

事件解決の鍵のひとつは 物的証拠ですが、


なり 犯人が検挙された殺人事件がありました。


Amazon.com: Sony TCM150 Standard Cassette Voice Recorder: Home Audio &  Theater 

Portable Recorder



「1982年に Billy Staton と Leticia Castro が

殺された事件は ふたりが生きていた最後の様子




Billy と Leticia は ふたり共 当時26歳で 婚約して


Billy は 建設現場労働者で Leticia は 小学校の


Billy には 離婚した先妻との間に 2歳の娘がいた。

娘の Melanie は 先妻に引き取られ、Billy は 娘と


Billy と Leticia は 1982年8月7日に挙式する予定


が、ふたりは 結婚式 で 宣誓を交わすことは できな



(The 1982 murders of Billy Staton and Leticia Castro were solved,

in big part, because of a hidden tape recorder that recorded their

last moments alive.

Billy Staton and Leticia Castro, both 26 years old at the time, were

engaged to be married. Billy was a construction worker, while Leticia

was a teacher at an elementary school. Billy also had a 2-year-old

daughter from a previous marriage. Little Melanie lived with her

mother while Billy had visitation rights. The happy couple was plan-

ning to get married on August 7, 1982, but unfortunately, they would

never exchange their vows.  )


「ふたりが挙式を予定していた ちょうど1日前の 8月6日、

ふたりの死体が それぞれ 別の排水路で発見された。

ふたり共、酷い打撲傷を負っており、死後  2, 3 週間



Billy の死体にテープでしっかりと貼り付けられた録音機

が見つかり、後日 録音機は ワシントンの FBI の研究室




というのは、録音機 の カセット・テープ が ふたりの殺人事件


それは、ふたりが 殺された日に起きた惨い様子を具に



Melanie の母親 Sherry は 当時 21歳の Paul Wolf という

と再婚しており、先夫の Billy との間で 娘の親権を巡り


1982年 7月16日、Sherry と Wolf を訪れようとしていた

Billy は Melanie の 往訪権の話が出た時に Sherry と

Wolf が どう出てくるか、証拠を残しておこうと思って



(On August 6, just a day before they were supposed to get married,

both their bodies were found in separate drainage canals. They were

badly beaten and had been there for a few weeks. A tape recorder

was found taped to Billy’s body which was later sent to the FBI

laboratory in Washington. In a huge development, the cassette in

that tape recorder had evidence of their murders. It had recorded

the events that had unfolded on the day they were tragically killed. 

Investigation revealed that Melanie’s mother, Sherry, was married

to 21-year-old Paul Wolf at the time and that Billy and Sherry had

disagreements regarding the custody of their child. On July 16, 1982,

Billy had taped the recorder to his body in order to garner evidence

regarding the Wolfs’ behavior with him when it came to his visitation

rights.  )


「テキサス州ラ・フェリアにある Wolf の家の外で Billy と Sherry

が話しており、Melanie を連れ出すために Billy が 家の中

へ入るので Sherry に ちょっと ここで待っていてくれ、と

言っているところから 録音が始まっている。


それに続き録音されていることが 度肝を抜くような出来事



Billy が ピクニックに行こう、と言って Melanie に話しかけて

いる。と、その時、突然、2度 ドシンという重く にぶい大きな

衝撃音がし、続いて うめき声がし、更に 3度も 衝撃音が



それは Paul が Billy を後ろから 殴りつけている音であった。

Melanie が 泣き叫んでいる声が聞こえる。

その後に、Sherry が ”Billy を立たせて ここからほっ放り出し

て、そこの玄関口から。もう一度 打ちのめして。” と言っている


この後、もっと うめき声が聞こえ、 5度も 打ちすえる音が聞こ


そして、Billy の体が引き摺られ 彼の車のトランクへ投げ入れ



(The recording started with Billy and Leticia outside the Wolfs’ home

in La Feria, Texas, where he tells her he’ll be back in a minute and

then goes inside the house to pick up Melanie. What came after was

horrifying.  In the recording, Billy was heard talking to Melanie about

a picnic he wanted to take her on, and all of a sudden, there were two

loud thuds, followed by a groan and then three more thuds. It was Paul

attacking Billy from behind. Melanie was heard crying and screaming,

after which Sherry Wolf said, “Get him up, get him out of here, the

front door. Hit him again.” After this, there are more moans and five

more thuds heard, followed by sounds of Billy being dragged and placed

in the trunk of his car.  )


「この事件には 更にもうひとりの男 Glenn Hendersonが

加わっていた。18歳のこの男は 犯行を白状し、検察側の



Billy を始末した後、Glenn と Paul は 車の中で Billy を

待っていた Leticia に近づき Paul が 彼女の首を絞め、

Glenn に Leticia を金槌で殴るよう命じ、Glenn は言われ


Leticia は その後 頭を銃で撃たれたのである。


Paul, Sherry それに Glenn の3人は 第一級殺人で告訴


Glenn は Leticia 殺害の罪で有罪となったが、彼は裁判


裁判で Glenn は 観察側が証拠として提出した録音テープ

は Billy 殺害の様子を正確に伝えており、事件の主犯は

Sherry である、と証言した。

Sherry は ふたりの共犯の男たちに Billy殺害計画と死体



(There was another person involved in the crime as well – Glenn

Henderson. The 18-year-old later confessed to what happened,

becoming the prosecution’s star witness. He stated that after

Billy was attacked and was down, both he and Paul went outside

to Leticia, where Paul proceeded to strangle her in the car. Paul

then urged Glenn to hit her with a hammer which he did multiple

times. Leticia was also shot in the head with a shotgun.

As a result, Paul, Sherry, and Glenn were convicted of first-degree

murder. Glenn had pleaded guilty to Leticia’s murder and had

testified for the prosecution. At the trial, he stated that the tape

indeed depicted Billy’s murder accurately. He also mentioned that

Sherry was an active conspirator to the killings as she had helped

the two men plan the murders and the disposal of their bodies

and evidence after. )


「Paul は Leticia の殺害については 一時的心神喪失

によるものだと主張にも拘わらず 殺人罪で起訴された。

後になって、Billy 殺害でも有罪となった。彼は 裁判で、

Billy を襲い 頭部を殴打したことを白状した。


Paul は Billy 殺害と Leticia 殺害 のふたつの殺人罪

で 終身刑 を 2度 言い渡されたのである。

収監記録によれば、Paul は テキサス州ゲイツヴィルにある



Sherry も終身刑を言い渡され、テキサス州ゲイツヴィルにある




Glenn も 殺人に関与した罪で 終身刑となり テキサス州ミハエル



(Paul pleaded temporary insanity for Leticia’s murder but was

convicted nevertheless. He later pleaded guilty to Billy’s murder

and admitted in court that he attacked Billy and hit him in the head.

He was sentenced to two life sentences, and as per prison records,

he is incarcerated at the Alfred D. Hughes Unit for Men in Gatesville,

Texas. Sherry Wolf was also handed down a life sentence, and she is

reportedly serving her time at the Christina Melton Crain Unit for

women in Gatesville, Texas. For his role in the murders, Glenn

Henderson is also serving life in Michael Prison, Texas.  )


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