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$that rinda's blog
Continuing in the New Testament Gospel of Matthew 本

According to the New Testament of the Bible, the birth of Jesus took place like this. 

His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. ラブラブ

But, before they came to the marriage bed, Joseph discovered that she was pregnant. (It was by the Holy Spirit, but he didn't know that.)

Joseph, chagrined (upset) but noble, determined to take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced. 

While he was trying to figure a way out, he had a dream.お月様

God's angel spoke in the dream:

Joseph, son of David, don't hesitate to get married. Mary's pregnancy is Spirit conceived. God's Holy Spirit has made her pregnant. ママ

She will give birth to a son, and when she does, you, Joseph, will name him Jesus - which means God saves - because he will save his people from their sins. 十字架

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet.

"Watch for this. A virgin will get pregnant and bear a son. 
They will name him Immanuel - which is Hebrew for 'God is with us.' " 
(Isaiah 7:14 in the Old Testament)

Then Joseph woke up. 目

He did exactly what God's angel commanded in the dream.

He married Mary, but didn't touch her until the baby was born, and...

He named the baby Jesus. 親子

The Message Bible
Matthew 1:18-24 (New Testament) 


To continue reading click on this link: 


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マタイの福音書1:18-24 新約聖書

このストーリーはまだまだ続きま~す! このリンクへどうぞ!


リース クリスマス ブーツ クリスマスツリー お菓子の家 柊 ジンジャーマン HO! HO! HO! クリスマス 雪だるま 暖炉 クリスマスケーキ トナカイ サンタさんの忘れ物 リース クリスマス ブーツ クリスマスツリー お菓子の家 柊 ジンジャーマン HO! HO! HO! クリスマス 雪だるま 暖炉 クリスマスケーキ トナカイ サンタさんの忘れ物 リース

この記事の日本語版は「全国家庭文書伝道協会」EHCのトラクトの記事です。聖書やクリスマスについてもっと知りたい人は、是非このリンクにクリックしてください。http://wlpm.or.jp このウェブサイトでいろんな本や雑誌を簡単に注文出来ます。すぐに読む事の出来る記事もあります。
The idea for this article is taken from a tract put out by the "Every Home for Christ" organization in Japan. They have a lot of different resources available in Japanese for outreach and personal Bible study. If you are interested in reading more about the Bible and/or ordering, please click on the link above. 


リース クリスマス ブーツ クリスマスツリー お菓子の家 柊 ジンジャーマン HO! HO! HO! クリスマス 雪だるま 暖炉 クリスマスケーキ トナカイ サンタさんの忘れ物 リース クリスマス ブーツ クリスマスツリー お菓子の家 柊 ジンジャーマン HO! HO! HO! クリスマス 雪だるま 暖炉 クリスマスケーキ トナカイ サンタさんの忘れ物 リース

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