習近平指導部の布告・・中国のホテル、チベット語使用で罰金 チベット少数民族への弾圧強化 | taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢

taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢


■中国のホテル、チベット語使用で罰金 8900円 少数民族への引き締め
 2016.1.12 22:20 産経ニュース



 ラジオ自由アジアは、チベット族の女性作家ツェリン・オーセルさんがインターネット上に張り紙の写真を投稿したとしている。写真はネット上で転載され「少数民族の言葉への差別だ」など批判する書き込みもあった。 (共同)


Tibetan language banned in Rebkong Chinese hotel

[Friday, January 08, 2016 20:25]

By Tenzin Dharpo

copy of the order issued by the hotel management


DHARAMSHALA, Jan. 8: A Chinese hotel in the Rebkong (Ch: Tongren) County in Malho (Ch: Huangnan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, has banned the speaking of Tibetan language within the premises of the hotel, according to a report by Voice of TibetRadio Services.

Hotel Shangyul, a Chinese owned and operated establishment, has issued its employees of a five point rule of engagement, one of which is barring the use of Tibetan language. A fine of 500 Yuan will be imposed on anyone speaking in Tibetan and might risk losing their job, Lobsang Choejor, exile based Tibetan writer from Rebkong told VOT.

Choejor also appealed the local Chinese authorities to restrict the Chinese owner of the hotel to conduct any business activities in the area prescribed as ‘minority region’ as per the Chinese Constitution and that the act of banning a minority language is strictly against the same constitution. He further appealed that such activities endangering minority identities be curbed. He also asked Tibetans in the area to boycott such establishments.

The Hotel Shangyul is currently closed by local authorities following strong opposition by local Tibetans, said Choejor. Any details on the timeline of the events are unknown.



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