天国人として生きるということは。。。?? | that rinda's blog

that rinda's blog




Let me introduce you to a favorite pastor friend of mine.


He's American,




he was born in Japan.


He lived in Japan for MANY, MANY years!!




very different from thatrinda


his Japanese is PERFECT! グッグッ


He even speaks Akita dialect!!照れびっくり




He also explains the meaning of the Bible 


in a thoughtful and easy to understand way. ハート


From Rock of Ages Church Japanese Ministries 


in Seattle, Washington...


let's listen to Pastor Roger. 


He will talk about 


"Living as Citizens of Heaven" 


from the New Testament book of Philippians 3:10-14, 20.

ピリピ人への手紙3:10−14、20 新約聖書



If you thought this talk was interesting, 


please go to the church website to find more Bible talks by Pastor Roger.




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