why is WHO downplaying the whole thing? | マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

empty nester (エンプティ・ネスター)とは、



In Ukraine, there is an outbreak of a devastating epidemic known as the "Black Lungs" which was rumored to be a mutation of the H1N1 virus.

A similar mutation had been found in Norway, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico and the US. They are also said to be Tamiflu resistant.

Britain's national medical laboratory announced that for such mutation, it is likely that the swine flu vaccinations wouldn't help.

But WHO insists that this is an insignificant trend and feels that they do not have to make an announcement.

Why? Shouldn't the public be informed so that they can make a decision? No one should be 'tricked' into getting the jab... It was rumored from the beginning that this whole Swine Flu scare was the works of the WHO. Virologists have publicly commented on the possibility that the virus was created in the lab and was leaked either on purpose or by accident.

 At this point, 'on purpose' seems to be a more appropriate explanation of the situation.

Related articles: WHO ‘Manufactured” The Global Swine Flu Scare - Suspected of Corruption Experts Say Swine Flu Mutations Do Not Warrant New Alarm