minr.bz メールきてたよ(`・ω・´) | HyipTrip〜自由に生きる編〜


タイトル HyipTripとして再出発。様々な沢山のHyipに出会いました。もぅ書ききれないでした、ご想像の通りです。
ィェー(# ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )っィ

Dear timerland, 

today we had a large downtime because of some DNS Errors. 

Our technical Team and the Team of CloudFlare worked together to solve this issue as fast as possible.
With this eMail we are very happy to announce that all services running normal again. 
If you still have some errors, please contact our support Team. 

Last but not least, we would like to inform you that we have a big present for you tomorrow. We will came back to you in round about 24 hours to publish it. Be agog.  


Kind regards,
Your MINR.bz Team
