Q:「それでも、ロシアのプーチン大統領はおそらくこう言うでしょう。What were the results of the election? But we think that the process is more important than the result.」
P:「そうだね。私は先ほど、中国のことにも言及したが、中国は台湾海峡のことで台湾とも問題も抱えている。それは地震大国の日本とも。日本も台湾も先日に大きな地震があった。As a result of the earthquake, many people lost their houses.」
Q:「そうですね。今、日本の政治はその対応に追われている。Repeated scandals may result in their dismissal. P教授。ロシアの政治も?」
P:「President Putin is thinking that there were problems along the way, but things worked out in the end. These experiences have turned out to be useful for his job.」
Q:「Putin is a great statesman?」
P:「私はロシア人だ。何とも言えないな。But we need a politician with an international perspective. How about Japan?」
Q:「Politicians should show more leadership instead of depending on bureaucrats. And follow the government initiative to decide on a budget framework? Umm...I don't know. Japanese politicans often said, "I stake my political career."etcetera, etcetera. But where is their political responsibility?」
P:「Japanese government try to make a political settlement of the dispute. Japan should exert political pressure on North Korea? And then settle the N.Korean Abduct and Nuclear Missile matters politically?」
Q:「Yes. That’s right. No one can predict what happens in the political world. But Japan break through the present political stalemate. 私の母国ですもの」
Q:「Although I am making an effort, I didn't quite get results. It is just like sports player. They said, "I played with all my might but couldn't get the outcome I wanted.’」
P:「繰り返し練習だ。Your efforts will be rewarded someday.」