アメリカ人大学院生の声「齋藤先生、大相撲で八百長は無くせないと思いませんか?」に答えた | 僕のお相撲日記season8¨刺してやろうか 主役は俺だ¨

僕のお相撲日記season8¨刺してやろうか 主役は俺だ¨





It is said that if you win 7 and lose 7 in Sensyuraku, you can eliminate match-fixing. But I don't think this is enough. The value of one win depends on the number. For example, I think there is a difference between a makujiri that falls if you lose one more game, and a flat makujiri that only drops in number. The same will be true for the Ozeki, which will fall if you lose two places in a row. There is a big difference between finishing with 7 wins and 8 wins in Ozeki. It's only a one-win difference, but if you only need eight wins, you can maintain the ozeki. I don't want to be a problem like Shintaro Ishihara, who said, "Taiho's sumo wrestling is match-fixing," so I won't name individuals. After all, you can't eliminate match-fixing just by playing 7-7 against each other in sensyuraku. However, this spring, the place is "Is this match-fixing?" It seemed that the number of times I suspected it was relatively small. Even if it wasn't sensyuraku, at the end of the game, it would be "the wrestler who is winning" versus "the wrestler who will fall if he loses any more", and if the one who is winning loses, "Is it match-fixing?" It's something that makes you 

think. However, I felt that there were many cases where the winning side won even more.






へびりん回答(Hebirin Answer)👉

 The definition of "match-fixing" in sumo wrestling is difficult, and different people perceive it differently. The following three are the truths of the kakukai controlled by the main yakuza sumo gambling Mr./Ms.. 

・ Decide the winner or loser in advance with the transfer of money. 

・ There is no transfer of money, but the winner or loser is decided in advance. 

・ Those who have a low need to win due to circumstances give up stars to those who have a high need to win. (As a breath of accord, tacit understanding.The so-called human sumo wrestling) 





・状況的に勝つ必要性の低いものが、勝つ必要性の高いものに星を譲る (阿吽の呼吸、暗黙の了解として。いわゆる人情相撲) 



In any case, the premise that these things arise is that "you need a winning star to protect your position". However, all wrestlers find themselves in this situation all the time. If you lose, the fall of the makuuchi will be thick. It can be said that the number is everything for the wrestlers, so at the end of each place, everyone calculates their star account and the number of the place they come to in detail. Therefore, if you are 8-5 and your opponent is 6-7 in Makujiri, you will give up your star. This is a "loan of stars", and the other party understands that he has given the star even if he is not told. I will definitely return it when the opposite situation occurs someday. Therefore, match-fixing is not something that is made by the superior to the inferior, but it is something that is held by each other. The master also knows that it was a win-win for him when he was active, so he does not tell his apprentice to stop. This is because if the so-called Kadoban humane sumo becomes the norm, it will become a hotbed of sumo gambling.


いずれにしても、これらが生じる前提は「地位を守るために勝ち星が必要」だからです。しかし、全力士はしょっちゅうこの状況に陥ります。負ければ幕内陥落濃厚とか。力士にとっては番付がすべてと言っても良いので、各場所の終盤は皆自分の星勘定と来場所の番付を細かく計算しています。よって自身は8勝5敗で相手が幕尻で6勝7敗とかの場合、星を譲るでしょう。これは「星の貸借」で、相手も当然星を譲ってもらったことは言われなくても百も承知。いつか逆の状況になったときに必ず返します。 なので、八百長は上の者が下の者にさせるという性質のものではなく、お互い持ちつ持たれつです。親方も自分の現役時代にその方がWin-Winだったのを知ってますので、弟子にやめろとは言いません。いわゆるカド番の人情相撲みたいなのが常態化すると相撲賭博の温床になるから。