中森明菜「メルヘン・ロケーション」 ①本人歌唱 ②私の演奏 | Louis Glass Music & Travel

Louis Glass Music & Travel

On being born, I listened to Mother’s singing. Father used to take me to great places. I’d like to live and die with music and travel.



Akina Nakamori「Location of fairy tale」


①本人歌唱 Singing of Akina herself


②私の演奏 My performance



Singing or arranging this song is very difficult becaue it has complicated harmonies and multi-step climaxes. Experienced gentlemen can notice that the structure of this tune implys the manners gentlemen must keep to treat women as ladies. 17-year-old Akina was so talented that she could go over the difficulty.
The lyrics show the scene where a boy a girl enjoy a night drive date, watching the constellations in the night sky.