Some funny contractions | 天王予備校一ツ橋教室のブログ



As with most other languages, contractions are one of the more interesting aspects of the English language. We all know some of the basic, widely used ones such as don't, doesn't, won't, can't, couldn't, etc. So I'm going to show you some of the more funnier, interesting ones which sound more like slang words. When you combine the words going to, you get gonna (i.e. I'm gonna go to the supermarket.) When you combine want to you get wanna. (i.e. Wanna go skating tonight?) And when you combine don't you, you get doncha (i.e. Doncha want some ice cream?) Another one that is widely used is y'all, which is a combination of you and all. (i.e. I'm glad y'all are here.)


These next three contractions form the following expression. You have the words would have which form woulda, could have which forms coulda, and should have which turns into shoulda. Put the three of them together and you get the phrase woulda, coulda, shoulda which is used to either dismiss or show disappointment toward a situation involving missed opportunities, uncertainty, or other types of possibilities. 


A: Oh man, I should have studied for the test more often.

B: Woulda, coulda, shoulda. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas, wouldn't we?