Wealth. | Tetoraのブログ



"For the worthy man, having much wealth diminishes his ambition. For the stupid man, having much wealth augments his faults".

Ultimately, the official quoted, despite his words that create a perception of selflessness and freedom from monetary worship, used his wealth in what many say was an act of charity for personal gain.

The gain may not have been solely for him, and it may have been purely for his kin, if not actually a pure act of giving.

But historians tie themselves to the belief that he dispersed his wealth to gain prestige, respect, conscientious debt, and influence.

In many cases, even supposed acts of good faith and generosity are commited for self benefit, huh?

To get something in return one day, to feel good about oneself, to find prestige...

But good deeds still have virtue, even if unintentional.

Though at the same time... Sometimes it feels like you are the only person who truly sees through someone, and can understand what they are really doing, what they really want, who they really are.

Everyone else admires someone, and you aren't being cynical, but you can just see that they aren't being fed the truth.

At a big company, someone stands before those lowest on the totem pole. They tell them of all the negative changes that have to be made, how they will be worse off, how they will have less rights. And they spin everything in a way that convinces all those listening, and has them applauding by the end.

As usual... I aim to be nothing like any of these people.
