愛新覚羅溥儀の正妃 Wanrong (婉容) について
を迎えた彼女について ちょっと 見てみることに

Taking a look at Empress Wanrong - History of Royal Women

      清朝最後の皇后  Wanrong



「婉容は 満州国及び清朝の最後の皇帝の妻で

ある。彼女は ゴブロ(郭布羅)部族で、1906年



父親は 清朝の内務大臣であった。

母親は 悲しいことに、彼女を産んで間もなく、


継母 Hengxiang に育てられたのだが、継母は



婉容には ふたりの兄弟がいた。

血の繋がった兄は Runliang で、腹違いの弟は



(Empress Wanrong, also known as Empress Xiaokemin, was

married to the last Emperor of China and the Qing Dynasty.

She was born on 13 November 1906 in Beijing into the Gobulo

clan; her father was the Minister of Domestic Affairs for the

imperial court. Tragically, her mother died after giving birth

to her from childbed fever. She was raised by her stepmother,

Hengxiang, who treated her just as if she were her own.

Wanrong had two brothers: one full, older brother, Runliang

and a younger, half-brother, Runqi.  )



ことであったが) 驚くべきことに 彼女の父親は

彼女の兄弟と等しく 彼女にも教育を受けさせよう





こうして彼女は 在中国のアメリカン・ミッション・スクールに

入り 英語を学ぶことができた。

彼女は 信じられぬほど 機知と知性を備えていた



父親の地位が高かったことから、のちに 皇帝溥儀

の妃選びに際して 娘を候補のひとりとすることが






この結果、1922年、清朝最後の皇帝 溥儀は 紫禁城

婉容と結婚式を挙げることが 中華民国政府に許さ



(Surprisingly, her father wanted her to have the same edu-

cation as her brothers. He was a strong supporter of gender

equality.   Therefore, she attended an American missionary

school where she was able to learn English. She was said to

have an incredible wit and intelligence. Her father’s high

status later allowed her to be a possible choice for Emperor

Puyi’s bride.

Even though the Republic of China overthrew the Qing Dynasty

in 1911, the Imperial Family was allowed to keep their titles

and were afforded special privileges. As a result, the last

Emperor of China, Puyi, was granted permission by the Chinese

government to have a royal wedding in the Forbidden City

to Wanrong in 1922. )


「結婚式を迎えるにあたり、婉容は 皇族として、また

皇后としての作法につき 教育を受けさせられた。

挙式前に彼女は 幾度も涙を流していたという。

というのは、やがて 自分個人の自由がなくなって



そうした危惧は 来るべき惨めな結婚生活と皇族

としての生活の 前兆であった。


紫禁城で行われる数々の儀式のために 彼女は

ひと晩じゅう 指導者付きっきりで 準備に追われた。




彼女はアヘンに手を出してしまうが、それは 何の



アヘンを吸うことが 皇帝により許されていたので





(In preparation for the wedding, Wangrong was put through

courses to teach her how to act like a royal and Empress.

It was said that she cried many times before her marriage

because she was aware of the loss of her freedom that was

about to take place.

Her worry and sadness before the wedding were just a fore-

shadowing of her miserable marriage and life as a royal.

Because of the many rituals in the Forbidden City, she would

stay up during all hours of the night in preparation with a

tutor. The couple would not have any children to brighten

up their marriage. Wanrong’s opium addition did not help


She was granted permission to take it by the Emperor to

help with the supposed mental illness that she had. Not only

would she end up addicted to this drug, but she would also

go on to become addicted to smoking tobacco.  )



静園へ移り住み、そこで 暫し 静かな生活を送った。


この時期に 皇帝は西洋風の名を採り、皇后 婉容も


ふたりは それぞれ Henry と Elizabeth と名乗った。


1930年初頭、溥儀は 日本の傀儡国家である満州国

の皇帝に据えられ、残念乍ら 溥儀と婉容はの生活は



溥儀が不在の時、婉容が 付き添い補佐官のうちの


できた。 このことが明らかになり、溥儀は 監視不行き


婉容は 娘の命だけは助けてやって欲しいと 溥儀に



(Puyi and Wangrong were forced out of the city by in November

1924. They would go to Tianjin, where they lived in peace for a time.

During this period, the Emperor adopted a Western name, and the

Empress followed. They chose to be called Henry and Elizabeth.

In the early 1930s, Puyi was installed as Emperor of the Japanese

puppet state, Manchukuo. Unfortunately, their lives were then care-

fully monitored by the Japanese.

When Puyi was away, Wangrong had affairs with two of his

aides and with one of them she had an illegitimate daughter.

The Emperor ended up in trouble with Japanese when this was

discovered, but Wangrong begged Puyi for her child’s life.


「彼女は 娘を溥儀の子として認めてやって欲しいと


非人道的にも、生まれたばかりの娘は この世に瞬時

の生を受けただけで 産みの母の願いに反し、殺され



生れたばかりの娘を殺された 婉容の反応については


ひとつは 溥儀が 娘は雇った乳母に育てられている、と

婉容に嘘をつき 安心させた。(殺されたとばかり思って

いた娘が生きている、と聞いて 婉容は安心した)

もうひとつは、娘が殺された事を聞いた 婉容は その後

ますます アヘン中毒の度合いを増していった、という




込んできた。溥儀は 婉容を置き去りにして逃亡した。

その結果、婉容は 1946年初めに朝鮮へ逃れようとして

いた処を 中国共産軍に捕らえられてしまった。」


(She pleaded with him to acknowledge the infant girl as his, but

he refused. Inhumanely, the baby was then killed after its birth

for only being born and against her mother’s wishes. There

have been two different stories on Wanrong’s reaction to her

daughter’s murder. One says that the Emperor lied to her

that the child was being raised by a hired nanny, while the other

says that her opium addiction only got worse after learning

about her daughter’s death.

In 1945, the Soviet Union invaded Manchuria, where Manchukuo

was located. Puyi left his wife behind and ran. As a result, she

was captured by Chinese Communist forces while attempted to

escape to Korea at the beginning of 1946.  )



「その時から 彼女は 次々と異なる収容所をタライ

廻しにされ、遂には アヘンの供給が途絶えてしまった



義理の妹が 婉容の世話をすることになったが、アヘン




は 結局、1946年6月20日、アヘン中断症と栄養失調

のため 収容所の自室で息絶えた。39歳であった。


彼女の死後3年になって 溥儀は 彼女の死を知らされ

たのだが、死んだことには 特段 関心を寄せなかった



こんにちに至るまで 婉容が埋葬された場所は分からず

じまいであり、今後も 場所が明らかになることはない

であろう。 」


(From there, she lived in different internment camps, and she

would end up suffering effects of withdrawal from her opium

supply that had run out. She was cared for by her sister-in-

law and began to hallucinate as part of the withdrawal.

However, the prison separated Wangrong from her sister-in-

law, and she would die from the effects of opium withdrawal

and malnutrition on 20 June 1946 at the age of 39. Puyi, when

told three years later, could not have cared less that she had

died. To this day, her burial location is not known and remains

never found.   )


お付き合いいただき ありがとうございました。