV Tower
alexander platz

St. Mary's Church

Berlin Cathedral
Berlin Cathedral
Love this cathedral!! It's so huge and impressing!! (*_*)

Rotes Rathaus
Rotes Rathaus

Neptune Fountain
neptune fountain

We ate lunch at KFC at Alexanderplarz.
We took S-Bahn from Alexanderplatz to go Warschauer Street and from there U-Bahn to go Schlesisches Tor. We're getting closer to concert place にひひ

A view after walking from Schlesisches Tor station.
Schlesisches Tor

While I was trying to our way to Lido a pink haired girl noticed me.
She asked if I'm going to girugamesh concert. I said yes and she said me to follow her.
Big thanks to her, we arrived Lido easily!

It was still like a dream to go girugamesh concert until I saw their tour bus with my own eyes 目

I started to wait for vip event while my mom and brother went to look around until regular door open time.
lido line

It was very hot day. It was very tiring to wait long time. There were no one who I know. I spoke with some girls only a few times just that. After about 1 hour one of girugamesh's staff went out I don't know why but it made me more exited. (>ω<)

And about one more 1 hour later the door is opened!
We went into one by one. We took our signed album, guitar pick and vip card.
We sat down on chairs at the garden and started to wait to other vips to go in.

girugamesh's staffs, manager and and a staff of EU tour (I learnt her name is Nora) came to garden.
Nora said us to get ready for meet&greet.
She said the band will be here in few minutes. We all screamed!
My heart was beating like a crazy! ドキドキ
She said we can keep sitting or stand up. We all preferred to sit down.

I don't know can I explain my feelings at that moment!
They were real!
They were in front of me!
I was looking at them in real!

They stood up only 1m away from us. Left to right they were Satoshi, Shuu, Ryo and Nii. My chair was at perfect place にひひ
I was a bit dizzy at first but I controlled myself and enjoy this precious time. ラブラブ!

We did an interview with girugamesh. We raised our hands to ask questions to them.
I was the second one who asked ニコニコ
It was hard to speak in front of them. For a second I thought I will forget English and how to speak 叫び
I said I'm coming from Turkey and asked if they would like to do concert in Turkey. Nora translated my question into Japanese for them.
They were looking surprised and said "woaw!" at same time. Ryo or Shuu, I don't remember clearly but probably Ryo, asked which city I'm from.
I replied "Istanbul". (I'm from Antalya and study in Istanbul but Istanbul was the best answer for this ^^)
Then Satoshi asked if there are many fans in Istanbul.
I can't believe Satoshi was speaking with me!! ( ´艸`)
It took some time to gather my mind and answer. I said yes but my voice was a bit low. I was still in shock of the moment.
Then Satoshi started to laugh. (≧▽≦) He was so cute!! kawaii

The interview was very long. I'll write some questions and answers that I remember.

Which superhero would they want to be?
Shuu: Micky Mouse
Satoshi: Hulk (with huge muscles!)
Ryo: Spider-man (He did pose of spider-man!)
Nii: Superman (he said he will go on stage with superman cap next time lol )

For which anime do you want to do song?
Ryo answered Naruto! It wasn't surprising. hahaha

There were a question about the girugamesh's photo with their underwears.
I don't remember the question but it was very funny moment にひひ
Satoshi checked what he wore. Yes, he really did this!! lol The manager promised to show his underwear too. They asked who did like that photo on Facebook. Some of us raised our hands. They said others to like it after concert. にひひ

girugamesh asked who came to previous EU concerts of girugamesh. Some of the fans raised hands. girugamesh was looking so delighted (^_^)

After the interview we did a line to taken photo with band. By the way, the interview is recorded by the camera. I hope they share it. (*_*)

I was one of first 10 in the line.
When it was my turn, I gave the postcard that I bring for them to Shuu.
I chose leader to give it to. ニコニコ
I was so excited. I forgot where to stand for photo (ノω・、)
Satoshi saw my situation and showed his side with cutest smile (///∇//)ラブラブ

and here is the best photo of the day, photo of victory! チョキラブラブ!にひひ
I LOVE YOU!!! (^ε^)♪

After the photo I've almost forgotten to handshake with them.
Fortunately Nii stretched his hand and I remembered it 目
but I didn't shake their hands, I hugged them (*^o^)乂(^-^*)
I still remember Satoshi's smiling side profile while we're hugging (/ω\)
I thanked at them and they thanked at me. Only Shuu thanked in Japanese (^-^)
I was used to hugging. I even hugged to manager after I took my photo machine from him. にひひ

Then I went to the place where stage is. There was not a big place but I think it's better because there weren't any barrier between us and stage and we were so close to stage.

I was at 2nd row and 1-2 person side from middle but I was at first row during concert にひひ

My mother and brother came a while after regular door open. They were only 2 rows behind me.

The members went on the stage and concert started!!
All of us screaming like girugamesh wanted from us during interview.

Break Down
Antlion Pit
Bad End Dream
Ultimate 4
Dirty Story
Bit Crash
Live is Life
Never Ending Story
Another Way
Kowarete Iku Sekai

Concert was amazing and I lived unforgettable time!! It was best concert of my life indeed!!
We screamed, headbanging, jumped, sang along, clapped our hands.. enjoy the time with girugamesh!!

The audience was good I think.
The band was looking so happy.

Satoshi always cheered us and wanted us to scream.
He was so cool on stage! He smiled so many times during singing (●´ω`●)ゞ but at the end of the songs he is the sexiest men with his looking toward us and that tongue! I can't forget that tongue にひひ

Shuu was very cool too! And he smiled as much as Satoshi (*⌒∇⌒*)
Nii was so energetic! He was often jumping (^O^)
Ryo was so sweet. He danced behind his drum and waved at us.

Satoshi only a few cm far from me and most of time I must to control myself not to touch him (。>0<。)
but once my hand hit his knee by mistake while jumping.. sorry (fangirl in me: not sorry at all... )
Shuu squirted water on us after the last song (〃∇〃)
Satoshi did it too but at other side (`ε´)
The girl next to me caught Satoshi's water bottle o(;△;)o
Shuu gave his beer bottle to a girl too before encore.
Ryo touched our hands before leaving the stage (^∇^)

All the song performances were so good!! They were better than I expected!!
but Kowarete iku Sekai was the most special song of EU tour ラブラブ


You can visit my Facebook album for more concert photos ニコニコ
click here

My brother took some videos you can watch them o my YouTube channel

After the concert we all were so tired ショック!
We went to a near park and rested a while then ate dinner at a Turkish kebab restaurant.

The owner of the restaurant was so kind. He asked his nephew to bring us to our hotel.

My mom and brother slept before me. I couldn't sleep because I was still under effect of the concert and feeling of accomplishment my dream.

And here are the goods from vip event and good that we bought after concert.ニコニコ

Once more Thank You Girugamesh! I lived the best day with you.
I hope I can see you again o(〃^▽^〃)o

Ahhhh.. I'm so tired. It did very long post. I would like to write more but I can't. I need a rest.
I'll write other days of trip on next days.