








Utaki kun received a call from his family something urgent coming up last night while we were having dinner.

He was feeling very torn. Though his family says there’s no need to stop everything and leave Hawaii, he wants to share important moment with his family of course.

On the other hand, he knows he should/wants to stay here to continue teaching the students till the last day of the schedule, he is such a passionate teacher.

As an actor, there’s no excuse to leave stage on his private issue. We need to keep on performing even if your parent or family passes away.

But this is not a stage. Julie showed warm-hearted understanding that he can leave or stay whatever he chooses, of course.

But whichever he may go, he is going to regret the way he didn’t choose.

And she decreased the numbers of rehearsals so that he would feel less pressure to leave earlier.

Eventually, he has decided to go back.

He is flying back to Japan tomorrow morning, leaving about 10 more days of rehearsals.

And as a short farewell, we had dinner at the famous Cheesecake Factory in Waikiki.