世界観って。。。?? What's your world view? | that rinda's blog

that rinda's blog



Today's guest on thatrinda's blog is Koki Zeniya - pastor of our sister church, Sendai Minami Yoshinari Lutheran.  '


Today's topic is... our world view . メモ



銭谷幸器(仙台南吉成キリスト教会)の話ですが。。。メモ コーヒー


Where is God within our world view?



What kind of world do we live in?



What is the world view according to the Bible?


石巻希望の家、裏庭のデッキで。。。The back yard deck at Ishinomaki House of Hope






World View...

While this may be a difficult concept, these words carry important meaning for us. Whenever we have a problem, how we face that problem is profoundly affected by our world view.

For example... a person who believes in "reincarnation" may give up on his present life too soon and start longing for the next life. 

Currently, the world as we know it has been turned upside down with suffering connected to the coronavirus. 

What IS this world for anyway? Why does it exist and where is it heading?  Or is it all just a coincidence with no real purpose? 




In the New Testament book of John,  Jesus' disciple used the word "world". ("God loved the world...") What does the word "world" refer to in the Bible?


First of all, the Bible teaches that the world we live in was created by God. Human beings were also created by God... in order to receive His love. 

Sadly, though, we turn our backs on the God who made us. 




Mistakes & failures always have a tremendous impact on everyone and everything else around them. For example, what happens if the person operating a boat accidentally overturns it? Everyone riding in that boat will  be thrown into the water too. 


Similarly, when the first human beings, Adam and Eve, rebelled against God, the results of their actions affected EVERYONE immeasurably. Their kids, grandkids, great grandkids, all the way down... ALL of their offspring were affected (and infected) by the wrongdoing of the parents.  In this way, the world has become a place of endless man-made and natural disasters and unavoidable suffering and worry.










God's involvement in our world...

The world we live in is severely broken by the effects of human sin. Did God withdraw from us (in disappointment by our actions) and leave us alone  in this world we damaged so greatly?? No, He did not. The Bible states that "God ... loved the world " (John 3:16). Even in it's broken state, God loved the world. Instead of pulling back and abandoning us, he sent the Son of God, Jesus, to save us. This is the world view of the Bible. 









No matter how broken this world is... 


No matter how badly we all mess up...

God Will. Not. Withdraw. His hand


of involvement from this world. 


"God loves the world..." 




Love means staying involved. 


If the word "world" seems too vague, we can paraphrase it as God staying involved with "my life, my home, and the society in which I live".


It is the nature of God to get involved no matter what kind of problems we are having... in fact, He wants to be involved simply because we ARE having problems.  That's because He loves this world and He loves each and every one of us who live here. 


Do you feel uneasy? 


Are you just plain tired out? 


Are you trying to carry your load of problems all alone? 


God loves YOU... YOUR name. Sarah, Anne, Mika, Mari... Fill it in right here. 


God. Loves. You.ハート


Good Friday Cross

photo by Joshua Bengtson




2021/04/28石巻希望の家 「世界観①―神はどこにいるのか―」




ハート お願い ハート お願い ハート お願い ハート お願い ハート お願い ハート お願い 



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