Sugahara no Michizane | Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Allow me to introduce some of the shrines, and their deities, found in Japan!

Sugaharano Michizane








Your fortune will rise if you learn deeply from now.

Efforts to learn in the present shall lead to flourishment and prosperity later.




Academic Achievement



Associated Shrines

`Tenmangu` and `Tenma Shrines` throughout the country, such as the 25 shrines of the Kanko Seiseki.




It shouldn't be necessaryto tell you he is the God of Learning. When you want to pass examination and a test, make every effort to connect with him. He was an aristocrat, politician and composer of Chinese poetry. 

Though his loyalty to the Imperial Court was once without question, he suffered a betrayal and thereafter came to be known as a cursed God although, in reality, he's a man of faith and integrity: picture him as 'Hachiko', the all faithful dog.

He was given an important position by Emperor Uda and gave his support through the Kanpyo Period. In the reign of Emperor Daigo, he assumed the position of Minister of the Right but was demoted to Daizaiingaino Sochi (Provinsial Governer General of the Daizi-fu Offices) following a false accussation by the Minister of the Left, Tokihira Fujiwara, and died in that lowly position. It was said his death brought a curse upon the Imperial Court as the frequent occurence of natural disasters followed thereafter. In appeasement, people worshipped him as Tenma Tenjin. Known as the God of Study, he is intimate to all who connect with him




*Translted from the original in Nihon no Kamisama Taizen.