The Army Songとも呼ばれる。
作詞はハロルド・アーベルグ (Harold W. Arberg) 、作曲はエドモンド・グラーバー (Edmund L. Gruber) による。
原曲は1908年にエドモンド・グラーバーが作曲した『弾薬輸送車の歌』 (The Caissons Go Rolling Along) 。「ケーソン・ソング」 (The Caisson Song) とも呼ばれる。
ケーソン (Caisson) とは、大砲の弾薬箱や予備車輪などを搭載した、馬が引く2輪の砲弾車・弾薬車のこと。
第一次世界大戦中の1917年にジョン・フィリップ・スーザが行進曲として作曲(実際には編曲)した『アメリカ野砲隊』 (U.S. Field Artillery) のトリオ部に「弾薬輸送車の歌」の旋律(メロディ)が使われている。
The Caissons Go Rolling Along (1908)
- 1.
- Over hill, over dale,
- We have hit the dusty trail,
- And those caissons go rolling along.
- (Counter march! Right about!)
- Here those wagon soliders shout
- While those caissons go rolling along,
- Chorus
- For it's Hi! Hi! Hee!
- In the Field Artillery,
- Call of your numbers loud and strong (2!3!)
- And where-e'er we go,
- You will always know
- That those caissons go rolling along.
- 2.
- To the front, day and night,
- Where the doughtboys dig and fight,
- And those caissons go rolling along.
- Our barrage will be there,
- Fired on the rocket's glare
- While those caissons go rolling along.
- chorus
- 3.
- With the cav'lry, boot to boot,
- We will join in the pursuit,
- And those caissons go rolling along.
- Action front (At a trot!)
- Volley fire with shell and shot
- While those caissons go rolling along.
- 4.
- Should the foe penetrate,
- Ev'ry gunner lies in wait,
- And those caissons go rolling along.
- (Fire at will! Lay 'em low! )
- Never stop for any foe,
- While those caissons go rolling along.
- chorus
- 5.
- But if fate me should call,
- And in action I should fall,
- Keep those caissons go rolling along.
- Then in peace I'll abide
- When I take my final ride,
- On a caisson that's rolling along.
- chorus
The Army Goes Rolling Along (1956)
- 序章
- March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free
- Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory
- We’re the Army and proud of our name
- We’re the Army and proudly proclaim
- 1
- First to fight for the right,
- And to build the Nation’s might,
- And The Army Goes Rolling Along
- Proud of all we have done,
- Fighting till the battle’s won,
- And the Army Goes Rolling Along.
- 正義のために戦い、
- 国威を築く尖兵として、
- 陸軍は進んで行く。
- 成し遂げた全てを誇りとし、
- 勝利するまで戦い続ける。
- そして陸軍は進んで行く。
- Chorus
- Then it’s Hi! Hi! Hey!
- The Army’s on its way.
- Count off the cadence loud and strong ( 2, 3! )
- For where e’er we go,
- You will always know
- That The Army Goes Rolling Along.
- 2
- Valley Forge, Custer’s ranks,
- San Juan Hill and Patton’s tanks,
- And the Army went rolling along
- Minute men, from the start,
- Always fighting from the heart,
- And the Army keeps rolling along.
- chorus
- 3
- Men in rags, men who froze,
- Still that Army met its foes,
- And the Army went rolling along.
- Faith in God, then we’re right,
- And we’ll fight with all our might,
- As the Army keeps rolling along.
- chorus
- ボロ切れを着ても、凍えようと、
- そこに敵がある限り、
- 陸軍は進んで行った。
- 神への忠誠により、我らは正義となる。
- 我らは力の限り戦い続け、
- そして陸軍は進み続ける。
- chorus