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「Joseph Roncaioli 医師 (71歳) と 彼の妻 Ibi (66歳)

を知る人たちは 誰しも 幸福な老夫婦だと言っていた。

スロンヒルで開業している 産婦人科医 Roncaioli氏 は

月に2万ドルも稼ぐ医師で それだけで もう充分裕福

なのに、なんと、妻の Ibi が カナダの宝クジで5百万ドル

もの大金を当て、老夫婦は 更に 裕福になったのである。


ところが、Ibi が ずっと 秘密に満ちた人生を送ってきた

なんてことは 世間の人たちは 誰も知る由はなかった


その秘密というのは とても他人には明かせない すぐにも

爆発してしまいそうなものなので その苦悩を癒すために 



オンタリオのヴォーンにある邸宅のソファーの上で 裕福な医師の妻が死んでいるのが発見されたという知らせを受けた刑事たちには 彼女の死因は 放蕩な生活と健康管理の不行き届きであろう、と思われた。」


(Anyone who knew Dr. Joseph Roncaioli, 71, and his wife,

Ibi Roncaioli, 66, say they thought they were a happy older

couple. Already rich, due to Dr. Roncaioli's gynecological

practice in Thornhill, which brought in around $20,000 month-

ly, the couple became even richer after Ibi Roncaioli won

the Canadian lottery for $5 million dollars, 

No one would have guessed that Ibi was keeping a lifetime

of secrets -- secrets so private and so explosive that she

used gambling, smoking, and drinking as a way to soothe

her ills.    When detectives received a call that the rich

doctor's wife was found dead on the sofa of her mansion

in Vaughn, Ontario, it appeared to be a death caused by

bad living and lack of self care. )



致死的な影響の痕跡もなければ 自然死に至るような


Ibi の死体を具に調査した結果、この苦悩多き妻でり

母であった Ibi の体に注射針の痕があり、体内に致死



注射痕のことを聞かれた Roncaioli 医師は しぶしぶと

妻に注射針を刺したことを認めたが、それは 具合が悪い


と カナダの裁判所記録は述べている。


彼女が死んだ日のこと、医師は 妻に 麻酔薬を2度打った


医師は 妻の健康状態がすぐれないので 血液検査をしよう







(However, an autopsy report found no signs of damage to

her body due to alcoholism or any other illness indicative

of death by natural causes. An examination of Ibi Roncaioli's

body revealed that the troubled wife and mother did have

needle marks and a toxic level of deadly drugs in her system.

When asked about the marks, Dr. Roncaioli finally admitted

to sticking her with a needle but only to confirm her bad

health, according to Canadian court records. On the day of

her death, he had injected his wife with the two anesthetics.

He said that he was trying to draw blood to run tests on

her because of her declining health and wanted to alleviate

any pain she might otherwise suffer. He maintains, however,

that he injected her with only therapeutic amounts of the

anesthetics, not the toxic amounts found in her body. He

claims that she injected herself with what proved to be

the fatal doses   )


「結局、Roncaioli 医師は 妻の死の責任を問われ、2008年


医師は たったの 7年の懲役刑を課されただけであった。


記録によれば、 Roncaioli夫妻は 結婚生活30年であった



家内別居で同衾もせず、互いに 愛し合っているような様子

はなかった、と Ibi の息子は語っている。 息子は裁判で

母親は 重度のアル中であった、酔っ払っている時の母親は



妻の Ibi が 夫婦で長年貯めてきた貯金と 1990年代に妻が

当てた宝クジの当選金を 使い果たしたことを知った 医師は

怒り狂ったのだ、と 警察当局は考えている。


宝クジの当選金は その殆どを 彼女の3人の息子たちに分け

与えてしまっていたのだ。息子のひとりは 医師と再婚する前



宝クジ当選者 Ibi Roncaioli の死は 呪われた宝クジ当選者に



(Dr. Joseph Roncaioli was charged in his wife's death and was

eventually convicted of manslaughter in 2008. He was only

sentenced to seven years in prison. 

Records show that the Roncaiolis were married for 30 years,

but the marriage was tormented with problems. They were no

longer sleeping together and didn't seem to like each other,

according to Ibi Roncaioli's son, who told the courts that his

mother was a heavy drinker. The son, Joseph Roncaioli, Jr.,

also indicated that Ibi Roncaioli was mean and dark when she

drank.  Authorities believe that Dr. Roncaioli became furious

with Ibi once he found out that she had spent their life savings

and the lottery cash that she won in the 1990s. Most of the

lottery money went to her three sons, including one child

before her marriage to Joseph Roncaioli and a secret son

that Joseph Roncaioli knew nothing about. 

The death of lottery winner Ibi Roncaioli is listed among many

true-stories of cursed lottery winners.   )


お付き合いいただき ありがとうございました。