Izanami | Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Allow me to introduce some of the shrines, and their deities, found in Japan!









You don't need to feel envious of someone. Be yourself for happiness will come.





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Associated Shrines

Taga Taisha Inukami District, Shiga Prefecture

Mitsumine Jinja Chichibu City Saitama Prefecture



She is the goddess to connect with if you wish to produce something, or want to prosper well. She is the mother god who gave birth to the land, bore the other gods, gave life to people and created `life` and `death`.

When she deliered the god of fire, Kagutsuchi, she died of burns to her genital area.  Her grieving huband, Izanagi, chased Izanami to Yominokuni. In death, Izanani appeared grotesque. Her figure which frightened  Izanagi and he fled Yominokuni in fear. Izanami went berserk by his actions and said, `What a rude man! I'll kill 1,000 humans a day for this' which became the origin of `death` for humans.

This myth talks of Izanani residing in Yoinokuni as an grotesque figure. In reality, Izanami retains her beauty and liveliness. She is still a  kind mother who is watching over everybody.





*Translted from the original in Nihon no Kamisama Taizen.