Ichikishimahime | Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Allow me to introduce some of the shrines, and their deities, found in Japan!




There is a chance for success by facing each other sincerely. There is a great feat that only you can achieve.





Entertainment Progress



Associated Shrines

Munakata Taisha Hetsumiya Munakata City in Fukuoka Prefecture

Itsukushima Jinja Hatsukaichi City in Hiroshima Prefecture



She is a good goddess to connect with when you want to seek your treasure/fortune or an expansion of your accomplishments. She is one of the Munakata Sanjyojin and one of the beautiful sisters.

By the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, she is identified with Shichifukujin*(seven deities of good luck) Benzaiten.

Ichikishimahime is the goddess who is famous for giving care, so at Ichikishimahime Jinja, which enshrines the deity Ichikishimahime, `she was the god to Ninigi's Tenson Korin*(the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess), and attended him as a person in charge of nature and brought him up magnificently. So this is why she is considered to be the  guardian deity of children.'

Also at `Moto Ise Kono Jinja` in Amanohashidate, she is considered to be coupled with the enshrined deity Ame no Hoakari (There is an opinion to identify with Nigihayahi). She is deemed to be the good wife who puts up with husband. Generally, she is the good deity to bring out the strengths of the person and improve him/her.


*Translted from the original in Nihon no Kamisama Taizen.