The weather has been extremely unpredictable lately, hasn't it? Take this morning for instance: it was warm and sunny for a few hours, and then without warning there was a sudden downpour of rain mixed with hail. To make matters worse, there was an earthquake this morning as well! Today I had no desire to leave the house to go grocery shopping, so I made a boxed lunch with the ingredients I already had in the fridge.



The problem was, there wasn't much in the fridge to work with! I had two pieces of thin-sliced pork and half an onion, so I decided to make ginger pork.


I've had a long and rocky relationship with ginger pork! For the longest time, I couldn't figure out how to avoid overcooking the pork or how to get the flavor of the sauce just right. I finally figured it out, but I needed two recipes to do it!



For the cooking method, I used this recipe from NHK's "Cooking Today" magazine. Because marinating pork in salt or soy sauce can make the meat tough, this recipe suggests using only sake and ginger as a marinade instead. It also recommends putting the meat in the fry pan BEFORE turning on the heat! Putting pork in a blazing hot pan will result in tough and chewy meat - if you cook pork slowly over medium heat, it will help to keep the meat tender.



Another trick is to take the meat out of the pan when it is about 80% cooked through. Then I fry the onions until tender, add the sauce ingredients, and simmer until the sauce becomes slightly thick and glossy. Finally, I put the meat back in the pan and stir to coat it in the sauce.



For the sauce, I use a second recipe, but I reduce the ingredients by half, except for the ginger - I keep the amount of ginger the same: 2 tablespoons each of sake, soy sauce and mirin, 1/2 tablespoon each of ketchup and honey, and 2 teaspoons of grated ginger. Ketchup and honey are what make this sauce special!
たれの味付けの参考としては、二番目のレシピを使いますが、生姜以外の分量を全部半分にします: 酒・しょうゆ・みりん各大さじ2、ケチャップ・蜂蜜各大さじ1/2、と生姜小さじ2。ケチャップと蜂蜜は味の決め手です!



Next, I had one stalk of celery, some deep-fried tofu and home-grown dried red chili peppers that I wanted to use up.



These are peppers from my garden! I took this picture before I dried them in September.



Once they turned color from green to red, I put them in a net and let them dry in the sun. 



This recipe for celery, tofu and chili peppers stir fried in sugar and soy sauce was super easy to make and surprisingly delicious! After cutting the celery into thin strips and frying it in 1 tablespoon of sesame seed oil, I added the tofu and sliced dried chili peppers. Then I added 1 teaspoon of sake, 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar, and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, and continued frying until the liquid was almost completely reduced. 



Finally, I stirred in about 2.5 grams of dried bonito flakes. I've never used bonito flakes in this kind of dish before, but it added a nice accent to the flavor!



Whenever I have sweet potatoes and lemons in the house, I always make this simmered dish!



This time I simmered the sweet potato in water for 8 minutes until tender, then drained the water. Next I mixed 300 milliliters of water with 100 grams of sugar, added the cooked sweet potato and simmered them on low for another 10 minutes. After turning off the heat, I added sliced lemon on top and let the sweet potatoes cool in the simmering liquid. Adding the lemons at the end is the key!



For the last recipe, I really wanted to try making a sweet rolled omelette!



This omelette recipe is really, REALLY sweet! I mixed 2 tablespoons of dashi broth with 3 tablespoons of sugar (THREE tablespoons!), 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of sake. I stirred the mixture until the salt and sugar were completely dissolved, then added it to four beaten eggs and mixed well. 



Considering that I didn't have many ingredients to work with, I think today's boxed lunch turned out pretty good! The only problem was, all the recipes I made today were the same color - yellow! I needed to add something green, but I didn't have any lettuce in the fridge, and I did not want to go out in the crazy weather just to buy lettuce. So . . . I added celery leaves instead. Thanks to that one stock of celery and a few pieces of left over pork in the fridge, I was able spend a relaxing morning at home - warm and dry!