GCR Portland, Oregon: I just got back from Wells Fargo this am to send a wire. The teller told me “please bear with me; I’m working with two different systems right now.” My buddy’s brother was at his bank setting up an account an hour ago and they had to reschedule him to come back later this afternoon after 45 minutes of trying to open it because their system was locked up.
GCR ポートランド(オレゴン州)。私は今朝、電信送金のためにWells Fargo(銀行)から戻ってきたところです。窓口では、「今、2つの異なるシステムを使っているので、我慢してください」と言われました。私の友人の弟は、1時間前に彼の銀行で口座を開設していましたが、システムがロックされていたため、口座を開設しようとした45分後に、今日の午後遅くに戻ってくるようにスケジュールを変更しなければなりませんでした。
Nobel Prize-winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier said last week “there is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” after seeing the ingredients of the Covid gene treatments being used. What is happening basically is that the Khazarian Mafia is trying to murder its hostage slave peoples rather than give up power.