トランプ大統領からの未来への1年前のメッセージ『大統領命令』 | taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢

taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢


Tomoko Hoevenさんが過去の思い出をシェアしました。
4時間前  ·

Tomoko Hoeven
2020年5月29日  ·
【アメリカ合衆国大統領、ドナルド J. トランプからの未来へのメッセージ】

 RICO法(Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)
威力脅迫および腐敗組織法(いりょくきょうはくおよひふはいそしきほう、)とは、特定の違法行為によって不正な利益を得る「威力脅迫活動 」を通じて、組織的な犯罪を行う「企業 」の活動を規制し、犯罪行為に対する民事責任と刑事罰を規定したアメリカ合衆国の法律である。 合衆国法典第18編第1部第96章。 略称として、RICO法(RICO Act)。 関連する規定として、第18編第1部第95章(威力脅迫)がある。 1970年10月15日、リチャード・ニクソン政権において制定された組織犯罪対策法 を含めた組織犯罪取締立法の一環として、RICO法は成立した。












ドナルド J. トランプ

翻訳 Tomoko Hoeven
A Future Message from : Donald J. Trump. The President of The United States of America
I reach out in this manner, because much of our world media is currently facing justice under RICO laws of the a United States of America.
Recent illustrations of crimes committed against the American people, foreign peoples and the children of the world, has left the entire planet gripped with disillusionment and disbelief.
As the President of the United States of America I would like to apologize for the crimes committed in the name of our country.
America’s message to the world is this: “It is time to heal and build a new tomorrow. It’s time to build a world filled with truth and justice, honor and character,.... for ourselves and our children.
To those people who are found on our “F.B.I Special Project Most Wanted List” I say the following:
The world doesn’t care how important you were: politicians, Crown Princes, business leaders, and others: If you are on the list this message applies to you.
Your efforts to engage in criminal acts have now been discovered by intelligence agents and police, who have searched the data-backup of the internet to uncover crimes against humanity. For this, you will pay the following price:
I hearby request all men and women on that list to surrender to your nearest law enforcement agency (wherever you are) at which time extradition documents will be forwarded to that police agency and you will be transported to the United States of America: where will receive a fair trial.
Any delays in this procedure caused by the need to correct defects in our justice system are not our concern.
You will be tried in time.
Failure to report for arrest within the next 24 hours, will result in your name being added to an Executive Order, under which I will instruct police to track you down and execute you where you sleep. There will be no exceptions.
May God bless the people of this world, and may God Bless America.
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America






