堂々とやり散らかすのだ | 細密模様アーティスト Sachikot.

細密模様アーティスト Sachikot.

Instagram @sachiko_t39に全作品を投稿しています。

I decided to write a diary everyday...maybe every...day??? No,no,no~! Actually it’s not important writing it “everyday” for me. I just want to keep writing. This is my best priority! 

Today I’m gonna write about one of my favorite app. 

NPR is that one.

Actually I just started listening to this app! I can use it on my iPhone. I usually listen to it as BGM during day time. If I only have this app, I can make an English circumstance in my room all the time. I am very interested in it’s topics. Movies and books, music and so on. I’ll try to keep listening it for a while~*^^*

Here is my tips about NPR.

I heard this topic today.

You can see the transcript!
This is very—————helpful*^^*

Thank you!