Become the Legend / キメラコーヒー | 松田干城オフィシャルブログ


総合格闘家のTateki "tech" Matsudaです。

I would like to introduce my new sponsor for this fight camp.


You know many people love coffee and try to dig organic one in the market.

Deep within the central mountain range of the Dominican Republic lies Jarabacoa, a region blessed for its micro climates and known for producing very high quality coffee. At an altitude of 5,000ft high, coffee beans are sourced from a Single-Estate coffee plantation run by the same family for over 40 years.

Sounds good enough, doesn it? so how many of you have actually tried coffee with nootropic?
Kimera Koffee is packed with premium-grade Nootropics, proven to help you increase focus, power output and cognition. Nootropics are powerful cognitive enhancers that improve some aspect of mental function. The Nootropics in Kimera Koffee are all-natural amino acids typically found in protein-rich foods but not always easy enough to get from diet alone.





Kimera Koffee boosts your workouts with improved energy, optimized focus, and upgraded athletic performance.

Nootropic blend is following:

Alpha GPC: Natural choline compound found in the brain and can be found in soy, meats and fish. Improves memory, enhances mental focus and increases power output.

Taurine: An organic acid commonly found in eggs that delays cognitive decline due to aging, fights oxidative stress, reduces fatigue, and helps support fat metabolization.

L-Theanine: Tea extract that balances daily anxiety, improves sleep patterns, helps prevent cholesterol-related damage, and helps reduce caffeine jitters.

DMAE: Choline molecule found in fish that boosts mental acuity, increases energy, improves oxygen efficiency and promotes red blood cell function.


アルファGPC: 天然に存在するコリン誘導体の一種で、脳や乳に含まれています。副交感神経に作用するアセチルコリンの前駆体であり、アルツハイマーを治療するための脳機能改善薬として可能性があるとされています。短期記憶レベル向上もするとされています。



DMAE: 魚に含まれる成分です。記憶力や認識力などに関わるアセチルコリンの前駆体かつ、コリン様作動体でありアメリカではADHDの治療薬として使われています。脳機能を正常に保つために必要不可欠な物質です。

He is my favorite guy. His name name is Jon Call, but most know him as Jujimufu, the anabolic acrobat. Many people might be discovering him because he is the guy who did the weighted chair split videos that went viral. I also competed on America’s Got Talent.

そしてチーム、キメラコーヒーのお気に入り紹介!彼はジョン・コール、アメリカでは「ジュジムフ」の愛称で人気者です。だってあの有名なオーディション番組「America's Got Talent」でスゲーことしたんですよこの人。

I love Kimera Koffee Dark Roast Jujimufu brew! I want to be like him someday!!


Kimera Koffee is absolutely amazing in providing mental alertness. I notice a definite boost in mental clarity and sustained energy during training. It is exciting and I can not wait to share this product with people in Japan!
