東京マムズ クリスマスパーティ! Tokyo Mums Christmas Party! | 東京ママズ Tokyo Mums ★インターナショナルに興味のあるママ・プレママのためのコミュニティ★


でもこの祭りさわぎ、一体何を祝ってるんだっけ? その答えは絵本の読み聞かせにありましたよ。
Ho Ho Ho, there! It's me, Yui, again, here to update you on this month's Tokyomums event!
The theme of course is "Christmas" and this season makes the moms' hearts all nice and warm. But wait a min. what's this festive season all about? The answer was in the children's book read on this day.
Before getting into storytime, check out this huge hall we rented this month, and the lovely decorations, the music, the costumes, and the lovely mamas and kids.


そしてもちろん名曲の「Joy to the World」はロックバージョンでSちゃんのリードで合唱~&3人のキュートなママサンタズがシンギング~
Yes, it starts out with the kids' songs in English and Japaese. Why not sing Christmas songs?
The famous "Joy to the World" was lead in rock style by Rockstar S-chan and the three lovely mama Santas singing along!

We spent the entire time doing santa games, exchanging mini gifts, decorating cupcakes, creating Christmas cards! phew. We thought mamas are just busy at home! Nah. we can get busy playing, too.


Of course, to top it all, Santa appears to deliver the toys for the children.


But what is this annual celebration all about? Yeah!! Let's never forget about JESUS! It's all about HIM! Around 2000 years ago, Mary, a young virgin gave birth to a Savior. This Jesus who is God, was born as a baby in an unsanitary stinky place and was put in a manger which is, as you know, is a troth for feeding animals!

As a new mom, I can't imagine bringing my four-month old to a stinky dirty place, let alone put him in an unsanitary animal troth! I keep thinking why did God have Jesus, the Savior, born in such a place? It must be, He really loves us people who need a Savior, and that He is indeed a God who has compassion, a meek and humble King. A true and awesome God who could come in a form of a weak and poor child. What a God!


そしてみんなにもこのAwesome Godを知ってもらいたい!!イエーイ
Doesn't this make you wanna know more about His love? How much more can God love you that He didn' spare His only Son? I've been a Christian for more than ten years, but this makes me want to know Him more! I want everyone to know Him!

リースママたちもベビーもみんなかわいいね!愛されているよ!救い主が生まれたね! リース
Look at all the cuties, the mamas and babies are all loved. Yes, a Savior has been born

鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅 正月 鏡餅
The January Tokyomums will be held on January 17 (Tue) at the Sendagaya Kumin Kaikan. Please note that this is a THIRD Tuesday of the month, not the usual second Tuesday.
Next year, the Tokyomums are getting more macho and buffy in spirit! Yea! See you there!

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