Fantastic Memories in Oyabe | Travels in Toyama

Travels in Toyama

Helpful reports on navigating a slower side of Japan

This next trip was one of my personal favorites because I am an active dude. I love playing around and I also love parks as you may have read in some of my previous entries. I and my colleagues were off to Oyabe for some action and ancient history in two different locations. To reach the first area, is surprisingly easy to find. In the center of the park there is a massive tower, it appears to belong in Tokyo or Osaka by the modern architecture and staggering height. It is actually an observation tower for the recreational Crossland Oyabe. This park is really unique. Take the train to Isurugi Station and find the bus bound for Crossland Oyabe. It will not be that expensive maybe 2000 yen round trip from Toyama including bus fare. The other location Sakuramachi Jomon Park showcases some really old history. I mean really old, this dates way back before the samurais and all the stuff you have heard of about Japan. This place showcases the history of Native Japanese, is how
I understand it, dating back some 2000-3000 years and also an archaeological site and kind of playground for children outdoors. It is just a hike away from the station. Just get directed to Sakuramachi Jomon Park.

I am absolutely in love with Crossland Oyabe. I love it because it is just so unique. It has a massive tower, that sticks out like crazy because there is not a for story building in sight.
It is extremely tall, but the lack of other large structures just makes it so eye popping. There are bicycle rentals to enjoy exercise. We rode them back in the fall. There is a crazy mini golf course, where only a putter is used. It is real grass though and in beautiful condition. It is the first time I have ever actually seen true mini golf with beautiful grass and greens. Only in Japan will you find something this cool. Also there is a beautiful Italian restaurant with an actual Italian Head Chef. A massive Japanese military helicopter and a little lovers island located in a cute little pond. Do not forget about the interesting Leonardo Da Vinci museum. There is also a massive lawn, the size of many football fields, to do anything you want. It is easy to say this park has something for everyone.

On our trip the first activity would be going to the top of the tower. This building is super modern and super beautiful. The inside is clean and immaculate. I have been to many towers in Japan, this was the first one in a country area. The view at the top of this tower is very unique. You can literally see what seems forever with an I obstructed view.
The surrounding area is rice fields and it is hard to grasp just how much rice is grown in Oyabe. I really enjoyed the different view and seeing off into the country. There are free binoculars and I could really watch a lot of interesting things going on, without my view being obstructed by building and such. If you love tall modern structures and great views from way up high, I know you would like this.

We were off to play my favorite sport in the world, golf. A great practice course for improving your short game. This was the first time I had ever played this version of
the game though. I have played normal golf with many clubs, also I have played with just
a wedge and a putter on a short course. I have played mini golf, with AstroTurf and cheesy decorations. This was the first time I ever played a course specifically designed for just
a putter. The grass was beautiful and the greens immaculate. I rented a putter and proceeded to give it my all on the course. I was doing fantastic until I entered a bunker. It is not easy to recover from a bunker with a putter. I had so much fun. I really give it to this course for being beautiful and creating a unique novel form of gold everyone can enjoy. Please be kind to this course, it is real grass, shoes and putters are available for rental.
I will be back to this little course many times in the future.  I enjoyed a walk in the giant field of grass. I recommend for any walkers who don't like concrete, you could get a great walk in at the Crossland. We were off to Da Vinci Techno Museum. It was above the Italian restaurant coincidentally. Inside the museum everything is written in Japanese, fortunately the museum is super hands on. Lots of the man's inventions are recreated in smaller scale models that everyone is free to use your hands and experiment with. I really enjoyed playing with all the exhibits. I had a better appreciation, for him making all these machines and inventions. We owe a lot of our modern technology to this guy and the fantastic base of knowledge he laid down for everyone to expand upon.

Next up was some ancient history predating everything you have ever heard about in Japan. These were the natives from about 2000-3000 years ago. There is a small museum showcasing all of the historical artifacts found on site. They were going to build a road on this site but the artifacts were found and the place was designated as historically important. They shifted all plans for the road and now the Jomon Park is there.
The museum is full of pottery, tools, and super ancient stuff. The terminology was difficult for me in Japanese, but man this stuff was old. It was odd I had never thought about how old civilization was in Japan before. I enjoyed observing all of the artifacts and models of what life was way back when. I question if we are anymore happy today than we were back then.  Outside there was a massive hut slash house recreated to show what the ancient people probably lived in. There was also a massive jungle gym constructed of all wood and natural materials. I enjoyed the rope swing a lot. I sat and pondered how ancient people lived in the area thousands of years ago and felt really appreciative I in some way am related to people way back then. It was the first time in a long time I felt appreciative of ancient people. It was really cool and informative. I hope others can make it out to
the area and have such a great experience as I did on this day. I wanna try camping for one week someday in the wild, this trip really inspired that. If you get the chance to make it to the beautiful Crossland Park in Oyabe, stop by Sakuramavhi Jomon Park as well for some really interesting history.