【 アルキビアデスの裁判 第三者 2 】 洛中思案 | 徳川わ廣 のブログ

徳川わ廣 のブログ

「わ」、と書いてるのは「和」草書由来 徳川家和広は二人いますからね、もう一人は恐竜化石学者さん、

御上 徳川わ廣
Nihon koku Tycoon
(The August sovereingn or Grand Souverain" )



貴殿達 と 貴殿の 告発者達は
今は違う 。
 "The trial of Alcibiades"
 (18th of Frost Month) 
 Alcibiades, if only you and your companions had properly accepted the accusations brought against you by the authorities when requested, and faced the trial, it would have been considered as a trivial matter and resolved. You and your accusers have been avoiding the trial by selfishly procrastinating.

But things are different now."

Gustave Moreau,(Salomé)

「暗証」そうなの、のった      Ameba
