1月23日 午後から深夜にかけてのラボ主 | 常磐ラボ:変態のたまり場






How’s it going?
Lab-master’s speaking.

Today, I needed to take part in an unproductive meeting in the afternoon.
And after, I checked the task students did as to publish booklets on our seminar activities in this year. Unfortunately, I found a lot of points to be revised, which made me so tired actually.

In the evening, I participated in a small drinking party at which my friend invited me.

There were members who were so energetic and interesting. I could have very nice time there. 

And then, I write up this entry in the bed. My final job (or the first job for tomorrow) is to take care of my daughter in the midnight to feed the milk to her.

Okay, see ya!