Miyajima Road and Oyabe's Delicious Noodles | Travels in Toyama

Travels in Toyama

Helpful reports on navigating a slower side of Japan

This particular trip was all about beautiful scenic areas and delicious food. We headed to the southwest region of Toyama this time for some beautiful country views and crisp clean air. When we finished doing that we went to a restaurant known for it's delicious ramen and hot noodle pot. To access this area of Toyama you will need to take the train a couple stops past Takaoka Station towards Kanazawa, and get off at Isurugi Station, from there there will be a shuttle bus to the beautiful Miyajima Road. The times are limited so it will be important to arrive in the morning to make this trip possible. After that a short jaunt from the station will take you to Michi no Eki Meruhen Oyabe (Oyabe Visitors Market). There you can find a delicious noodle restaurant, market, and interesting souvenir shop.

Near Isurugi Station is a nice road that has many beautiful natural scenic spots. There are quite a few of them on this road. If you are a good walker in an hour or two I think it is possible to see all of these landmarks and get some great exercise and fresh air at the same time. This is among the most country places I have seen in Japan. There are not very many houses or anything really, just beautiful nature in all of it's glory. Start at the bottom of this road and you will see a wide waterfall pouring out and making beautiful noises. Continue up the road and you will see another waterfall feeding the previous waterfall.

Next is another waterfall, with a path so you can get really close to it and enjoy it for all that it is worth. The walk between is not so far but if you make it to all the stops after it will be a nice little hike. The air is really clean, and the water is super clear. If you need a break from people and bustling society this is a great destination.
Continuing on this road it only gets more beautiful. Further up, there are a couple statues the area is really proud of. Both beautiful women appearing to just enjoy the scenery and all of the nature surrounding. They appear to have been there for a long time. I assume they are held into place tightly as well, as they must go underwater from time to time, this particular river looked like it could get pretty big and swelling. After seeing these two statues of beauty and grace, we continued to what I considered the most beautiful part of the trip.

We were taken to a dam like structure that blocked off the river at the top and made a lake looking body of water. On the other side of this structure were classically terraced rice paddies. It was a ways up too. The view was excellent even on a cloudy day I could see well into the valley. The trees overhung the lake and made a truly unique scenery. There is a park and restroom near the bus stop to go back to the station. It is unique in that it is covered in moss and completely green. It was my first time seeing that much moss so I was really excited.

Go back to the station and Michi no Eki Meruhen Oyabe. It is a mouthful but only a short hike away from the station, or easily reached from the Japanese interstate exit for Oyabe. It is a lovely little road side center. It offers a beautiful farmers market, a souvenir shop, a dog park, and a delicious noodle store. There is also a nice little park for children as well. There was also a nice little art show going on in the exhibit hall. I got to see many beautiful pictures and local art from the people of Oyabe. I think the building was recently built and I really enjoyed, the experience of being there.
We enjoyed dining at the noodle shop looking out to the busy dog park and playground. The specialty noodle is Oyabe White in Oyabe with pork bone flavor. The ramen was very delicious and mild. The soup had a nice bite but was not too salty. The flavor was fantastic. My colleague enjoyed a tradition japanese udon dish. It came out in a big metal bowl and was steaming hot. He said it was very delicious. The volume was quite large as well, sure to fill up any hungry restaurant goer. I would recommend going to this restaurant if you love noodles. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This little adventure was off the beaten path and a lot of fun. Toyama is a place known for peace and relaxation and this trip really showcased.