For Parents (English) | 東進こども英語塾 戸越一丁目教室便り

東進こども英語塾 戸越一丁目教室便り

Let' go to Sesame Street!


Sesame Street English


Thank you for visiting this blog.  Toshin Kodomo Eigojuku uses a curriculum prepared by Sesame Street Workshop in USA to teach young children English here in Japan.   Same Curriculum are also used in other countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore and China.

Lesson instructions will be given in English during lessons.  All the textbooks are in English, too.

Studying a language means also studying a culture.  We are aiming not only to teach English, but also to let children be exposed to different cultures and views.  Such understanding to diversity will help them as they grow up.

Sesame Street English is based on Content-Based Instruction. This is one of the latest language education method, where students will learn and think about topics using the language. Also the curriculum are designed according to physical and cognitive development of young children.

Our curriculum has two parts.  Main part is lessons in the classroom (1 or 2 times a week) .  Another part is watching English television programs by PBS Kids on internet at home.  This is "Home Review."

Home Reviews significantly help children to develop language skills. Most of the children do not have much contact with English in their daily life in Japan.  They come to lessons only once a week for 50 to 60 minutes and we know this is not enough. Children will forget what they learnt a week ago. Home Review is just to have fun watching English animations for 15- 30 minutes every day at home.  They start to hum some tunes, mimic some phrases, and become more comfortable listening natural speed English.  They will learn the language in a same way as they learn their mother tongue without any grammatical explanation or memorization.





Kindergarten Courses

Children familiarize with English through learning, activities, crafts, picture books, and musics etc.

K1 (3 years-old) : Learn about things familiar to young children.
K2 (4 years-old) : Children become interested in letters around this age. Alphabet letters are introduced with sounds.
K3 (5 years-oldd):  Children become familiar with letters and sounds.  Big books will be introduced.




Elementary School Course:  

Children starts to learn to read by themselves.  Then, they will start to learn academic languages from the third year.  Children are familiar with the subjects, and they are encouraged to express themselves.

P1: English has 44 phonetic sounds. In the first year, children learn basic sounds of 26 letters, and some sight words.  Start reading small books.  CVC words, blending and digraphs.


P2: Learn more complex rules of phonics to complete 44 phonetic sounds, such as short and long vowel sounds, diphthongs, soft and hard sounds etc.  By the end of the second year, children learn total of 80 sight words. Sesame Street characters tell us funny stories in small books.


P3: Learn math, science and social studies in English.  Topics are based on what children learn in school at this age (US common core). They will start to read, listen, understand, write and speak using some academic vocabulary.  

P4: Learn math, science and social studies  in English.  Children will learn about many countries around the world and different cultures.  

P5: Learn math, science and social studies  in English. Grammar will be introduced.  We encourage them to think and present in their own words.

P6: Learn math, science and social studies  in English. Study more complex grammar.  We encourage them to think and present in their own words.



Middle School Course:  


M1~3: We will study Literature Arts, Science and Social Studies in English.  We would focus on comprehension of the topic and exchanging opinions.  





Home Reviews 


Listen to English everyday!  Students have access to lesson videos and television programmes.

Lessons  and Homeworks  - Children can review lessons.
Review Tests - P and M courses
Musics and games

TV Programs : 

Cailou, Dinosaur Train
Sid the Science Kid (from K2)
Dragon Tales (from K3)
Super Why (from P1)
Where on Earth is Calmen Sandiego? (from P3)
The Electric Company (from P5)


Link to PBS kids





Speaking Master Program

Speaking Master Program (SMP)  is a program for self-study. Children can study at home through internet.  Since this program is made for Japanese children, instructions are in Japanese, but main contents are same Sesame Street videos and activities in English.  Workbooks are same as regular lessons.  Children can record their voice on their tablet or PC.  I will have follow up sessions using video meetings, LINE, or emails to support their study.