11月10日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



I had 2 lessons in Rosetta Stone. I am not good about direction, north , south, east and west...I try again tomorrow!!
11/10 1:40

Now I have just taken a shower. I need to change light bulb due to going out. It takes within 1 month by out... I cannot believe!
11/10 1:40

I am watching canned program ,"Iron chef ". This program is so fan that I cannot go to bed!!
11/10 2:21

この表現は英語で何?「この会社は風通しがいい社風だ。」 [起き寝る 英語表現]正解が気になる方はこちらへ http://t.co/yGvAj0jl
11/10 3:24

I feel so sleepy. It is time to go to bed. So I have a cough , I will go to the hospital tomorrow!
11/10 3:24

Tomorrow will be sunny , but day after tomorrow will be cloudy. My company will held the festival! I will go there with my family!
11/10 3:45

新しいiPad♪新型iPadに電源入れました!だーいぶ前にGETしてたけど、何故か今日(笑)少し待ってiPad minでも良かったかな…さて、久しぶりの更新だけど死ぬほど働いていたのと具合悪くて力尽… http://t.co/Ne82oTDK
11/10 22:36

11/10 23:01