SFG Lv1 test Day1 / ストロングファースト 初日 | 松田干城オフィシャルブログ


総合格闘家のTateki "tech" Matsudaです。


I am a student of strength. This 3 days event was planed last year, so I had no control of scheduling certification test day even though I am during fight camp. No ones really realized my swollen nose from sparring... Good thing:-)

Day 1 is over... Well, it was such a long day and I got so much to learn. One word... I can't be humble enough to learn about strength. Today, I just saw an entrance to be a true professional kettlebell practioner. Yes, that means that I got another long journey.




Skill of Strength got coordinated with Strong First banner! Felt like I was at different place.



Picture by Strong First. 

Senior practioner showed us amazing technique, concept, and strength. I thought I was ready for this, but my confidence is down( to be honest with you). However my motivation and passion for kettlebell and strong first got so much higher.

I mean... No one is perfect. This is why I see and believe in myself getting better, stronger and faster than now. The thing is consistency in focus, technique, attitude, lifestyle and any other things related to my ambition as a kettlebell practioner.




In a long run, my mission is that I would like to learn skill of strength and kettlebell technique through Strong First program, and my experience and knowledge bring a big impact on Japanese athlete and sports community in Japan.

Two more days left! Yes, I'm ready to see what is going to happen. Stay tuned.

