

 NASA releases mesmerising 10-year time-lapse of the Sun.とmesmerizingという語を使ってこの映像を形容しているが、mesmerise/mesmerizeとは、「魅惑する、催眠術をかける」という意味。




"bring into a mesmeric state, hypnotize," 1819, a back-formation from mesmerism. Transferred sense of "enthrall" is attested by 1862. Related: Mesmerized; mesmerizing; mesmerization. One who is mesmerized is a mesmeree. 


 とあり、「メスメリズム(mesmerism)」からの逆成(Back Formation)であると説明されている。ではメスメリズムはというと、これも語源辞典を見てみると…


"the doctrine that one person can exercise influence over the will and nervous system of another and produce certain phenomena by virtue of a supposed emanation called animal magnetism," 1798, from French mesmérisme, named for Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austrian physician who developed a theory of animal magnetism and a mysterious body fluid which allows one person to hypnotize another and propounded it in 1778 in Paris. The word, if still used is practically synonymous with hypnotism or artificial somnambulism. Another similar word for the same effect was braidism. An old term for "hypnotic suggestion" was mesmeric promise. Related: Mesmerist


 とあり、「動物磁気(animal magnetism)」なるものを利用した催眠術を使った医者であるフランツ・アントン・メスメル(Franz Anton Mesmer)に由来する語であると説明されている。




 このmesmerize / mesmerismをめぐる語源の話は面白く分かりやすいので、英単語の語源を扱った本なんかでは定番です。 






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英和辞典 Weblio
英和辞典 英辞郎 on the WEB
英英辞典 Cambridge English Dictionary
語源辞典 Online Etymology Dictionary
俗語辞典 Urban Dictionary
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